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Parent/Teacher Connection Night! At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child's success is the positive involvement of parents. ~Jane D.

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Presentation on theme: "Parent/Teacher Connection Night! At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child's success is the positive involvement of parents. ~Jane D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent/Teacher Connection Night! At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child's success is the positive involvement of parents. ~Jane D. Hull~ Former Govenor of Arizona Sarah Elliott 5 th Grade August 13, 2015

2 Meet Ms. Elliott! Personal Mission Statement: Facilitating the love of learning where students feel inspired, successful and perform to their maximum potential all while knowing they are loved. Top 5 Strengths: Teamwork Honesty Humor Love Creativity About Me: 8 th Year in Kyrene (11th t Year Overall) Tommy, Maddy and Alexandra Love for animals Hobbies/Interests: Time with family & friends, movies, crafts, shopping, reading Personal Philosophy: Focus on individual child and his/her needs Learning is meaningful & relevant (how it effects them) Enriched Environment Collaboration Strengths are challenged Weaknesses nurtured Fun Teaching Strategies: Direct, explicit instruction Guided instruction Facilitator of learning Use of technology Project-based Learning Cooperative groups Manipulatives Small Groups

3 Mirada’s Radical Vision  Video from Administration

4 Meeting the Needs of Every Child Excellence in education is when we do everything that we can to make sure they become everything that they can. ~ Carol Ann Tomlinson ~  Importance of two-way communication for student success  Daily communication: Homework agenda, classroom webpage  Weekly Updates (Beginning next week), Monday Memos  Phone calls, emails (All communication returned within 24 hours) 541-4322  If you have a concern, whether it’s academics, social, emotional, etc., please contact me as soon as you can so we can work on a plan for success  KSIT  staff working together for appropriate interventions  staff analyzing student data  Engaged Learning  Parent Involvement (Variety of Involvement)

5 How Can Parents Be Involved in Their Child’s Education in the Classroom?  PBL Units (Guest speakers, engaged learning, any ideas?)  Service Learning Projects  Other Class Needs Support in the Library: Heavy budget cuts  PTO Involvement  Attendance – absences, tardies, and signing out students early  Affects learning and student achievement  Please refer to class schedule

6 Homework: Meaningful and purposeful Reinforce skills taught Enables parents to actively engage in child’s education Teaches fundamental skills (time management, organization, task completion, and responsibility) Curriculum Conversation  Online curriculum overview  Integrate many standards throughout day  Integration of curriculum with service learning projects Fifth Grade Curriculum Math Reading Writing Science Social Studies Health Technology Assessment: Informal Authentic/performance assessment Leadership Notebooks Electronic Portfolios Student-Led Conferences Formative Summative

7 Percent of Time Spent by the Average Child Each Week During School

8 Q and A Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. -William Butler Yeats-

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