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Published byChristiana Stevens Modified over 9 years ago
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Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-2 Broadband Growth Source: The Strategis Group
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-3 Adequacy of Credit Spreads Questionable (US : against TB-10yr, Korea : against TB-3yr) Adequacy of Credit Spreads Questionable (US : against TB-10yr, Korea : against TB-3yr) Source : Korea – The Korea Securities Dealers Association. US – Bloomberg.
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-4
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-5 Reward program 과 Campaign program 은 고객과의 Interactive 커뮤니케이션 통로 Company Customer Asks ( 혜택, 조건제시 / 행동 요구 ) Campaign 프로그램과 Reward 프로그램을 통한 고객관계 강화 모델 Answers ( 프로그램 인지 / 참여 ) Say thanks ( 초기 Rewards) Actions & Enjoys ( 지속구매 / 추가혜택 ) Improves ( 향상된 Rewards 제시 ) Perceives & Reinforce (Reward 획득지연 / 강화된 행동 ) Create Loyal Customer More active ( 구전 / 추천 / 옹호 ) Recognition ( 우대, 인정 ) Communication Reach 의 단축 Reward Program Campaign Program Relationship 의 Depth Relationship 기간 Campaign 프로그램 Reward 프로그램 Discrete Communication Model 개별적 Approach Continuous Communication Model Mass Approach Loyalty Reward 프로그램과 캠페인 프로그램의 역할
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-6 ABL Sample ( 헤드라인 2 줄 이하 ) 14 포인트, 진하게 dfdkjlfjaslfc – ㅇㄹㄴㅁㅇㄹ Sub headingIntroduction Corporate dfdkjlfjaslfc – ㅇㄹㄴㅁㅇㄹ dfdkjlfjaslfc – ㅇㄹㄴㅁㅇㄹ Project Scope(14 포인트 진하게 ) (Unit: Billion Won) 이것은 기본 포멧입니다 – 반드시 이것을 카피하여 입력하셔야 우리포멧에 맞는 bullet 이 나옵니다 Sunset box 는 헤드라인과 중복되지 않으면서 헤드라인에 대한 결과내용제시, 쓰지않아도 됨 이것은 기본 포멧입니다 ( 줄간이 좁은 예 ) – 반드시 이것을 카피하여 입력하셔야 우리포멧에 맞는 bullet 이 나옵니다 the layouts can be 1 단계 지역 공동 재송신 케이블 TV Source:1. ?? 123456 ▲ 1 차계약 수주 ▼ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫⑬⑭⑮ 1234567891011121314151617181920 이 부분은 목차내용을 쓰시면 됩니다이 장표에 대한 핵심내용 요약
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-7 Table, 변형 Table Process dfdkjlfjaslfc – ㅇㄹㄴㅁㅇㄹ Corporate dfdkjlfjaslfc – ㅇㄹㄴㅁㅇㄹ dfdkjlfjaslfc – ㅇㄹㄴㅁㅇㄹ dfdkjlfjaslfc – ㅇㄹㄴㅁㅇㄹ Sub headingIntroduction 4주4주 2주2주 4주4주 “Re-Positioning”“Re-Marking”“Re-Focusing” 1 단계 2 단계 3 단계 1 단계 지역 공동 재송신 케이블 TV 2 단계 다채널 케이블 TV 3 단계 전국적 케이블 TV 4 단계 쌍방향 케이블 TV 성 명성 명직 책직 책학 력학 력경 력경 력담당업무
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-8 변형 Table, 조직도 ` Top Management 예 시 적예 시 적 ` D C B A ABCD
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-9 ☞ 목 차목 차 목차는 기본포맷에 적어넣되 이렇게 따로들어 가는 간지성격의 목차는 bold 표시를 해서 이렇게 한다
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-10 일정표 n Planning n Training Needs Study n SS Seminar Preparation Seminar n 7 Module Classes Preparation Seoul Pohang Kwangyang n Case Study Preparation Seoul Pohang Kwangyang n Expert Training Preparation Class Major Activities February wk 1wk 2wk 3wk 4 March wk 1wk 2wk 3wk 4 April wk 1wk 2wk 3wk 4 May wk 1wk 2wk 3wk 4 Jun wk 1wk 2wk 3wk 4
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-11 일정표 n Kick-off 및 준비작업 n 정보 시스템 비전 및 전략 확인 n 정보 시스템 현상 파악 및 진단 n 우량기업과 Benchmarking n 현 생산관리 업무 및 시스템 현상진단 n 생산관리 및 정보 시스템 Best- Practice 평가 n Gap 분석 n 보고서 준비 및 경영진 보고 n 정보 시스템 전략 수립 n 생산관리 To-Be 모델 도출 n 구체적 실행계획 수립 n 최종보고서 준비 및 경영진 보고 주 주요 활동 1234567891011121314151617 0 단계 1 단계 2 단계 3 단계
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-12 기본도형 + 문장 이용법 Current- Job model technical and non-technical knowledge & skills requirements Determine its impact & approach to trackingffjldlfajdlafla sflasjflasjdflasl the layouts can be 최적화 작업 6week s 위 6week s
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-13 다양한 도형들 ㅁㅇㄻㅇㄴ ㄹ FI 54 3 2 1 4 3 2
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-14 다양한 도형들 신용 카드 이 ?? 타사 제휴 B 계열사 제휴 A 이동 전화 무선 호출 SK Telecom
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-15 프레젠테이션용 도형응용
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-16 CAGR = 91% 그래프 응용 Key Sea Air Rail Subway Ground Korean Air 44% Key Hamburgers → 5 companies Pizza → 8 companies Chicken → 3 companies Ice Cream → 5 companies
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-17 그래프 응용 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-18 그래프 응용 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-19 ( 단위 : 명 ) 20022005 6,451,500 6,849,269 130,104 2% 427,337 6% 전체 신규 /Churn-in 고객 On-line 을 통한 신규 /Churn-in 역할 조직 구성 a Incentive 제도 a a a Lead Generation Sales Execution Activation Oversee Complaint Manage- ment Monitor & Feedback Account SalesAccount Service
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-20 화살표 최적화
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-21 화살표
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-22 화살표, 중심 도형 응용
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-23 다양한 그림들 조직문화 전문가 조언 국내 / 해외 사례 Event 회사 Contact 임직원 설문조사 /FGM
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-24 다양한 그림들 (ABL Sample 하나 ) Internet Suppliers Plants SG Line Items Build The 밅 ube Competition Regulation Consumer Technology Scenarios A, B, C aaaa aaa aaaa aaa aaaa aaaaaaa
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-25 aaa aaaaaaa aaaaa aaaaasssss sssss a
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-26 ㄲ ㄱ ㄱ aaa a a a a a ㅁ ㅁㅁ ㄱ ㄱ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-27 ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ddd rrr aaa aaaa aaaa
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-28 aaa aaaa aaa aaaa aaaaaa aaa aaaa aaa aaaa aaa aaaa aaa ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ aaaa aaa aaaa aaa
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-29 aaaa ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ a a a a a
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-30 aa aaa aa aaa Phase I Phase II aa Phase III aa Phase IPhase IIPhase III ㅁㅁㅁ ㅁㅁㅁ nㅁnㅁ nㅁnㅁ nㅁnㅁ nㅁnㅁ ㅁㅁ ㅁ ㅁ nㅁnㅁ nㅁnㅁ ㅁ ㅇㅇ ㅁ 3주3주 6주6주 10 주 aaa aa 1 단계 2 단계 3 단계aaa ㄱㄱ
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-31 ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅇ ㅇ ㅇ ㅇ ㅇ ㅇ ㅇ ㅇ High
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-32 ㄱ ㄱ 2000200120022003 ㄱ aaa aaaa rrrr rrr ddd rrrr rrr rrrr rrr aaaa aaa 1999 rrr aaaa aaa aaaa ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁㅁ ㄱㄱ ㄱㄱ ㄱㄱ aaaa a aaaa – aaa aaa – aaaa aaa – aaaa aa aaa saaa
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-33 ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ aa
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-34 ffff fffff dddd aaaaa aaaa aaa a a a a a a a a a a a a a... a a a a a a a aa aa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-35 aaa sss – aaa aaa
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-36 ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ rrrr rrrrrr rrrrr rrrr rrrrr a a a a a a ㅁㅁ a a a aa a a a
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-37 고객에 대한 이해 상품기획 역량강화 고객가치 기반의 차별화 서비스 제공 TM 의 고객응대 역량 강화 Collaborative 영역 Collaborative 영역 Operational 영역 Analytical 영역 고객에 대한 최고의 서비스 제공
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-38 1935 aaa aa 1945 1965 1975 1985 1995- 현재 aa rrrrr rrrr rrr rrrr a a a a a LowHigh Low High
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-39 aaaaa aaa aaaa 1 2 a a a a aa a a
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-40 Collar Sub headingIntroduction
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-41
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-42 1 단계 CRM 기반 구축 Transfor -mation Customer - centric TM 의역할 및 보상체계 강화 상품기획역량 강화 신상품 소싱체계 강화 I T 단 계 정 의단 계 정 의 상품 / 서비스 고객획득 / 개발 전환기 우수고객 유지 및 활성화 Data Cleansing Front-end 솔루션도입 (Operational 영역 ) 고객 DW 구축 (Analytical 영역 ) 상품정보 체계 강화 매체간 상품의 Life Cycle 극대화 우수고객중심의 차별화 SVC Offer Platform a Network a Enabler a Terminal a
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-43 As-Is Coverage 를 목표로 한 대리점 체제 대리점별 수익성 보다는 고객 확보에 초점을 맞춘 Model 수익성에 초점을 맞춘 소수의 대리점 체제 대리점 보다는 직접망을 활용한 유통구조 높음 낮음 수익성 To-Be Volume Frequency LowHigh Small Large Clients Inducement Strategy
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-44
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-45 ■ Proactive sales by recruiting sales experts ■ Introduction of a new online HTS ( ifLG Trading) and aggressive marketing ■ Opening of 19 new sub-branches ■ Increased international M/S using enhanced resources ■ Introduction of performance-based compensation system to encourage top performance FY01 Performance 0101 0101 Major Activities LGIS Market share trend 2. Recovering brokerage M/S with improved operating capacity Market share has increased behind the successful launch of the IfLG Trading System coupled with diverse marketing activities 7% 8% 9% 10% 11% 1Q012Q013Q01 4Q01 1Q02 LG No.5 No.2 Samsung 2Q02 (end-May)
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-46 Mar 2001Mar 2002Jun 18, 2002 LG Hyundai Samsung 154 (Unit:Wtn) 170 6.1 6.6 7.3 21.4 19.2 Market 10.3 7.6 20.7 Major Activities ■ Establishment of performance-based compensation system to encourage superior performance ■ Developing high quality products using fund performance evaluation system ■ Increase ability to serve clients by training professional wealth advisors (Financial Planners) FY01Performance 0101 0101 Increasing balance of BCs backed by emphasis on improving asset management business 3. Growing Asset Management Business Balance of BCs* 8.0 *BCs: Beneficiary Certificates
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-47 Maximize income from investment banking by utilizing competitive edge in new business areas ■ Shift from traditional corporate finance businesses into new business areas ■ Establish new revenue sources such as privatization, restructuring, consulting, and derivative related businesses ■ Recruit approximately 30 experts in restructuring and OTC derivatives, and train existing employees in these areas FY `99FY `00 W43.8bn 91% 60% Underwriting (corporate bonds, Rights offering, IPO) ABS M&A, Consulting, Public offering, Etc. 7% 33% 6% 3% FY `99FY `00FY `01 W47.2bn 91% 60% 54% 23% 6% 3% New business FY01 Performance 0101 0101 4. Maintaining No.1 position in Investment Banking (IB) IB business breakdown Major activities ☞ Major deals in FY2001 : KT ADR, Hynix GDR Foreign ABS of LG Card, LGCI rights offerings, etc. ☞ Employed the largest number of IB professionals: 104
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-48 * Provision/Total credit 0 1 2 3 4 Mar 00Mar 01Mar 02 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 3.47 2.01 9.1% 16.2% 36.1% 33.5% Oct 99 Eliminated potential losses by reserving a 61% provision for substandard assets at year-end (Unit:Wbn) 2.89 2.33 38.6% 1) 1) W167.3bn provisioning in FY 2001 when including write-offs 5. Eliminated potential losses by sufficient provisioning Asset and provisioning ratioAsset Classification and Provision Mar 2001Mar 2002 2) Total Credit ( a ) 2,330.82,009.1 Below Substandard ( b ) 1,418.31,098.1 Provision ( c ) 841.8 673.7 Provisioning ratio (c/a) 36.1% 33.5% Provisioning ratio (c/b) 59.4% 61.4% FY01 Performance 0101 0101 2) Estimated loss of W167.3bn with 100% provisioning have been written off in FY 2001.
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-49 SCHEDULE
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-50 COSTS
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-51 SIZE
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-52 PRODUCT QUALITY
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-54 REQUIREMENTS STABILITY
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-55 STAFFING
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-56 STAFF TRAINING Legend: Planned/Performed N/A Planned/To Be PerformedNot Planned
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-57 PROGRAMMATIC COORDINATION Actuals/Planned/ TypeQuarterQuarter CRWG 1 3 ICWG 0 2 SCCB 1 4 WGs/Coord Risk 1 4 Customer 1 2 Project Teams 2 4 Staff 1 2
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-58 SOFTWARE QUALITY ASSURANCE Legend: Planned/Performed N/A Planned/To Be PerformedNot Planned
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-59 SOFTWARE QUALITY ASSURANCE, Cont Legend: Planned/Performed N/A Planned/To Be PerformedNot Planned
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-60 SOFTWARE QUALITY ASSURANCE, Cont Legend: Planned/Performed N/A Planned/To Be PerformedNot Planned
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-61 PRODUCT READINESS (Fault Profile)
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-62 PRODUCT READINES (Breadth of Testing)
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-63 COST/SCHEDULE PERFORMANCE
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-64 CMMI Pilot Evaluation (2)
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-65 Figure 5-5 Change Request Project _________________ Originator ________________ Description of change Install Y2K compatible chip in six computer controlled milling machines Date _________________ Phone ________________ Y2K-Machine Dept. CEG 3/29/ Ext. 4942 Impact AreasBaseline Impact Deliverable # __________ Work Package # __________ Cost Account # __________ Organization Unit __________ 1.3M 1.313M 1.31M IS-M Dept. Scope Budget Schedule Contingency Staff Equipment X X X X Justification (include impact if not implemented) Reprogramming cost is higher than estimated, and risk of old chips failing is higher than estimated. (Eliminating reprogramming cost is -$10,000. Cost of Y2K chips installed is +$15,000) Disposition Approve Approve as amended Disapprove Deferred X Priority Emergency Urgent Routine X Funding Source Mgmt. Reserve $ _____________ Budget. Reserve $ _____________ Other $ _____________ 5,000. Authorized _________________ Date ______________________ Scheduled start _________________ Scheduled finish ________________ S.P 4/3/ 4/7/ 5/10/
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-66 Software Work Breakdown Structure Product Hierarchy Software system(SS) Subsystem (SS ) A SA Subsystem (SS ) N SN Subsystem (SS) Activities S1-S6 Subsystem (SS ) AA SAA Subsystem (SS ) AM SAM Subsystem (SS ) activities A SA1-SA6 Subsystem (SS ) AAA SAAA Subsystem (SS ) AAK SAAK Subsystem (SS )Activities AA SA1-SA6 S
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-67 Software Project phases, activities & milestones Software development Product specificationProgramming Plans & Requirements Product design Detailed design Code & Unit test Integration test maintenance planEnd product acceptance Documentation Configuration management Quality assurance Management review Project Start plan Feasibility Organization & Planning S/W Req. Spec. Product Design. Spec Detailed Design Spec. Code Unit Test Intg. & Test Acceptance test SRR PDR CDR Programming Standards Unit test plan Integ. & test planUpdate Acceptance test planCompletion User ’ s ManualsUpdateCompletionFinal Operation and Maintenance Acceptance COCOMO Model
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-68 CPM Example A C B D F H G I 10 648 11 6 14 3 TE : 10TE : 16/21 TE : 20 EndStart TE : 17/18TE : 6 TL : 15TL : 21 TL : 20/22 TL : 18TL : 6 TE : 10 TL : 10 2 23/25 Critical Path : ABDFHGI F: 5F: 0
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-69 COCOMO estimate Planned schedule estimates Effort vs. component activities WBS Summary Task Planning Sheet Project Work Authorization Personnel Plan 1 2 3 JFM Work Description Mr. Kim Personnel Plan Activity JFM PERT Chart COCOMO Estimate
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-70 DFAS System Life Cycle System Acquisition System Maintenance SLC 6.0 5/17/02
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-71 QA Audit Reports Milestone C Presentatio n to CIO/BIE Council Milestone B Presentation to CIO/BIE Council Milestone A Presentation to CIO/BIE Council IPR Presentation to CIO/BIE Council Decision Rev. Presentation to CIO/BIE Council FRP Presentation to CIO/BIE Council SSAA V1 C4I Support Plan Continuity of Operations Plan Product Baseline COTS Product Description Technical Documentation Functional Baseline SRS SARAD Operational Baseline Per Site Allocated Baseline SAD 4 DBDD 4 SDD 4 Configuration Management / Quality Assurance Deployment and Site Acceptance Test Site Acceptance Test Reports System Requirements Analysis Transition Plans System Rqmts Specification System Arch and Requirements Allocation Desc. Infra. Svcs Request (I) Infrastructure Svcs Request (F) Pre-Systems Acquisition Concept and Technology Development MS B MS C MNS ASDP 1 ORD APB (I) TEMP APB(U) IOC Technology Opportunities and User Needs Concept Exploration System Integration System Demonstration Low-Rate Initial Production Program Planning / Management SSAA V4 MS A Training Plans Installation Plans Pgm Mgmt Plan Program Baseline ORD APB TEMP Deployment Planning Audit Reports Performance Measurements PTR Operation and Performance Oversight Test Planning Test Plans Data Mgmt Plan Information Assurance/ Security Software Development Plan 4 Technical Project Planning / Management SSAA V2 JTA Profile FCA Development IPT, or Purchase/Customize/Integrate Product(s) APB (F) Component Advanced Development Operational Requirements Definition System Architecture Design Decision Review Interim Progress Review Full Rate Production and Deployment FRP Decision Review Production and Deployment System Development and Demonstration FOC Clinger-Cohen Compliance Report Component Cost Analysis 3 Clinger-Cohen Compliance Rpt 2 DFAS System Life Cycle - System Acquisition BPA/BPR Report Trade-off Studies PM Charter AoA IPT Charters COTS Evaluation Report Acquisition Strategy Customer MOU SSAA V3 (incl. Accreditation Memo) CM Plan QA Plan CARD 2 Econ Analysis 2 / LCCE PCA (I) = Initial (U) = Update (F) = Final Activity Product Technical Review Audit Mgmt Review LEGEND 1 = Only for Programs with < $2M Total Ownership Cost 2 = Required only for MAIS Programs 3 = Performed by DFAS Resource Mgmt Office 4 = Not applicable to COTS FOOTNOTES Release Review SRR IRR PIR SLC 6.0 5/17/02 Test Scripts (F) Test Discrepancy Reports Test Reports Compliance Certifications Operational Test and Evaluation Developmental Test and Evaluation SRD SIDD Ongoing Operational / Customer Assessment System Development (Build or Purchase) FCA/PCA Checklists SW Process Improvement Plan 4 Changes to Deployed System Business Process Review and Improvement Mission Need Establishment
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-72 Milestone B Presentation to CIO/BIE Council IPR Presentation to CIO/BIE Council Functional Baseline Allocated Baseline SAD DBDD SDD MS B System Integration Interim Progress Review DFAS System Life Cycle - Development Alternatives Activity Product Technical Review Mgmt Review LEGEND * applies to modifications only Release Review Milestone B Presentation to CIO/BIE Council IPR Presentation to CIO/BIE Council Functional Baseline Allocated Baseline SAD 3 DBDD 3 SDD 3 COTS Customized Product Description MS B System Integration SW Interface Design Desc. User’s Manual Operator’s Manual Purchase/Customize/Integrate Product(s) COTS Customization Plan SW Rqmts Desc. * DB Design Desc. * SW Arch. Desc. * SW Design Description * SW Configuration Index Record Test Scripts (I) * Release Review User’s Manual Operator’s Manual SW Configuration Index Record SW Rqmts Desc. DB Design Desc. SW Arch Description SW Design Desc Infra. Rqmts Desc. SW Interface Design Desc. Test Scripts (I) Development IPT Unit Test Report DevelopPurchase / Customize / Integrate SLC 6.0 5/17/02 Applic. Release Checklist OR SRD SIDD SRD SIDD Interim Progress Review
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-73 System Mgmt Plan Validate / Accept SAD SCIR PCA SRD SAD SDD Site Acceptance Test Reports System Change Request (SCR) Capture and Identify Analyze and Document Development Field Capture and Identify Change Request Operation and Performance Oversight FCA Validate, Approve, and Allocate Requirements / Solution Review Test Readiness Review Measure Effectiveness Implementation Readiness Rev. Production and Deployment DFAS System Life Cycle - System Maintenance (I) Initial (U) Update (F) Final Activity Product Technical Review Audit Mgmt Review LEGEND * = Change pages, as appropriate SDD SIDD DBDD SIDD DBDD Operational TRR Design Deployed System Design Review Impact Analysis Next Changes Post- Implementation Review Audit Reports Performance Measurements PTR For Corporate-level Change Requests: Review and Approval by CIO/BIE Council For Business Line-level Change Requests: Review and Approval by Business Line Management Board For System-level Change Requests: Review and Approval by System CCB Ongoing Operational / Customer Assessment Program & Functional Baselines SRS SARAD ORD APB TEMP Product Baseline Operational Baseline Allocated Baseline Per Site SSAA* Deployment and Site Acceptance Test Transition Plans System Rqmts Specification* System Arch. and Rqmts Allocation Desc.* Infra. Svcs Request* Infrastructure Svcs Request (F) Program Planning / Management Userss Manual* Operator’s Manual* Training Plans Installation Plans Operational Test and Evaluation SW Configuration Index Record Deployment Planning Test Planning Test Plans Software Development Plan* Technical Project Planning / Management Release Planning Customer MOU* Updated Accreditation Memo SW Rqmts Desc.* DB Design Desc.* SW Arch Desc.* SW Design Description* Infra. Rqmts Desc.* SW Interface Design Desc.* Test Scripts (I)* Development IPT Unit Test Report Developmental Test and Evaluation Test Scripts (F) Test Discrepancy Reports Test Reports Compliance Certifications Information Assurance/ Security Configuration Management / Quality Assurance SLC 6.0 5/17/02 Changes to appropriate documentation are required at each review to keep baselines current Test Scripts (F) Test Discrepancy Reports Test Reports Compliance Certifications
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-74 I.The majority of banks in the EU is expected to apply the IRB Approach * Source: „Deutsche Banken auf dem Weg zu Basel II“, Boston Consulting Group/Universität Witten/Herdecke, December 2002 1) Savings- and Landesbanks 2) Balance sheet 50 billion € 1)3)2) Public banks Small private banksBig private banks What approach will be chosen by your bank? (Result of a recent survey* at German banks) Still unclear Standarised approach IRB-Foundation approach IRB-Advanced approach
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-75 Understanding of Competitors Competitor Actions Size, Growth &Profitability Cost Structure Strengths&Weaknesses Exit Barriers Organization&Culture Current & Past Strategies Objectives & Commitment Commitment Image&Positioning
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-76 Five Force Model of Competition by Michael E. Porter Internal Rivalry Suppliers Buyers Potential Entry Substitutes
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-77 SWOT Analysis Strengths cost advantages financial resources modern production facilities customer royalty patents Weaknesses narrow product line poor management high operating cost poor financials weak market image Opportunities enter new market add to product line acquire new technology Threats changing buyer tastes likely entry of new competitors adverse government policies leverageproblems constraints vulnerability
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-78 Growth-Share Matrix DogsCash cows Problem Children Stars Competitive Position (Ratios of Shares to Shares of Largest Competitors) 10 10.1 Low High Market Growth Rate
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-79 Market Attractiveness-Business Position Matrix 332 321 211 Low Medium High LowMediumHigh Market Attractiveness Business Position: Its Ability to Compete 1: Invest/Grow 2:Selective Investment 3: Harvest/Divest
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-80 Risk Matrix 332 321 211 Low Medium High LowMediumHigh Market Attractiveness Business Position: Its Ability to Compete 1: Invest/Grow 2:Selective Investment 3: Harvest/Divest Environmental Risk High Medium Low 3
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-81 3-Dimensional Approach nTransaction : Start of 3-Dimensional Approach “One Transaction” Risk Side SBU/Customer Side Process/Product Side Example lEquity Trading Transaction wEquity Price Risk wPosition Allowed per Trader wTrading Process wVaR Limit wTrading Position Limit per Trader wStop-Loss Limit on Trading
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-82 3-Dimensional Approach nAggregation of Transaction One Transaction Bank-wide Business Strategic Business Area Bank’s Risk Universe Process/Product Total Risk Appetite
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-83 Limit Structure Check-List Risk & Source Capital Allocation Limit Type RiskSource Capital Allocation Risk Weight Limit Basis Allocation Level Limit Terms Time Term Stop Loss Limit Monitoring SBUTeam Book Trader Intra Day Over Night Month Concen tration Qualifi cation Counter Party Real Time DayWeekMonth Market Risk - Equity Trading Volume, VaR Investment Volume, VaR 1. Generated from bank’s unique ‘Risk Universe’ 2. Whole range of capital allocation should be within ‘Risk Capital’ 3. Limit type should not stick to simple volume. Most of limit type is relating to ‘Risk Measure’. 4. Limit terms are related to ‘Risk Attribution’. 5. Limit monitoring should be set based on ‘Risk Attribution & ‘Risk Prioritization’.
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-84 Limit Structure (Example) Liquidity Limits Liquidity Limits Capital at Risk Limits Industry/ Group Limits Counter- party Limits Counter- party Limits VAR Limits Product / Position Limits Product / Position Limits Liquidity Position Limits Liquidity Position Limits Product Liquidity Limits Product Liquidity Limits Credit Limits Credit Limits Market Limits Market Limits Total Expos. Limits Settlement Limits Settlement Limits Loans Investments Guarantees & Other Contingencies Guarantees & Other Contingencies FX & Derivatives Loan Equivalent Exposure Loan Equivalent Exposure Open Position Limits Time Gap Limits Time Gap Limits Stop-Loss Limits Equity Interest Rate Risk Interest Rate Risk FX Options Individual Risk Index Risk Structural Trading GAP DUR. GAP NII at Risk Duration PVBP Benchmark Bond Position Time Bucket Delta Gamma Vega Intraday O/N Term Local CCY Local CCY CCY1 CCY2 : CCY1 CCY2 : Liquidity GAP Limits Liquidity GAP Limits Liquidity Ratio Limit Liquidity Ratio Limit Liquid Asset Holding Requirement Liquidity Limit for Investment & Trading Liquidity Limit for Investment & Trading Liquidity Guideline for Underwriting Firm- wide Group/ Fund Level Dept.LevelDept.Level Desk Level Trader Level Credit at Risk Limits Country Limits
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-85 Strategic Usage of Limit Cube Customers Products Markets Biz. Units Groups Trader Risk Factors Integrated Measure Transaction Marketing & Customer Management Performance Evaluation & Remuneration Product Development Pricing Market/Portfolio Strategy Capital Allocation Limit Management Risk Control RAROC/ SVA Portfolio Effect Business Policy & Strategy Customer Information Market/Product Information Performance Measurement InformationInternal Control Information
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-86 Limit Usage Management Limit Usage Limit Buffer Allocated Limit Business Unit ABusiness Unit B Business Unit C 100 Total Allocated Limit = 300 Actual Total Limit Usage < 300 Bankwide Risk Appetite Bankwide Risk Limit << 300 nPractically SBU’s position limit is allocated more than Bank-wide Risk Limit. nIt accelerate limit bidding & resource acquiring process. nReal resource allocation is dependent on business prioritization. nSometimes business unit can not use full allocated limit, because of bank-wide limit is already used by other business unit. However, if required, RMC can enlarge initial ‘Bankwide Risk Limit’.
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-87
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-88 변화관리 일정 진 척 률 (%) 교 육 요소기술 주 요 EVENT 계획수립 설 계구 현구 현 통합 테스트 단위 테스트 결합 테스트 운영 테스트 분석 및 정의 (1)(2) 요구사항 / 기능정의 (3) 어플리케이션개발 (4) TFT 구성 계획수립 요구사항조사 정보모델개발 개발표준정의 데이타베이스설계 업무트렌젝션설계 인터페이스설계 Application 개발 테스트계획수립 (5)(6) 테스트 실시 단위테스트 통합테스트 (7) 운영테스트 153050708085921000 시스템 Tool 시스템운영 시스템안정화시스템사용자개발팀 (1) 계획수립 일정계획수립서 (2) 분석 및 정의 업무 요구사항조사서 프로세스분해도 단위프로세스기술서 운영시나리오 ERD 엔터티, 어트리뷰트 (3) 시스템설계 개발표준정의서 코드설계서 데이터베이스설계서 Message 설계서 Function 설계서 모듈 설계서 화면설계서 Report 설계서 (7) 운영테스트 사용자 메뉴얼 제작 운영자 매뉴얼 제작 완료보고서 (4) 구현 어플리케이션 개발 테스트 계획서 (5) 단위테스트 단위테스트 결과서 (6) 통합테스트 통합테스트 결과서 산 출 물산 출 물 공 정 도공 정 도
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-89 기대효과 직원 CEO CIO/ 정보관리조직 해운 Core Business 의 e-Transformation 을 위한 Vision 확보 World Class Company 를 위한 Business Model 확보 획기적인 원가절감 방안 확보 신규사업진출 및 매출확대 방안 확보 합리적 성과평가 및 경영통제 가능 디지털경제에 적합한 조직으로의 변화 경영비전에 따른 IT 전략 수립 IT 의 최적화 적용 가능 IT 의 전략적 효과의 극대화 IT 요원에게 Vision 제시 가능 Digital Era 의 enabler 로서의 자신의 위치 확보 e-Transformation 을 통한 기업의 Shared Value 확보 전문가로서의 개인역량 개발 고부가가치 프로세스에 KM 을 활용한 노력 집중 Elite Group 으로의 자신감 확보 기대효과 COO / CFO... Operational Strategy 확보 기업의 핵심역량을 식별 IT 를 이용한 기업의 질적 구조 조정 Staff 의 전략적 기량 증대 e-Transformation 을 통한 기업의 가치 증대
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-90 연도별 취약점 발생 현황 All CVE’s : 1/1999-6/2001 Windows 와 Unix 의 모든 취약점 마이크로소프트와 Linux
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-91 Benefits of Microsoft’s Responsible Disclosure method 2002 년에 보안 관련 문제로 인한 대처가 평균 2 주 이내에 이루어 졌으며, 이는 Linux 제품군에 비해 최소 2 주 이상 빠른 대응이다. 보안 패치 제공 평균 소요 시간
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-92 산업별 재해복구 대안 재해대비 방안
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-93 5.7 시스템 및 실체와 연결 GOAL Improve Sales Effectiveness Identify New Target Markets Improve Market Penetration Add Distribution Channels Address Absenteeism Problem Explon New Technology Improve Information Systems Streamline Shop Floor Operations Enhance Employee Training Enhance Customer Support Improve Product Quality Expand Product Line Upgrade Product Warranty Reduce Inventory Invesiments Reduce Receivables to 45 Days Improve Cashflow Management LocaieVenture Capital Enhance Corporate Image ENTITY
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-94 분석 과정에서 산출된 대규모의 자료의 설계는 무척 복잡하고 대용량의 데이타 베이스를 필요로 하므로 업무 영역을 정의하여 관련 업무를 그룹화 한다 6. Business Area Identification : 업무 영역 파악 6.1 실체 / 기능 MATRIX Key: C:Create R:Read U:Update D:Delete FUNCTION Plan Finances Perform Accounting Control Finances Staff Organizations Develop Individual Capabilities Administer HR Programs Plan Production Research/Develope Project Procure Materials Produce Product Plan Product Market Product Process Customer Orders Manage Business Manage Vendors Manage Information
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-95 9.3 업무 영역 분석 연계 E : Exclusive ( 독점적 ) : 자체 업무 영역에서 사용 P : Primary Resposibility ( 기초 책임 ) : 자체 업무 영역에서 생성 및 관리 S : Secondary Resposibility ( 이차 책임 ) : 다른 업무 영역을 Read 만 DATA SUBJECT
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-96 6.2 MATRIX 의 집단화 DATA SUBJECT
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-97 DATA SUBJECT
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-98 DATA SUBJECT
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-99 House of Quality Design Parameters Customer Requirements Work Structure - Resources Quiet Speed (how wait time) Crisp and accurate sound Low cost Compact Reliable Importance (%)Manufacturing precisionTooth thicknessLubricant# teeth per gear Competitive Data on Customer Perceptions of Current Products 1 2 3 4 5 Poor Excellent 25 9 12 10 34 10 -- - + + - + - 0 - + ++ + -- - 0 0 ++ New West Competitor 1 Competitor 2 + - - - - -
Client Initial/0-0000/2015-09-21A DVANCED B USINESS L INK 0000-100 Projection of Funding Level for 10 Simulations 012345678910 100% 150% 200% 250% 300% 350% Year of Projection Funding Level (%)
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