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Knight Foundation Giving Days Initiative Peer Learning Exchange Summary of Survey: Feedback 2014.

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1 Knight Foundation Giving Days Initiative Peer Learning Exchange Summary of Survey: Feedback 2014

2 Summary Findings and Takeaways PLE offers strong values to participants because it helps them keep ideas fresh, access to just in time requests for program materials or help. Playbook content very valuable, especially for those just starting out, but strong interest from all in more advanced content – especially endowment fundraising, DAF engagement, corporate sponsorship, and marketing campaigns. Facilitator that asks right questions, pulls out expertise from the group, and encouraging sharing amongst participants is valuable. A strong interest in more open discussion and Q/A on the calls connected to a particular topic – less content delivery. More interest in opening up the calls to other CFs, other staff members from their organizations, and expert guests. Participants are thinking about or beginning to experiment with many of the sustainability topics and identified a robust learning agenda for 2015.

3 Who completed the survey? Blue Grass Community Foundation Central Carolina Community Foundation Centre Foundation Community First Foundation Community Foundation of GF, EGF & Region Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation Georgia Center for Nonprofits / GA Gives Day GiveMN Legacy Foundation Mississippi Gives Silicon Valley Community Foundation The Miami Foundation Waccamaw Commuinity Foundation (Coastal Community Foundation) Wichita Community Foundation

4 How did the participating in the PLE help participants be more effective hosting Giving Days? StatementsRating I learned useful tips and strategies for making our Giving Day more effective4.69 I shared insights and materials about hosting Giving Days with others in my organization 4.63 I increased my confidence and comfort using skills to host a Giving Day4.44 Our giving day got better results because of my participation in the Peer Learning Group 4.31 “The Peer Learning Exchange allows us to collectively come up with new ideas and concepts to keep giving day strong!” “This experience has been extremely worthwhile, and we are excited to continue the opportunity to work together! We love collaboration!” Scale 1 to 5

5 Rating Effectiveness of the Facilitator and Delivery Facilitator Evaluation Content Knowledge94% Call Facilitation89% Responsiveness94% Delivery Evaluation Playbook 93% Conference Calls 75% Facebook Group 60% Wiki Resources 50% “Facilitator is very skilled at asking the right questions to guide you to a solution of your own, pulling out expertise from the group, and encouraging us to share amongst ourselves” “I referred to the Giving Day Playbook a lot - it was a great resource!” – first time Giving Day “Since our Foundation had already hosted 2 giving days when this program began, we found a lot of value in hearing about new ideas on the calls that could improve our existing giving day and using the Facebook group for quick questions/materials requests. The Playbook and wiki are good materials, but struck me as more for Foundations just getting started and needing a full briefing.” % of participants ranking 4 or 5

6 Interest in Content Format and Topics Format Open Discussion2.6 Q/A Peers2.5 Case Studies Invited Guests2.5 Playbook Content2.5 Peer Consults2.2 Mini-Case Studies from Peers2.2 In-Depth Case Studies from Peers2.0 Scale 1 to 3 “Topics with free flowing conversations are a really great way to learn” “Would like to have more guests”

7 Sustainability Topics: Thinking About Or Experimenting With?

8 Sustainability Learning Agenda TOPICLearning QuestionsExpressed Curiosity Corporate Sponsorships/Relationship- Building How can we partner with a corporate sponsor for the whole event? What are some options for corporate sponsorship beyond the prize pool? What are the best practices to soliciting and retaining corporate sponsors for the event? Central Caroline Community Foundation, GiveMN, Wichita, Miss Gives, GeorgiaGives Giving Day Sustainability/Cost- Effectiveness What are some ways that our CF can recoup transaction fees? Is a viable strategy charging the nonprofits? How can we more efficiently implement Giving Days with limited staff? How to integrate the Giving Day into grant and fundraising staff work? How can we study and analyze staff time investment and make it more efficient? How to get more donors for bonus funds or de-emphasize it as incentive for nonprofit participation? Can we get a corporate partner to cover transaction costs? Central Carolina Community Foundation, Colorado Gives, Waccamaw Commuinity Foundation, MissGives, GeorgiaGives, Miami, Centre Foundation Community Foundation Marketing/Branding What are the best practices of getting participating nonprofits to incorporate our branding in their giving day campaigns? What are the best practices for investing more of CF's marketing budget into Giving Day? Central Carolina Community Foundation, GiveMN, Miss Gives

9 TopicQuestionExpressed Curiosity Capacity Building for NonprofitsWhat are some models or best practices to deliver capacity building to nonprofits that helps them increase skills for social media or online fundraising beyond the giving? Is there an opportunity to monetize capacity building programs for nonprofits? How can we encourage and nurture more peer learning or networking with participating nonprofits so they can support one another year round? What is the best approach to providing more comprehensive training for nonprofits? Central Carolina Community Foundation, Legacy Foundation, GiveMN, Blue Grass Foundation, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, Waccamaw Commuinity Foundation, Centre DAF EngagementWhat is the best messaging and strategy to encourage more DAF participation in the Giving Day? How to increase the amount and number of DAFs? Central Carolina Community Foundation, GiveMN, Waccamaw Commuinity Foundation, Miami Endowment FundraisingWhat are the best strategies for integrating endowment fundraising into the Giving Day? How to incorporate endowment fundraising in your online platform? How can we get started? How can we build an unrestricted endowment fund via the Giving Day for grants? What are examples or best practices of endowment fundraising and as part of Giving Day? Legacy Foundation, Blue Grass Foundation, Miss Gives, Miami, Duluth Sustainability Learning Agenda

10 TopicQuestionExpressed Curiosity Using Giving Day Skills or Data in Other Community Foundation Work What are some examples of using skills and knowledge from Giving Day for other programs? Central Carolina Community Foundation, Wichita Raising Money for the Community Foundation What is the best way to partner with other funders to host or support the Giving Day? Central Carolina Community Foundation Using Corporate or Professional Volunteers How to increase participation of corporate volunteers? Silicon Valley Community Foundation Integrating the Giving Day into Existing Programs What are some examples of using skills and knowledge from Giving Day for other programs? Wichita

11 Interest in New Ideas for the PLE Program Design Face-to-Face Convening with CF's for a Deep Dive 90% Opportunities to collaborate with peers80% Lead and facilitate on of the peer learning calls30% More frequent conference calls20% “I think it would be cool to be there in person for different Foundation's Give Days to really see how it's done in their area, like an exchange program.” “Can we start inviting other people on staff at the CF to the calls?”

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