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Planned completion date disruption Guidance for completing the template.

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Presentation on theme: "Planned completion date disruption Guidance for completing the template."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planned completion date disruption Guidance for completing the template

2 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/001 Introduction What to use this template for This template is for making requests for exceptional consideration by the Skills Funding Agency, for learners whose planned completion date has been missed due to disruption caused by the introduction of the Qualifications Management Application (QMA). Please only use this template if: You are the SFA contract holder The learners in question were registered on qualifications administered through QMA. Their planned learning end date fell in the funding year 2014-15 but could not be fulfilled due to an issue with QMA. Please do not use this form if you have received a certificate for the learner in question and: The achievement date, or, The claim date, is before 31 July 2015.

3 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/002 What we will do with this template Once we have received your completed template, we will use the information within to review our system logs so that we can verify that these learners programmes were disrupted as a result of systems failure. Where we can verify issues with learners you submit… We will forward evidence to the Skills Funding Agency. Where we cannot verify issues with learners you submit… We will contact you for clarification. We aim to respond to submissions within 10 working days.

4 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/003 Guidance for completion Columns A-D Centre name and number should be those of the Skills Funding Agency contract holder; include sub- contractor centre number where appropriate. Columns E-F – First name and surname These columns are for learner details. Column L – Please indicate issue Unable to book test – a fault with QMA prevented a test booking being made. Unable to fulfil test booking – where you were able to make a test booking but unable to test a learner due to, for example, a downloading issue, or other fault with the onscreen test player. Eligibility / Claiming issues – tests were able to be taken, but results were not processed, or learners were incorrectly deemed ineligible for an award, preventing a valid claim being made. Other – for any other reason. Please note that only issues to do with system faults will be considered by the Skills Funding Agency.

5 Guidance for completion Column N – date test originally planned for This date should have been re-arranged as a result of a system issue. Please do not include a date where a test was re-arranged for a non-system issue. Column Q – confirm completion before 31 July under normal circumstances This field is a declaration; you are not required to provide evidence with this submission, but should be able to show evidence upon request. The Skills Funding Agency will determine if evidence is required. Column 13 – Confirmation of delay due to QMA This field is a declaration only. Pearson will provide the Agency with evidence, based on the details you submit. Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/004

6 5 Where to send the template Once completed, a representative of the Skills Funding Agency contract holder should send the template to If you have any queries about how to complete the submission template, please contact your account manager.

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