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Plant-Like & Fungus-Like Protists

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1 Plant-Like & Fungus-Like Protists
Unit 6 – Lecture 3

2 Algae – an Introduction
Alga – plant like protist – plural, algae unicellular or multicellular major producer of world’s oxygen sexual or asexual reproduction or both alternation of generations autotrophic – photosynthetic

3 Algae – An introduction
Six Phyla of Algae Euglenophyta Bacilliarophyta Dinoflagellata Chlorophyta Rhodophyta Phaeophyta

4 Discuss All of these end in “phyta”
phyte, phyto or phyta refer to being ____________ like or being a ______________.

5 Euglenophyta the Euglenoids
plant-like photo- synthesis, but animal-like movement w/ flagellum unicellular autotroph and heterotroph asexual reproduction pellicle & red eye-spot (eyespot)

6 Bacillarophyta Diatoms unicellular autotrophic – photosynthetic
chlorophyll & carotenoids asexual or sexual reproduction silica shells, diverse shapes food storage as OIL not starch

7 Dinoflagellata Dinoflagellates have 2 (“di”) flagella unicellular
autotrophic – photosynthetic chlorophyll & carotenoids

8 Dinoflagellata asexual reproduction [or weird fusion…]
thick cellulose plates bioluminescence can be harmful

9 Dinoflagellata red tide

10 Discuss Which phylum of algae… have shells made of glass?
are responsible for the harmful red tides? are both auto- and hetero- trophic? Which type(s) of algae are phytoplankton, and what great benefit do phytoplankton serve?

11 Chlorophyta Green Algae – most diverse
unicellular, multicellular, or colonial most in water but all need moist place to survive…

12 …a moist place like a SLOTH! [only 2 – 4 meters per minute ]
Chlorophyta …a moist place like a SLOTH! [only 2 – 4 meters per minute ]

13 Chlorophyta can have flagella alternation of generations

14 Alternation of Generations
type of reproduction utilizing asexual & sexual means

15 Alternation of Generations
offspring generations alternate between being haploid [1n] in one generation to being diploid [2n] the next.

16 Alternation of Generations
Sporophyte [2n] produces spores [1n] through meiosis

17 Alternation of Generations
Spores [1n] produce gametophytes [1n] through mitosis

18 Alternation of Generations
Gametophyte [1n] produces gametes [1n] through mitosis

19 Alternation of Generations
Gametes [1n] fuse in fertilization to produce zygote [2n]

20 Alternation of Generations
Zygote [2n] grows to become embryo [2n]

21 Alternation of Generations
Embryo [2n] grows to become sporophyte [2n]… etc.

22 Discuss – What You Need to Know About Alternation of Generations
type of reproduction utilizing _______________ & _______________ means offspring generations alternate between being _______________ [1n] in one generation to being _______________ [2n] the next. gametophytes [1n] make _______________ [1n] through mitosis sporophytes [2n] make _______________ [1n] through meiosis

23 Other Phyla Rhodophyta – sea weeds, red algae

24 Other Phyla Phaeophyta – brown algae, kelp most in salt water
have air bladders to keep them afloat

25 What is the most diverse group of plant-like protists?
Discuss What is the most diverse group of plant-like protists?

26 Fungus-Like Protists Slime Molds, Water Molds, & Downy Mildews
unicellular to colonial heterotrophic – saphrophytic have cell walls live in moist places all have movement at some point in their life cycle to get to food

27 Fungus-Like Protists “mycota” / “mycete” – fungus or fungus-like
examples myxomycota – plasmodial slime molds form a plasmodium no cell wall no membranes

28 Fungus-Like Protists “mycota” / “mycete” – fungus or fungus-like
examples myxomycota – plasmodial slime molds form a plasmodium many nuclei – cells merge together into a large mass amoeboid movement reproduce with spores

29 Fungus-Like Protists “mycota” / “mycete” – fungus or fungus-like
examples acrasiomycota – cellular slime molds come together to reproduce only when food is scarce – otherwise, independent has cell membrane haploid during entire life cycle

30 Fungus-Like Protists “mycota” / “mycete” – fungus or fungus-like
examples oomycota – water molds & downy mildews produce flagellated reproductive cells very large and diverse group

31 Discuss What word refers to… the color red? the color green?
the color brown? plant or plant-like? fungus or fungus-like?

32 Homework complete the Euglena Reading & Coloring w/s
[and finish the webquest if you haven’t done so… it’s due tomorrow]

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