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 European Imperialism 1800-1914. What is Imperialism?  A country increases its power by gaining control of other parts of the world.  Goal is not to.

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Presentation on theme: " European Imperialism 1800-1914. What is Imperialism?  A country increases its power by gaining control of other parts of the world.  Goal is not to."— Presentation transcript:

1  European Imperialism 1800-1914

2 What is Imperialism?  A country increases its power by gaining control of other parts of the world.  Goal is not to add land to their country, but to get resources and profit from them.  Occurred globally during this period, but we will focus on Africa.  Europe  Africa, Asia, NA, SA  Impacted both Africa and Europe

3 “The Sun Never Set on the British Empire”

4 The Historical Background in Europe  1. Scientific Revolution: 1400’s- 1800’s  Advances in science and technology  Better maps, compasses, ships  2. Age of Exploration: 1400’s-1700’s  Curiosity about the world outside of Europe  Sailed around the world (DeGama, Dias, Columbus)  New peoples, new trade routes  3. Industrial Revolution: 1750’s  New machines invented/ factory production  Need to raw materials/resources for production (metals, wood, cotton, rubber, sugar, etc.)

5 Economic Motives  European nations were going through the Industrial Revolution.  Increased production = increased demand for raw materials  Africa was a vast land filled with raw materials.  Industrial nations began looking for new markets (groups of people to sell to)  Industrialists wanted exclusive rights to sell in African markets.

6 Political Motives  Nationalism (pride and loyalty to one’s nation) was spreading throughout Europe nations.  European nations were trying to become more powerful than each other.  Colonies were viewed as status symbols and sources of $ and power.

7 Cultural/Religious Motives  Europeans were ethnocentric and believed they had a duty to their culture (religion, language, clothing, etc.) to the rest of the world.  Some people went to Africa for religious reasons.  Spread the Christian faith.

8 European Claims in Africa

9 Great Britain Areas  East Africa  Gold Coast  Nigeria  Southern Africa Resources/ Motives  Control on the Nile River region  Cecil Rhodes controlled diamond production in South Africa  Protect a trade route to India

10 France Areas  West Africa  North Africa Resources/Motives  Wanted to control trade in this region after the abolition of the slave trade  Increased authority in the Mediterranean.

11 Belgium Areas  Central Africa  “The Congo” Resources/Motives  Mining (copper)  Cotton  Belgium did not have many colonies, but was a particularly violent colonizer.

12 European Government in Africa Direct Rule  France, Germany  Imperial power controlled all levels of government  Assimilation – people of the colonies would abandon their customs and adopt those of the imperial nation Indirect Rule  Great Britain  British governor and a council of advisors would make colonial laws  Local ruler had some power

13 African Resistance  Many Africans resisted European rule with military force.  Several wars broke out in Africa against several European nations.  Successful resistance in Ethiopia (Menelik II)  Despite the resistance, most Africans were no match for the Europeans.  Europeans had advanced military technology.

14 Impacts of Imperialism Benefits  New agricultural techniques were introduced  Medicine  Constructed roads and railroads  Tried to make African products available worldwide Costs  Most Africans did not accept European customs  European Industry and institutions did not benefit Africans  Led to conflicts between tribes  Millions of Africans were killed during the resistance.

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