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Training the Apostles.  The apostles of Jesus would have been part of His intimate circle.  They came from all walks of life  They believed in Him.

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Presentation on theme: "Training the Apostles.  The apostles of Jesus would have been part of His intimate circle.  They came from all walks of life  They believed in Him."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training the Apostles

2  The apostles of Jesus would have been part of His intimate circle.  They came from all walks of life  They believed in Him and He believed in them

3  In time they were chosen from His much larger group of disciples (Luke 6:12-13)  During much of His ministry He took much time to train them  He chose men of honest hearts

4  A call to conversion (cf. Acts 3:19, Jn. 1:35-51) They began to follow Him  A call to service ( Lk. 5:5, 9-10, Matt. 4:19 ) From this group Judas’ replacement would come ( Ac. 1:21-22 )

5  A call to apostleship (Mark 3:13-15) Reserved for the select group  He prayed all night before choosing them ( Luke 6:12 )

6  The timing Before choosing them they were exposed to criticism & hostility (cf. Lk. 5:21, 30- 32, 6:11)  Will we accept our calling? (Rom. 10:9-13, Ac. 22:16, cf. Rom. 12:3-8)

7  He set the example 1 Pet. 2:21-23 He washed their feet – Jn. 13:15-16  He prayed for them Lk. 6:12, 22:31-32, Jn. 17:13-17,  Sometimes prayer is the best thing we can do!

8  He trained them The apostles would spend the rest of His earthly service with Him. He would answer questions, show them what to do and say, provoke them, correct them and put them to work.  How much will we do for others? Do we care enough?

9  He spent time UN-teaching them  “…at times they were exceedingly ignorant, narrow- minded, superstitious, full of Jewish prejudices, misconceptions, and animosities…they were slow both to learn and to unlearn.” (A.B. Bruce)

10  He was incredibly patient with them. Among their flaws we find:  They lacked understanding – Matt. 15:16, 16:9, concerning the kingdom, Jn. 14:8-9

11  Among their flaws we find:  They were arrogant and immature– Mark 10:35-45, Peter – Matt. 26:33-35, Luke 9:53-56, etc.

12  Among their flaws we find:  They lacked faith – Matt. 8:26, 14:31, 17:20-21, 26:56, etc. Mark 16:14 – He rebuked their unbelief  Do we have this type of patience with our friends?

13  He taught them the message Their purpose, the basics, the promised Helper, parables, prayer, the kingdom, dealing with enemies and about death

14  He demonstrated necessary principles  Love, longsuffering, service, faith, loyalty, endurance, impartiality, sacrifice, etc.

15  Their task:  Proclaim the message of the cross and Jesus  Establish the church  Reveal God’s message (Eph. 3:5)

16  He sent them out 2 by 2 Luke 9:1-10, Matt. 10:5- 11:1

17  He sent them to prepare the way for Him Luke 9:51-52, Lk. 10:1 – the 70 sent out

18  He commissioned them Matt. 28:18-20, Mark 16:15, Acts 1:4-8, etc.  Like the apostles, we too need to get to work (you can only train for so long!)

19 …so He can teach and use us. Will you let Him be your teacher?

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