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Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subtítulo del patrón 20/11/08 Writing and correction.

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Presentation on theme: "Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subtítulo del patrón 20/11/08 Writing and correction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subtítulo del patrón 20/11/08 Writing and correction

2 Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subtítulo del patrón 20/11/08 What do we write?

3 Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subtítulo del patrón 20/11/08 A form to be filled in A formal letter of … An informal letter … Postcard Email Note List Sentence Paragraph Sign Fax Instructions Comment on others work Review Advert Brochure Message Story Description Definition Article Report Proposal

4 Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subtítulo del patrón 20/11/08 Writing syllabus at ELI

5 20/11/08 Writing What our students should be thinking about when they are writing:

6 20/11/08 Writing has various SUB-SKILLS: Co____________ Pu____________ A__________ of reader La____________ At__________ of text Overall ________ of text Level of ap__________ / formality

7 20/11/08 Writing has various SUB-SKILLS: Cohesion Coherence Punctuation Awareness of reader Layout Attitude of text Overall message of text Level of appropriacy / formality

8 20/11/08 Match the activity with the sub-skill of writing it is practising

9 20/11/08 Correction: Is it any use? What message are we sending to our students?

10 20/11/08 Is it any use? Doesn’t really matter – our students expect and need correction.

11 20/11/08 The context: STUDENT: A 12 year-old girl from Spain, Ana. At the end of her first year of secondary school and of a first year coursebook. TASK: Telling an adventure story ‘Jane Bond goes to Seal Island’. TEXT-TYPE: a film review based on narrative (i.e. plot not characterisation) LANGUAGE FOCUS: present simple review, 3rd person subject/object pronouns SENTENCE WORK: combining sentences with ‘and’ and linking sentences with ‘then’, ‘finally’ VOCABULARY: action verbs, forms of transport

12 20/11/08 Jane Bond is a secret agent. In this film she goes to Seal Island to take photographs of a secret rocket. She drives car to the beach and get a boat. She drives boat to Seal Island. Then she climbs up the rock and take photographs in a big house. In there there is a bus, rocket, lorry and people. Then some man catches she with a gun. When he asleep Jane escapes. Then she goes to boat and climbs on to the ladder into the helicopter. Then she escapes.

13 20/11/08 What would you give this piece of writing out of 10?

14 20/11/08 P Sp WW WV T GR PREP EXP L1 TR WO SING PL GER INF ? !! √ √√ \ ^ Punctuation Spelling Wrong word Wrong verb Wrong tense Grammar Wrong preposition Incorrect expression Use of Spanish Translation Word order Singular needed Plural needed Gerund needed Infinitive needed I don’t understand What? Good Very good Extra word Word missing

15 20/11/08 There are 3 main ways of using such a correction code: 1. Correction – student errors are clearly identified and corrected by the TEACHER …photographs of a secret rockedt. She drives drove a car to the beach and get a got into a boat.

16 20/11/08 2. Controlled correction – student errors are clearly indicated but not corrected by the teacher …photographs of a secret rocked. She drives car to the beach and get a boat. spT T

17 20/11/08 3. Guided correction – 3 possibilities -locate errors but don’t tell what type they are …photographs of a secret rocked. She drives car to the beach and get a boat. -tell what type of error and how many, but don’t tell where they are …photographs of a secret rocked. She drives car to the beach and get a boat. -tell what type of error and how many and where they are …photographs of a secret rocked. She drives car to the beach and get a boat. T x 2, ^ x 2

18 20/11/08 What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this correction code?

19 20/11/08 -the time and effort we put into correcting student work is not necessarily proportional to the effect it has on student learning -not all homework has to be corrected for grammatical accuracy -be consistent with the code, make sure students know what you’re on about -be selective about amount of errors to be corrected -tell students you’ll only be correcting for ½ the areas -try and let students know they are writing to learn how not just to be assessed

20 Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subtítulo del patrón 20/11/08 The message we send our students if we always correct this way: Register isn’t important if you don’t make mistakes in grammar. To pass you don’t need to produce any complex sentences, just get the basic grammar right. I will give your work a mark based on how much of the grammar you got right. Just stick to what you know and don’t try anything – you might get it wrong. I will only correct spelling mistakes, the other criteria are not important. I will give points for accuracy, never for content

21 20/11/08 We need to PRIORITISE and SELECT errors... Look at Ana’s composition. What errors / areas would you select for further work for - Ana herself - her whole class

22 20/11/08 Remember! At FCE we should encourage experimentation – they do, in fact, not get penalised for being adventurous and getting it wrong.

23 20/11/08 Other ways of correcting...

24 20/11/08






30 Today I got up and had a breastfuck.

31 20/11/08 redrafting

32 20/11/08 1.from a different person’s point of view a speed writing exercise pairs 4.pass it on someone else’s 6.rewrite on computer

33 20/11/08 Marking – the results... Mark out of 10 Group 1Group 2Group 3 Us! 1000 2100 3310 4243 5538 6783 7642 8083 9920 10000

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