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Chapter One Called to Holiness.

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1 Chapter One Called to Holiness

2 Be Perfect Christian holiness is the only area where perfection is the goal and result “Being holy” means living a Christ-like life of charity and perfection Sanctification: A word for holiness Word from which the term saint evolved

3 Be Perfect Being “perfect” means seeking a closer, more intimate union with Christ. Grace: How Christian perfection is accomplished Through sacraments and service to others Anything that God asks of us he makes possible by his grace All Christians are called to holiness, called to be saints

4 Created in God’s Image Man and woman have been created in perfect equality, yet in their particular beings as male and female Man and woman are created in the image of God They were created together and for each other God is neither male nor female- God is pure Spirit

5 Created in God’s Image Adam and Eve
Created in state of original holiness and justice Lost these gifts through original sin Went against status as creatures, trying to take on the role of creator Original Sin Abuse of the freedom God gave created persons Adam and Eve chose to follow their own will rather than God’s will Effects of their actions are shared among humanity ever since

6 Created in God’s Image Original sin deprives us from the original holiness that God intended for us Human nature after Original Sin Wounded Ignorant Prone to suffering Subject to death Inclined to sin

7 Created in God’s Image In Baptism, Original Sin is erased and we are turned back towards God Other effects of Original Sin remain Today, God’s grace is offered to us in the Sacrament of Matrimony

8 Unity of Body and Soul Human beings are created with a body and soul
The soul is the innermost part of man The soul makes us spiritual people in the image of God The body is intended to be a temple of the Holy Spirit

9 Sexuality Sexuality means appreciating our identity as either male or female and living our lives as such Sexuality is deeply connected with our bodies and emotions Capacity to make love and procreate Forming friendships and bonds with other people

10 Chastity Chastity Comes under the virtue of temperance
Virtue by which a person integrates his or her sexuality into his or her whole self, body, and spirit, according to the vocation or state in life Comes under the virtue of temperance A cardinal virtue Chastity helps us control sexual desires and use them appropriately

11 In Union with Christ Only in union with Jesus can the disciple attain holiness Disciple means “follower” Our goal is to follow and learn from Jesus Achieved through: Prayer Participation in the Sacraments Practicing Christian Virtues

12 Mystery of God’s Love Mystery:
Infinite incomprehensibility of God God is not just unknown, he is unknowable Not only is our future unknown, but our lives are filled with many surprises Will you be successful in your career? Will you be the parent of a large family? Will you make a difference in many lives? Will you travel the world?

13 God Reveals His Mystery
God’s Mystery has been revealed through history Adam and Eve Noah Abraham God fully revealed himself by sending his son, Jesus God’s Revelation is entrusted to the Church through: Apostolic Tradition Sacred Scripture

14 God Reveals His Mystery
Apostolic Tradition: Living transmission of the Word of God Sharing of the message of Christ through preaching, witness, institutions, and worship Sacred Tradition Made up of scriptures in the Magisterium

15 The Holy Trinity There is only one God but in three persons
The Almighty Father His only Son The Holy Spirit Some of the Church’s dogmas about the Trinity The Trinity is One The three persons are distinct from one another The divine persons are related to one another

16 What It Means to Believe
Faith is stating that we believe in something The virtue of faith enables us to believe in God and is a gift of the Holy Spirit A faithful person is thankful to God A faithful person knows the unity of the human community and dignity of every individual A faithful person makes good use of created things A faithful person comes to know God’s greatness and majesty A faithful person trusts in God

17 The People of God We share God’s life by our participation in the Church The Church is a gathering of all people of Christ Some of the Church’s dogmas about the Trinity The Trinity is One The three persons are distinct from one another The divine persons are related to one another

18 The People of God The Church is a sign of Christ’s loyalty to us, his people Church as an efficacious symbol A symbol that points to reality- our salvation A symbol that also causes our salvation We come to know God through the Church

19 The People of God Catholics share in Christ’s life through the Sacraments Sacraments renew the mystery of God’s love Paschal Mystery: Made present in the sacraments, especially the Eucharist

20 Vocabulary Sanctification Grace Original Sin Chastity Discipleship
Mystery Magisterium Dogmas Faith Church Catechesis Paschal Mystery

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