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Ab- Isa bible readings Gen:

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1 Ab- Isa bible readings Gen:
18: Hospitality by Ab./Isaac’s annunciation 21: Birth of Isaac, Ishmael is sent away 22:1-14 – Abraham’s test/sacrifice 23- Sarah dies (optional) 24:1-4, 10-14, 45-47, Marriage of Isaac 25:1-11 – Death of Abraham (optional)


3 Abram+Sarai: review His name is changed from Abram to Abraham
Considered the Father of Biblical Faith and The Father of the faith of Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Names having meaning Abram – exalted ancestor Abraham – ancestor of a multitude Sarai – princess Sarah - also means princess Isaac means “Laugh” in Hebrew.

4 Ishmael Abraham’s first son The Father of the Arab peoples
The religion of the Muslims, Islam, developed many centuries after biblical times among the Arabs. Thus Muslims claim Abraham as their father in faith through the line of Ishmael.

5 the “Binding of Isaac” What’s the deal with God asking Abraham to sacrifice Isaac – the child of the covenant? Because Abraham loved Isaac more than God? Abraham’s test

6 the “Binding of Isaac” How old is Isaac at the time of the almost sacrifice? He’s born when Sarah is 90, and the next story is Sarah dying at age 127…so, is Isaac 37? If he’s an adult, and the story contains no sign of struggle, then for both of them the story is a demonstration of their loyalty to God and his covenant for them. After the incident, God re-affirms that the land will belong to their descendents This is essentially the Muslim teaching of the story, although in the Koran it is Ishmael that is bound, not Isaac.

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