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Introduction to Internet Programming (Web Based Application)

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Internet Programming (Web Based Application)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Internet Programming (Web Based Application)

2 Web-based application TCP/IP (HTTP) protocol Using WWW technology & software Distributed environment

3 World Wide Web Allows users from anywhere on the internet to retrieve documents from any other computers The main protocol is the HTTP – HyperText Transfer Protocol HTTP provides a standard form of communication between web browsers and web servers.

4 World Wide Web (cont.) Web browsers –Programs running on client computers –Request for documents using URL –eg. MS Internet Explorer, Netscape Web servers –Programs that provide documents to browsers –eg. Apache, IIS

5 World Wide Web (cont.) URL – Uniform Resource Locator –A reference of a document on the web. –eg. – g

6 Web Architechture How the Web works for static contents (basic architecture) CGI scripts

7 Advantages Easy for deployment Standard interface (HTML) for many platform (Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac) Distributed task

8 Disadvantages Compare to standalone apps –Security prob – malicious code etc., sensitive data – CC –Restricted for client Sec. Cert setup etc. –Limited GUI and Interaction

9 Two types of application Client Side Thick client GUI & logic at client Longer time to download Example technology: ActiveX, Java Applet For application that require a lot of interaction & complex GUI Example application: multimedia, graphic, visualization

10 Server Side Thin client GUI at client / Logic & db at server Example application: E-commerce, online management system

11 Example tech./framework Conventional CGI – Perl, C, C++, Python, VB Java Servlet Enterprise JavaBeans Server pages – ASP, PHP, JSP Client side script – VB Script, JavaScript

12 How the Web works for dynamic contents CGI Intepreter CGI scripts Common Gateway Interface

13 HTML vs. Javascript vs. CGI HTML –is the main language for delivering document over the web. –is the only language that web browsers can understand. Javascript –Documents that are created by HTML are static. HTML doesn’t support logical features. –Javascript is used to make the document dynamic. –Eg. before we can perform any delete operation, the browser should ask the user first for confirmation. This cannot be done by the HTML. Javascript can. CGI –Javascript is executed at client computers – ie. in web browsers. It is called client-side scripting language. –Databases or other resources are located at the server computer. We need another programs to access them – ie. CGI programs. –CGI languages such as PHP, JSP, Perl, etc are called server-side scripting languages, because they are executed at the server.

14 HTML, CSS, & Javascript JSP/Servlet SQL

15 Example Web-Based Apps E-Commerce –Amazon, Ebay, osCommerce Online Forum –phpBB, vBulletin Online Blog –Blogspot CMS –Joomla, Mambo, Lenya Online Album – google picasa, photobucket Video Streaming –Youtube, Quicktime movie trailer

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