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Sample collection. Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-2 Broadband Growth Source: The Strategis Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Sample collection. Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-2 Broadband Growth Source: The Strategis Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sample collection

2 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-2 Broadband Growth Source: The Strategis Group

3 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-3 Adequacy of Credit Spreads Questionable (US : against TB-10yr, Korea : against TB-3yr) Adequacy of Credit Spreads Questionable (US : against TB-10yr, Korea : against TB-3yr) Source : Korea – The Korea Securities Dealers Association. US – Bloomberg.

4 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-4

5 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-5 Reward program 과 Campaign program 은 고객과의 Interactive 커뮤니케이션 통로 Company Customer Asks ( 혜택, 조건제시 / 행동 요구 ) Campaign 프로그램과 Reward 프로그램을 통한 고객관계 강화 모델 Answers ( 프로그램 인지 / 참여 ) Say thanks ( 초기 Rewards) Actions & Enjoys ( 지속구매 / 추가혜택 ) Improves ( 향상된 Rewards 제시 ) Perceives & Reinforce (Reward 획득지연 / 강화된 행동 ) Create Loyal Customer More active ( 구전 / 추천 / 옹호 ) Recognition ( 우대, 인정 ) Communication Reach 의 단축 Reward Program Campaign Program Relationship 의 Depth Relationship 기간 Campaign 프로그램 Reward 프로그램 Discrete Communication Model 개별적 Approach Continuous Communication Model Mass Approach Loyalty Reward 프로그램과 캠페인 프로그램의 역할

6 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-6 ABL Sample ( 헤드라인 2 줄 이하 ) 14 포인트, 진하게 dfdkjlfjaslfc – ㅇㄹㄴㅁㅇㄹ Sub headingIntroduction Corporate dfdkjlfjaslfc – ㅇㄹㄴㅁㅇㄹ dfdkjlfjaslfc – ㅇㄹㄴㅁㅇㄹ Project Scope(14 포인트 진하게 ) (Unit: Billion Won) 이것은 기본 포멧입니다 – 반드시 이것을 카피하여 입력하셔야 우리포멧에 맞는 bullet 이 나옵니다 Sunset box 는 헤드라인과 중복되지 않으면서 헤드라인에 대한 결과내용제시, 쓰지않아도 됨 이것은 기본 포멧입니다 ( 줄간이 좁은 예 ) – 반드시 이것을 카피하여 입력하셔야 우리포멧에 맞는 bullet 이 나옵니다 the layouts can be 1 단계 지역 공동 재송신 케이블 TV Source:1. ?? 123456 ▲ 1 차계약 수주 ▼ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫⑬⑭⑮ 1234567891011121314151617181920 이 부분은 목차내용을 쓰시면 됩니다이 장표에 대한 핵심내용 요약

7 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-7 Table, 변형 Table Process dfdkjlfjaslfc – ㅇㄹㄴㅁㅇㄹ Corporate dfdkjlfjaslfc – ㅇㄹㄴㅁㅇㄹ dfdkjlfjaslfc – ㅇㄹㄴㅁㅇㄹ dfdkjlfjaslfc – ㅇㄹㄴㅁㅇㄹ Sub headingIntroduction 4주4주 2주2주 4주4주 “Re-Positioning”“Re-Marking”“Re-Focusing” 1 단계 2 단계 3 단계 1 단계 지역 공동 재송신 케이블 TV 2 단계 다채널 케이블 TV 3 단계 전국적 케이블 TV 4 단계 쌍방향 케이블 TV 성 명성 명직 책직 책학 력학 력경 력경 력담당업무

8 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-8 변형 Table, 조직도 ` Top Management 예 시 적예 시 적 ` D C B A ABCD

9 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-9 ☞ 목 차목 차 목차는 기본포맷에 적어넣되 이렇게 따로들어 가는 간지성격의 목차는 bold 표시를 해서 이렇게 한다

10 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-10 일정표 n Planning n Training Needs Study n SS Seminar Preparation Seminar n 7 Module Classes Preparation Seoul Pohang Kwangyang n Case Study Preparation Seoul Pohang Kwangyang n Expert Training Preparation Class Major Activities February wk 1wk 2wk 3wk 4 March wk 1wk 2wk 3wk 4 April wk 1wk 2wk 3wk 4 May wk 1wk 2wk 3wk 4 Jun wk 1wk 2wk 3wk 4

11 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-11 일정표 n Kick-off 및 준비작업 n 정보 시스템 비전 및 전략 확인 n 정보 시스템 현상 파악 및 진단 n 우량기업과 Benchmarking n 현 생산관리 업무 및 시스템 현상진단 n 생산관리 및 정보 시스템 Best- Practice 평가 n Gap 분석 n 보고서 준비 및 경영진 보고 n 정보 시스템 전략 수립 n 생산관리 To-Be 모델 도출 n 구체적 실행계획 수립 n 최종보고서 준비 및 경영진 보고 주 주요 활동 1234567891011121314151617 0 단계 1 단계 2 단계 3 단계

12 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-12 기본도형 + 문장 이용법 Current- Job model technical and non-technical knowledge & skills requirements Determine its impact & approach to trackingffjldlfajdlafla sflasjflasjdflasl the layouts can be 최적화 작업 6week s 위 6week s

13 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-13 다양한 도형들 ㅁㅇㄻㅇㄴ ㄹ FI 54 3 2 1 4 3 2

14 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-14 다양한 도형들 신용 카드 이 ?? 타사 제휴 B 계열사 제휴 A 이동 전화 무선 호출 SK Telecom

15 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-15 프레젠테이션용 도형응용

16 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-16 CAGR = 91% 그래프 응용 Key Sea Air Rail Subway Ground Korean Air 44% Key Hamburgers → 5 companies Pizza → 8 companies Chicken → 3 companies Ice Cream → 5 companies

17 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-17 그래프 응용 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

18 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-18 그래프 응용 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

19 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-19 ( 단위 : 명 ) 20022005 6,451,500 6,849,269 130,104 2% 427,337 6% 전체 신규 /Churn-in 고객 On-line 을 통한 신규 /Churn-in 역할 조직 구성 a Incentive 제도 a a a Lead Generation Sales Execution Activation Oversee Complaint Manage- ment Monitor & Feedback Account SalesAccount Service

20 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-20 화살표 최적화

21 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-21 화살표

22 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-22 화살표, 중심 도형 응용

23 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-23 다양한 그림들 조직문화 전문가 조언 국내 / 해외 사례 Event 회사 Contact 임직원 설문조사 /FGM

24 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-24 다양한 그림들 (ABL Sample 하나 ) Internet Suppliers Plants SG Line Items Build The 밅 ube Competition Regulation Consumer Technology Scenarios A, B, C aaaa aaa aaaa aaa aaaa aaaaaaa

25 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-25 aaa aaaaaaa aaaaa aaaaasssss sssss a

26 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-26 ㄲ ㄱ ㄱ aaa a a a a a ㅁ ㅁㅁ ㄱ ㄱ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ

27 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-27 ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ddd rrr aaa aaaa aaaa

28 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-28 aaa aaaa aaa aaaa aaaaaa aaa aaaa aaa aaaa aaa aaaa aaa ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ aaaa aaa aaaa aaa

29 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-29 aaaa ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ a a a a a

30 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-30 aa aaa aa aaa Phase I Phase II aa Phase III aa Phase IPhase IIPhase III ㅁㅁㅁ ㅁㅁㅁ nㅁnㅁ nㅁnㅁ nㅁnㅁ nㅁnㅁ ㅁㅁ ㅁ ㅁ nㅁnㅁ nㅁnㅁ ㅁ ㅇㅇ ㅁ 3주3주 6주6주 10 주 aaa aa 1 단계 2 단계 3 단계aaa ㄱㄱ

31 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-31 ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅇ ㅇ ㅇ ㅇ ㅇ ㅇ ㅇ ㅇ High

32 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-32 ㄱ ㄱ 2000200120022003 ㄱ aaa aaaa rrrr rrr ddd rrrr rrr rrrr rrr aaaa aaa 1999 rrr aaaa aaa aaaa ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁㅁ ㄱㄱ ㄱㄱ ㄱㄱ aaaa a aaaa – aaa aaa – aaaa aaa – aaaa aa aaa saaa

33 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-33 ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ aa

34 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-34 ffff fffff dddd aaaaa aaaa aaa a a a a a a a a a a a a a... a a a a a a a aa aa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

35 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-35 aaa sss – aaa aaa

36 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-36 ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ rrrr rrrrrr rrrrr rrrr rrrrr a a a a a a ㅁㅁ   a a a aa a a a

37 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-37 고객에 대한 이해 상품기획 역량강화 고객가치 기반의 차별화 서비스 제공 TM 의 고객응대 역량 강화 Collaborative 영역 Collaborative 영역 Operational 영역 Analytical 영역 고객에 대한 최고의 서비스 제공

38 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-38 1935 aaa aa 1945 1965 1975 1985 1995- 현재 aa rrrrr rrrr rrr rrrr a a a a a LowHigh Low High

39 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-39 aaaaa aaa aaaa 1 2 a a a a aa a a

40 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-40 Collar Sub headingIntroduction

41 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-41

42 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-42 1 단계 CRM 기반 구축 Transfor -mation Customer - centric TM 의역할 및 보상체계 강화 상품기획역량 강화 신상품 소싱체계 강화 I T 단 계 정 의단 계 정 의 상품 / 서비스 고객획득 / 개발 전환기 우수고객 유지 및 활성화 Data Cleansing Front-end 솔루션도입 (Operational 영역 ) 고객 DW 구축 (Analytical 영역 ) 상품정보 체계 강화 매체간 상품의 Life Cycle 극대화 우수고객중심의 차별화 SVC Offer Platform a Network a Enabler a Terminal a

43 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-43 As-Is Coverage 를 목표로 한 대리점 체제 대리점별 수익성 보다는 고객 확보에 초점을 맞춘 Model 수익성에 초점을 맞춘 소수의 대리점 체제 대리점 보다는 직접망을 활용한 유통구조 높음 낮음 수익성 To-Be Volume Frequency LowHigh Small Large Clients Inducement Strategy

44 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-44

45 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-45 ■ Proactive sales by recruiting sales experts ■ Introduction of a new online HTS ( ifLG Trading) and aggressive marketing ■ Opening of 19 new sub-branches ■ Increased international M/S using enhanced resources ■ Introduction of performance-based compensation system to encourage top performance FY01 Performance 0101 0101 Major Activities LGIS Market share trend 2. Recovering brokerage M/S with improved operating capacity Market share has increased behind the successful launch of the IfLG Trading System coupled with diverse marketing activities 7% 8% 9% 10% 11% 1Q012Q013Q01 4Q01 1Q02 LG No.5 No.2 Samsung 2Q02 (end-May)

46 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-46 Mar 2001Mar 2002Jun 18, 2002 LG Hyundai Samsung 154 (Unit:Wtn) 170 6.1 6.6 7.3 21.4 19.2 Market 10.3 7.6 20.7 Major Activities ■ Establishment of performance-based compensation system to encourage superior performance ■ Developing high quality products using fund performance evaluation system ■ Increase ability to serve clients by training professional wealth advisors (Financial Planners) FY01Performance 0101 0101 Increasing balance of BCs backed by emphasis on improving asset management business 3. Growing Asset Management Business Balance of BCs* 8.0 *BCs: Beneficiary Certificates

47 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-47 Maximize income from investment banking by utilizing competitive edge in new business areas ■ Shift from traditional corporate finance businesses into new business areas ■ Establish new revenue sources such as privatization, restructuring, consulting, and derivative related businesses ■ Recruit approximately 30 experts in restructuring and OTC derivatives, and train existing employees in these areas FY `99FY `00 W43.8bn 91% 60% Underwriting (corporate bonds, Rights offering, IPO) ABS M&A, Consulting, Public offering, Etc. 7% 33% 6% 3% FY `99FY `00FY `01 W47.2bn 91% 60% 54% 23% 6% 3% New business FY01 Performance 0101 0101 4. Maintaining No.1 position in Investment Banking (IB) IB business breakdown Major activities ☞ Major deals in FY2001 : KT ADR, Hynix GDR Foreign ABS of LG Card, LGCI rights offerings, etc. ☞ Employed the largest number of IB professionals: 104

48 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-48 * Provision/Total credit 0 1 2 3 4 Mar 00Mar 01Mar 02 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 3.47 2.01 9.1% 16.2% 36.1% 33.5% Oct 99 Eliminated potential losses by reserving a 61% provision for substandard assets at year-end (Unit:Wbn) 2.89 2.33 38.6% 1) 1) W167.3bn provisioning in FY 2001 when including write-offs 5. Eliminated potential losses by sufficient provisioning Asset and provisioning ratioAsset Classification and Provision Mar 2001Mar 2002 2) Total Credit ( a ) 2,330.82,009.1 Below Substandard ( b ) 1,418.31,098.1 Provision ( c ) 841.8 673.7 Provisioning ratio (c/a) 36.1% 33.5% Provisioning ratio (c/b) 59.4% 61.4% FY01 Performance 0101 0101 2) Estimated loss of W167.3bn with 100% provisioning have been written off in FY 2001.

49 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-49 SCHEDULE

50 Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-50 COSTS

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