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Population People and places to live. What % of the earth’s surface is suitable for humans to live on? 70% water 10% dry 5% mountains 5% cold Answer:

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Presentation on theme: "Population People and places to live. What % of the earth’s surface is suitable for humans to live on? 70% water 10% dry 5% mountains 5% cold Answer:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Population People and places to live

2 What % of the earth’s surface is suitable for humans to live on? 70% water 10% dry 5% mountains 5% cold Answer: 10%

3 So where do they live? Population distribution = describes how people are spread out over the earths surface

4 Topological Maps A topological maps are an simple way to show information and they help us to make easy comparisons between places Adult Literacy Rate (%)London Underground


6 Adult Literacy Rate (%)

7 How is the world’s population distributed across the surface of the world?



10 Population density What is it? How does it vary around the world? What affects it?

11 Population density What is it? How does it vary around the world?

12 What is it? Population density = the average number of people living in a given area Population density = Population Per sq km Area (KM) DENSELY POPULATED e.g.. 243 sq km China SPARSELY POPULATED e.g. 2 sq km Australia N.B IT IS ONLY AN AVEARGE NOT A TRUE REPRESENTATION



15 Extension – page 102 Understanding GCSE Geography 1) Describe the distribution pattern for Figures 1, 2 and 4 2) Figure 3 to help you – can you explain why the world population distribution is as it is.

16 Population Clock

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