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Community Education and Outreach Curriculum Dr. Pamela Jenkins, UNO-CHART Tara Lambeth, UNO-CHART InTeGrate Coastal Hazards, Risk and Environmental Justice.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Education and Outreach Curriculum Dr. Pamela Jenkins, UNO-CHART Tara Lambeth, UNO-CHART InTeGrate Coastal Hazards, Risk and Environmental Justice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Education and Outreach Curriculum Dr. Pamela Jenkins, UNO-CHART Tara Lambeth, UNO-CHART InTeGrate Coastal Hazards, Risk and Environmental Justice Workshop Thursday, May 21, 2015

2 UNO-CHART Mission: –To assist residents, local and state officials, and communities in understanding and reducing risk to hazards Applied Research Multi-disciplinary Established in 2001

3 Community Education & Outreach 1.Executives Program in Risk Management 2.DRU Workshop 3.Hazards Resiliency Curriculum 4.Continuity Planning for Community Organizations 5.Risk Literacy

4 Executives Program in Risk Management

5 Part 1: New Orleans and Baton Rouge –24 government agencies –6 non-profits –9 businesses –3 education organizations Part 2: Alexandria and Lake Charles –25 government agencies –2 non-profits –1 business Executives Symposia

6 Disaster Resistant University

7 First workshop (2011) –94 participants representing 26 universities from the US and 1 from Canada –Representatives from 8 businesses and 5 government agencies Second workshop (2013) –119 participants representing 36 universities from the US, Canada, Japan and South Africa –Representatives from 13 businesses/nonprofits and 13 government agencies Workshops

8 Hazards Resiliency Curriculum

9 Creating the curriculum: –Student survey –Chairs forum The results: –3 program options –6 partnering professors –11 resilience modules The Curriculum

10 Continuity Planning for Community Organizations

11 Project Background Held statewide continuity workshops Targeted small community organizations, nonprofits, and faith-based groups

12 Curriculum Development  Through focus groups and workshops, created a curriculum for community continuity and resilience Community Resilience Understanding Your Hazards Community Mapping Ideas for Successful Response and Recovery Strengthen Your Continuity Plan

13 So that agencies and communities can train themselves Creation of a Manual

14 Inside the Manual Defining resilience

15 Inside the Manual An in-depth look at hazards

16 Inside the Manual Understanding your role in the community

17 Inside the Manual Responding to and recovering from events

18 Inside the Manual Making a plan

19 Risk Literacy

20 Difficulties with vulnerable populations Constructing risk message with awareness of literacy issues National planning process geared toward high-level readers Literacy, Risk and Mitigation

21 Learning to Read Understanding Risk Separate Yet Critical Tasks

22 Ongoing Collaboration with:  Adult literacy groups  Literacy providers Review Materials  Enhance content  Improve structure Process

23 Plain Language-writing that delivers clear and easy to understand information With actions, deconstruct step by step Graphics and text that are accessible to those with low-literacy skills Overview of the Manual





28 All five programs: Partner with local experts Use best practice Solicit and use feedback Community Collaboration and Feedback

29 Over time more than 100 students Involved in all aspects of work, from planning to presenting Published with a number of students Student Involvement and Training

30 Questions? Thank you.

31 Online Resources – Follow UNO-CHART Contact Information

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