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Independence Movements in Africa, India, and Latin America 1900-1949 Chapter 30.

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1 Independence Movements in Africa, India, and Latin America 1900-1949 Chapter 30

2 Turn to the person next to you and discuss the following questions and write the answers down. 1. What do you know about Africa? 2. What do you know about India? 3. What do you know about Latin America? Think of all questions in terms of the history, imperialism, and present times,

3 Africa Few Europeans lived in Africa, but the continent was dominated politically and economically by Europeans during the 1800’s During colonialism African’s turned to Christianity and Islam (Islam spread the fastest)

4 African Leaders for Independence Marcus Garvey and WEB Dubois in America pushed for the “Back to Africa” movement, considered Pan-Africanists African National Congress in South Africa After World War II Africans who had served in the military returned to Africa with new radical ideas for independence


6 Indian Nationalism India’s fertile land caused the population to increase from 250 million in 1900 to 289 million in 1941 Population increase led to environmental pressure, deforestation, declining farmland Society was divided by the “Caste System” Muslims and Hindus made up the predominant religions

7 British Rule in India Colonial India was led by a British Viceroy and the Indian Civil Service Indian National Congress formed in 1885 in support of independence The British attempted to suppress the push for Indian independence culminating with the Armritsar Massacre of 1919

8 Mahatma Gandhi English educated lawyer who started work in South Africa Returned to India during WWI and joined the Indian National Congress Successfully led the Indian independence movement through non-violence

9 Indian Independence 1920’s the British slowly and reluctantly gave control of parts of India to the Indians WWII divided India. The Indian National Congress opposed the war and a small amount joined the Japanese 1940 the Muslim’s League leader Muhammad Ali Jinah demanded a country be created for Muslims (present day Pakistan) Independence of India lead to conflicts between Muslims and Hindus

10 The Mexican Revolution 1821 a few wealthy Spanish families controlled 85% of Mexico 1910 General Portifino Diaz had ruled for 30 years Francisco Madera overthrew Diaz in 1911 only to be overthrown by General Huerta in 1913 Emiliano Zapata led a peasant revolt in Mexico City while Poncho Villa organized armies in the north Zapata was killed in 1919 and Villa was assassinated in 1923 Constitutionalist took over after years of fighting and 2 million casualties.


12 Post Mexican Revolution 1920-1940 President Obregon was assassinated in 1928 Plutarco Elias Calles took over and founded the National Revolutionary Party renamed the Mexican Revolutionary Party by President Lazaro Cardenas in 1934 1940 Mexico was still a land of farmers with a poor industrial base but it had established a stable political system.

13 Argentina After refrigeration ships were invented Argentina began to export meat by 1900 The government represented the oligarquia (wealthy land owners) who let foreign interests, mainly British, control industry. 1943 Juan Peron established a government based on the German Nazi’s He supported rapid industrialization but was overthrown in 1952


15 Independence of Brazil Brazil’s elite controlled the coffee, cocoa, and rubber plantation WW I disrupted the trade and weakened the land owning classes. The Depression hit Brazil hard and Brazil like Europe turned to extreme governments Getulio Vargas staged a coup d’tat and took over the government and industrialized Brazil. – Abolished the constitution and made Brazil a Fascist state in 1938 – He was overthrown in 1954


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