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How to Connect and Engage on Twitter BEST PRACTICES FOR NON-PROFITS.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Connect and Engage on Twitter BEST PRACTICES FOR NON-PROFITS."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Connect and Engage on Twitter BEST PRACTICES FOR NON-PROFITS

2 Connect Start tweeting Promote your feed Follow others in your field

3 Engage Be casual Tweet regularly Create value

4 My favorite Twitter accounts Media @WitnessOrg Hashtags @GatesFoundation @HSUS (Humane Society) Hot topic/questions @RoomToRead Engagement @Watsi @DirectRelief @Nature_org @LLSusa (Leukemia & Lymphoma Society)

5 Bibliography Articles, websites and blogs I referenced and/or reviewed during my research. Abrahams, Kyria, and J.D. Lasica. "24 best practices for nonprofits using Twitter." Socialbrite. N.p., 3 Oct. 2011. Web. 20 May 2014.. Campbell, Julia. "11 Best Practices for Nonprofits In Social Media - J Campbell Social Marketing." J Campbell Social Marketing RSS. N.p., 14 June 2012. Web. 21 May 2014.. Cohen, Lon. "26 Charities and Non-Profits on Twitter." Mashable. N.p., 19 Mar. 2009. Web. 20 May 2014.. Sharma, Ritu. "NPQ." How Nonprofits Use Social Media to Engage with their Communities. N.p., 13 Mar. 2014. Web. 20 May 2014..

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