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MARITIME AFFAIRS European Marine Observation and Data Network DG MAREBrussels21 September 2011 interim evaluation.

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Presentation on theme: "MARITIME AFFAIRS European Marine Observation and Data Network DG MAREBrussels21 September 2011 interim evaluation."— Presentation transcript:

1 MARITIME AFFAIRS European Marine Observation and Data Network DG MAREBrussels21 September 2011 interim evaluation

2 Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS 2/14 Maritime Policy Budget 2008-2011 Preparatory actions€14.7 million Pilot projects€6 million TOTAL€20.7 Million European Marine Observation and Data Network €6,450,000

3 Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS 3/14 Contracts Thematic groupcommittedNumber of bids Main contractor hydrography € 975,0003MARIS b.v, Netherlands hydrography € 1,200,0002MARIS bv, Netherlands geology € 925,0002NERC BGS, UK physics € 1,000,0001ETT, Italy chemistry € 700,0002OGS, Italy biology € 750,0003VLIZ, Belgium physical habitats € 800,0002JNCC, UK [1] [1] A complete list of main contractors is given in appendix 1. this does not include subcontractors of whom there are many.

4 Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS 4/14 five portals operational [1] [1] A complete list of main contractors is given in appendix 1. this does not include subcontractors of whom there are many.

5 Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS 5/14 Objectives of “marine knowledge 2020” 1.reduce operational costs and delays: 2.increase competition and innovation 3.reduce uncertainty in knowledge of the oceans

6 Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS 6/14 Objectives of evaluations 1.relevance met the objectives set out in "marine knowledge 2020"? resources available in due time, in appropriate quantity and quality at the best price. 3.efficiency could it have been done cheaper? 4.effectiveness what worked and what didn’t

7 first sea-basin scale sediment maps

8 can identify ownership and gaps

9 Management – delays in final report Thematic group Delay (working days) Time for Commission to reply (working days) Decision hydrography105accepted geology422revisions asked for chemistry322revisions asked for biology422accepted physical habitats127accepted

10 Effectiveness Testing of portals by contractor Mutual awareness at 6-monthly progress meetings Opinion of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group Opinion of Commission officials and European Environment Agency

11 PortalBiologyChemistryGeologyHydrographyPhysical habitats Good first impression*** ******* Portal intuitive to use************ Instructions were useful *** * Data easy to find****** ** Portal had advanced features and functions ************ Data was easy to access ***** *** Data was comprehensive ************ Data was in convenient format *** *****

12 Expert Group Opinion Need one entry portal Incorporate work done for research projects (PANGAEA) Think about merging geology and hydrography Can we timestamp the data? The preparatory actions are on the right track but they must be followed up. If the EU ceases to take an interest the momentum will be lost

13 Could it have been done more cheaply? We pay for deliverables not time so we do not know how much effort was put in. Administration costs by Commission 6% of budget Deliverables in terms of data availability per unit EU cost comparable with other initiatives –Data Collection in Fisheries –Frmaework Programme Research projects –Global Monitoring for Environment and Security

14 next phase 2011- 2013 financial regulation for maritime policy –Fill gaps –Learn lessons from evaluation Further Development of ur-EMODNET - assembly groups Thematic assembly groups for chemistry, human activity, bathymetry, geology and habitats Updating of physical and biological data layers 16,150,0 00 Further Development of ur-EMODNET - sea basin check points Sea-basin checkpoints for North Sea and Mediterranean 2,000,00 0 Further Development of ur-EMODNET - main portal and secretariat Main portal for EMODNET and secretariat 600,000 Further Development of ur-EMODNET - evaluation and assesment to asses practice for sharing data for licensed activities, and contribution to ex-post evaluation 450,000

15 more information

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