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Pecafrom Project September 21, 2015 Proiect Pecafrom IT Skills for Graduates in Human, Economic and Medical Sciences Alina Andreica, PhD Faculty of European.

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Presentation on theme: "Pecafrom Project September 21, 2015 Proiect Pecafrom IT Skills for Graduates in Human, Economic and Medical Sciences Alina Andreica, PhD Faculty of European."— Presentation transcript:


2 Pecafrom Project September 21, 2015 Proiect Pecafrom IT Skills for Graduates in Human, Economic and Medical Sciences Alina Andreica, PhD Faculty of European Studies Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania September 21, 2015

3 Pecafrom Project IT Skills for Graduates in Human, Economic and Medical Sciences Introduction Training Goals, Participants and Calendar Training Content Participants’ results and feed-back Conclusions Acknowledgements References

4 Pecafrom Project Introduction Evolutin of IT competencies in Romania - data from

5 Pecafrom Project Introduction Evolutin of Internet competencies in Romania - data from

6 Pecafrom Project Training Goals, Participants & Calendar Goal: provide proficient IT skills for a group of ladies graduates in human, economic and medical sciences Training group ladies graduates in human, economic and medical sciences Initially: 28 participants, 3 renounced before the course began 2 abandoned during the course from personal reasons 23 concluded the training Course – OIPVD (operator for introducing, processing, validating data) course

7 Pecafrom Project Group profile Age distribution Graph contains values and percents

8 Pecafrom Project Group profile Spcialization distribution Graph contains values and percents

9 Pecafrom Project Calendar M1 - Basic concepts M2 - Windows 25- Fe b 26- Fe b 27- Fe b 28- Fe b 01- Ma r 04- Ma r 05- Ma r 06- Ma r 07- Mar 08- Mar 09- Mar 11- Mar 12- Mar 13- Ma r 14- Ma r 15- Mar 18- Ma r M4 - Word - basic operations M5 - Word - formatting operations 20- Ma r 21- Ma r 22- Ma r 25- Ma r 26- Ma r 27- Ma r 28- Ma r 29- Ma r 01- Apr 02- Apr 03- Apr 04- Apr 05- Apr 06- Apr 07- Apr 08- Apr 09- Apr 10 - Ap r M6 - Word – integrated objects and advanced facilitiesM3 - Installations 14- Apr 15- Apr 16- Apr 17- Ap r 18- Apr 19- Apr 22- Apr 23- Apr 24- Apr 27- Apr 28- Apr 29- Apr 30- Apr

10 Pecafrom Project Calendar M10 – Powerpoint – basic operations M11 - Powerpoint – slide formatting 02- Ma y 03- Ma y 04- Ma y 05- Ma y 06- Ma y 07- Ma y 08- Ma y 09- Ma y 10- Ma y 13- May 14- Ma y 15- Ma y 16- Ma y 17- Ma y 20- Ma y 21- Ma y M12 - Powerpoint – integrated objects and animations M7 - Excel – basic operations 22- Ma y 23- Ma y 24- Ma y 27- Ma y 28- Ma y 29- Ma y 30- Ma y 03- Jun 04- Jun 05- Jun 06- Jun 07- Jun 08- Jun 09- Jun 10- Ju n 11- Jun

11 Pecafrom Project Calendar M8 - Excel – computations and formulas M9 - Excel - graphs & data synthesis facilities 12- Ju n 13- Ju n 14- Ju n 17- Ju n 18- Jun 19- Jun 20- Ju n 21- Jun 24- Jun 25- Jun 26- Jun 27- Jun 28- Jun M13 - Internet Revision 01- Jul 02- Jul 03- Jul 04- Jul 05- Jul 08- Jul 09- Jul 10- Jul 11- Jul 12- Jul

12 Pecafrom Project Training Content Module 1 – Basic concepts –Computer components and their role –Information media Module 2 – Windows –Windows system elements and characteristics Module3 – Installation –Antivirus, archiving program Module 4 – Word – basic operations –Document operations Module 5 – Word – formatting operations –Fonts –Paragraphs –Pages Each module contained a theoretical and a practical part. Practical applications: 2 consistent sets of exercises, comprising around 28 elementary exercises – huge amount of work Each individual exercises graded and results centralized in Excel worksheets

13 Pecafrom Project Training Content Module 6 – Word – integrated objects and advanced facilities –Clipart, Wordart, Smartart, Drawing, Chart, Insert picture –Mailmerge Module 7 – Excel – basic operations –creating, saving and basic workbook operations –worksheet operations Module 8 – Excel – computations and formulas –formulas –built-in functions Module 9 – Excel –graphs and data synthesis facilities –types of graphs, creating and editing graphs –Pivot tables, subtotals, database functions

14 Pecafrom Project Training Content Module 10 – Powerpoint – basic operations –Operations with Powerpoint presentations Module 11 – Powerpoint – slide formatting –Slide operations –Slide editing and and formatting Modul 12 – Powerpoint – integrated objects and animations –Clipart, Wordart, Smartart, Drawing, Chart, Insert picture –Animations (content), Transitions (slides) Module 13 – Internet –E-commerce –HTML Language –WordPress

15 Pecafrom Project Participants’ results and feed-back For each module, participants were evaluated for the theoretical acquired knowledge (with standard tests) and practical skills A total of 604 practical grades, 2 grades / participant / module; 23 participants fully graded + 6 grades for participants who did not complete the whole training Grades computed in Excel worksheets automatically adding the grades from each module – huge amount of work Synthesis were also computed in Excel spreadsheets, with dcount database function: we have computed the number of grades for each interval [6,7), [7,8), [8,9), [9,10]

16 Pecafrom Project Practical grades M1-1M1-1 M1-2M1-2 M2-1M2-1 M2-2M2-2 M3-1M3-1 M3-2M3-2 M4-1M4-1 M4-2M4-2 M5-1M5-1 M 5- 2 M 6- 1 M 6- 2 M 7- 1 M 7- 2 M 8- 1 M 8- 2 M 9- 1 M 9- 2 M10-1M10-1 M10-2M10-2 M 11 -1 M 11 -2 M 12 -1 M 12 -2 M 1 3- 1 M 1 3- 2 1010 101088889 101088779 1010 101099 10109 101088779 1010 787777 1010977 7. 6 58 10109 9. 5899 10109109 978 9 10109887 1010989988988989898889 9. 5 999999 10109 1010998989898 10109109 989 1010 10109988 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 8. 8 29 1010 101010 9 1010 1010 101098879 10109 10109 1010 10109 10109 8. 8 29 1010 101010 9 1010 99899 1010 10109 10109999 10109 10109 1010 10109 9 899 1010 10109 9.59.59 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 10109 10109 9 9. 9 1010

17 Pecafrom Project Practical grades 1010 10109 1010 8. 58 1010 1010 1010 1010 10109 10109 8. 8 59999 101089989 1010 1010 10109898 1010 1010 1010889 1010 1010 1010 1010 8. 5 3 1010 1010 1010109 9 1010 9. 5 10109 1010 9.629.629 1010 10109 10109 10109 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010109 9 1010 1010 1010 10108787 1010977 7. 6 5787777889877778 1010 1010 1010 1010 8. 59 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 10109 10109 1010 1010 101010 9 1010 1010 10108889 1010 1010 1010 1010 8. 8 29 1010 1010 1010 1010 9. 4 1 1010 1010 1010109 9 1010 9. 5 99 1010 9.239.23889 101098889 10109 10108898888888 10109 1010 9.239.239 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010109 99 1010

18 Pecafrom Project Practical grades 1010 1010 1010 1010 8. 59 10109 101098988888777777777 1010 1010 1010 9.239.23899 10108988 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 101010 9. 5 1010 8777779 101088779 1010 101099 10109 1010887777 1010 1010 1010 101099 1010 1010 1010 1010 10109 1010 1010 1010 1010 9. 5 6 10109 10109999 8. 5 9. 7 5 1010 1010 1010 9.629.6299 10109 10109 10109 1010 10109 10109 1010 1010 101010 1010 1010 67667666766676667666666666 1010 1010 1010 10109 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 10109 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 9. 7 5 1010

19 Pecafrom Project Pratical grades synthesis Module[6,7)[7,8)[8,9)[9,10]Total M1-11112023 M1-20212023 M2-14241626 M2-21351423 M3-10311923 M3-22651225 M4-11002223 M4-21012224 M5-10341623 M5-21241623 M6-11451323 M6-21351423 M7-10131923 M7-21121923

20 Pecafrom Project Pratical grades synthesis M8-11141723 M8-21141723 M9-10261523 M9-21141723 M10-11112023 M10-21121923 M11-11151623 M11-21241623 M12-11421623 M12-21441423 M13-11431523 M13-21231723 Total255593431604 [6,7)[7,8)[8,9)[9,10]

21 Pecafrom Project Pratical grades synthesis Graph contains values and percents

22 Pecafrom Project Conclusions knowledge based society - digital skills have become indispensable competencies We analyze the IT training aiming provide proficient digital skills for a group of ladies graduates in human, economic and medical sciences From a group of 25 participants who began the course, 23 fully completed the program

23 Pecafrom Project Conclusions Although the course schedule and requirements were very demanding, participants successfully completed the training and scored very well at the final exam Participants positively evaluated the course and its outcomes We expect the acquired competencies to have a very positive impact on the professional path oh the participants

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