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Catalysts #12-23 COLLEGE READINESS SPRING 2015. Catalyst #12 February 9, 2015 Question of the Week: Common App Essay Question #4: Where is your absolute.

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Presentation on theme: "Catalysts #12-23 COLLEGE READINESS SPRING 2015. Catalyst #12 February 9, 2015 Question of the Week: Common App Essay Question #4: Where is your absolute."— Presentation transcript:

1 Catalysts #12-23 COLLEGE READINESS SPRING 2015

2 Catalyst #12 February 9, 2015 Question of the Week: Common App Essay Question #4: Where is your absolute favorite place to go to in the entire world? 1. Write the name of the place. **Choose 4 of the following questions to answer: 2. Describe this place in detail, using as much imagery (appeals to the five senses) as possible. (In other words, what do you see, hear, smell, etc. in this place?) 3. When did you first find/visit this place? What do you remember about the first time you were there? 4. Why do you have such a strong connection to this place? (Consider the following: memories/sentimental reasons, resources this place offers, how you feel towards this place) 5. How often do you get to go to this place? When were you last there? 6. What do you do when you are in this place? Why is this action important or meaningful for you? 7. Do you think other people you know would enjoy this place as much as you do? Why or why not?

3 Catalyst #13 February 10, 2015 SAT/ACT/MFL Vocabulary 1. POMPOUS (adj) Context clues: Joel, the most pompous senior in the entire school, struts around the halls like he’s royalty. A. Write a definition of pompous based on the above sentence. B. Write down the SYNONYMS for pompous from this list: Conceited; self-righteous; humble; modest; stuck-up; shy 2. ZENITH (n) Context clues: At the zenith of her career, she had won more championships than any other player and was ranked #1 for three years in a row. A. Complete the three synonyms for zenith: p _ _ k su _ _ _ t t _ _ B. Write a sentence of your own about your personal goal for the zenith of your future career. 3. BENEVOLENT (adj) Context clues: The benevolent woman donated large sums of money to community non-profits, in hopes that their services could benefit as many people in the city as possible. A. Complete the two synonyms for benevolent: gen _ _ _ _s c_r_ _g B. Write two antonyms for benevolent

4 Catalyst #14 February 11, 2015 College Research and Applications: If you are unsure of any answers, please write “Unsure” 1. List as many things as you can think of that are required on (most) college applications. 2. Some schools charge you an application fee to apply. How much do you think/know these fees can be? 3. Based on our discussion last week, what does “rolling admission” mean? 4. What is the difference between “early action” and “early decision” applications? 5. To the best of your knowledge, what does it mean if a school has “selective” admission? 6. Many, but not all, colleges require you to submit your scores on the ____________ or the __________. 7. What types of keywords should you look for on a college’s website that you can click on to find out more about applying to this school?

5 Catalyst # 15 February 12, 2015 SAT/ACT/MFL Math Prep For each question, show your work ! Then, write what you believe is the correct answer (Ex: C. X-5). 1. If x – 7 = 2y and we know that x= 5 + 3y, what is the value of y? (Hint: Plug in 5 + 3y for ‘x’) A. -5 B. -2 C. 2 D. 5E. 15 2. Which of the following is equivalent to A. B. C. 4nD. 4 + n E. 3. At a health food store, the price of peanuts is in direct proportion to the number of ounces bought. If the cost of t ounces of peanuts is d dollars, what is the price of peanuts in dollars per ounce, in terms of d and t? A. dtB. C. D. t – d E. d – t 4. Luis earns w dollars an hour for 3x hours and then earns y dollars an hour for x more hours. In terms of w, x, and y, how many dollars did he earn in all? A. x (3w + y) B. x(w + 3y)C. 4x( 3w + y)D. 4x (y + w)E. 4x (w + 3y)

6 Self Assessment Reflection Use your scores on your self-assessment to answer the following questions. 1. In which category (for example: Accepting Personal Responsibility) did you score the highest? 2. Look back at the statements under column A in the category you wrote in #1. (The Column A statements show the beliefs of someone who has this skill.) Write 2 of these statements to create a definition of this skill. 3. Why do you think you scored highest in this category? 4. In which category (for example: Accepting Personal Responsibility) did you score the lowest? 5. Look back at the statements under column A in the category you wrote in #4. (The Column A statements show the beliefs of someone who has this skill.) Write 2 of these statements to create a definition of this skill. 6. Why do you think you scored lowest in this category? Catalyst # 16 February 13, 2015

7 Question of the week: Who are your friends and what do they represent about you? 1. Write the name of a friend you consider yourself to be close with, or whom you consider to be a best friend. CHOOSE 4 OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS TO ANSWER ABOUT THIS PERSON: 2. How long have you been friends with this person? How did you meet/how did your friendship begin? 3. Why do you enjoy spending time with this person? How do you spend your time together? 4. How are you similar to this person? How do your personalities match up? 5. How are you different from this person? How do your personalities clash or contrast? 6. How has this person helped you through difficult time(s)? 7. What does your friendship with this person say about YOU? Why do you choose to be his or her friend? Catalyst #17 February 16, 2015

8 Catalyst #18 February 23, 2015 Question of the Week: When you were a little kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? 1. Write the name of the job/career that you wanted to have. Choose 4 of the following questions to answer about this job/career: 2. Why did you want to have this job/career? What made it sound so interesting/exciting/fun to you? 3. When you were little, what did you think would be required in order to have this job/career? 4. What do you now know that it takes to have this job/career? (Think about education, training, etc.) 5. Do you still aspire to have this job/career? Why or why not? 6. Do you believe that a job or career should be a major part of who you are/your identity? Why or why not? Be prepared to share! 3 rd & 4 th period: For Catalyst #17, write “Snow Day”

9 Catalyst #19 February 27, 2015 Rubric Scoring In your journal, write “Completed Grading Rubric Self-Assessment” Now, complete the rubric I gave you by doing the following: 1- Write your name, period, today’s date and round #1. 2- In each category, circle the box that you feel best represents your work in this class so far this semester. (Think back on your previous work overall.) 3- Under Comments on the back: Explain why you chose at least 2 of the scores that you did. Be sure to write in complete sentences. 4- DO NOT add up your totals.

10 Catalyst #20 March 2, 2015 OnCourse Seminar Friday: Accepting Personal Responsibility 1.Alternate reading paragraphs aloud with your partner: In your On Course text, turn to p. 32 and read “Victims and Creators” until you reach the bottom of the page. Then, skip to p. 39-40 and read “The Language of Responsibility.” Be sure to read the green and yellow statements in the chart. In your journal, record THREE things you just learned about the differences between victims and creators. 2.Discuss with your partner: Is it your habit to speak as a victim or as a creator? What is an example of one time in which you used victim or creator language this week? Write down one thing your partner said about his/her speaking habits. Return to your seat to complete individually: 3. Turn to p. 41 and look at Journal Entry 5. Choose ONE “Victim language” statement and record it in your journal. Then, below it, translate this statement into “creator language” that reflects personal responsibility. 4. What is one goal you can set for how you will change your language in the next week? (Pick an area in which you usually make yourself a victim: homework, dealing with parents, a boss, etc. and set a goal for how you will change the way you talk about this into creator language.)

11 Catalyst #21 March 3, 2015 SAT/ACT/MFL Vocabulary 1. ACQUIESCE (verb) Context clues: After enduring hours of his nagging and whining, Mrs. Nixon acquiesced to her son’s pleas and gave him a later curfew. A. Write down the SYNONYMS for acquiesce from this list: Consent; oppose; agree; dissent; accept; submit; fight B. Write a sentence about a time when you or someone you know acquiesced to a demand. 2. INNATE (adjective) Context clues: LeBron’s impressive achievements as a basketball player are likely a combination of not only his innate ability to be good at the sport, but also his dedicated training and hard work. A. Complete the two antonyms for innate: lea_ n _ _ pr_ _t_ _ ed B. Write a definition for innate, based on the sentence above. 3. PERFUNCTORY (adjective) Context clues: The greeter at Walmart said “Hello, how are you?” to guests in a perfunctory manner: the whole time she was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed and her tone of voice indicated she didn’t really care if the person responded or not. A. Complete the two antonyms for perfunctory: th_ _ g _ _ ful c _ r _ _ ul B. List three chores, tasks or assignments that you do in a perfunctory manner.

12 Catalyst #22 March 4, 2015 FAFSA Review 1. What are at least two things that you must have with you, in order to fill out the FAFSA application? 2. What is the difference between a subsidized and an unsubsidized loan? 3. What is a work study program? (How does it work?) 4. When should you complete the FAFSA? (Hint: not just during senior year, but what time of the school year?) 5. Why is it important to complete the FAFSA as soon as possible? 6. How many schools can your list on your FAFSA application? (Hint: These are the schools that will receive your financial aid information.) 7. True or false: The only way to be eligible for federal grants and loans is by completing the FAFSA. 8. True or false: You will need to complete the FAFSA every year that you are in college. 9. True or false: The grades that you earn in college cannot affect how much financial aid you receive. 10. True or false: When you complete the FAFSA, it will be based on your personal income, not your parents’ income.

13 Catalyst #23 March 5, 2015 SAT/ACT/MFL Math Prep 1. Which of the following is NOT equal to 5/9? A. 10/18B. 20/36C. 30/45D. 35/63E. 50/90 2. In which of the following equations is the > sign incorrect? A. 5/6 > 7/9 B. 2/3 > 1/2 C. 4/7 > 5/9D. 7/8 > 3/4 E. 1/4 > 3/10 3. The ratio of a to b is 3 : 5. The ratio of c to e is 1 : 6. What is the ratio of ac to be? A. 10 :1B. 2:15C. 5:18D. 1:10E. 18:5

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