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STATE OF AFA REPORT (SOAR) 2012-2014 May 9, 2014/ Bali, Indonesia 2012-2014STAS 2012-2014.

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Presentation on theme: "STATE OF AFA REPORT (SOAR) 2012-2014 May 9, 2014/ Bali, Indonesia 2012-2014STAS 2012-2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 STATE OF AFA REPORT (SOAR) 2012-2014 May 9, 2014/ Bali, Indonesia 2012-2014STAS 2012-2014


3 National-level activities National level consultations on VGGT/RAI/ IYFF (PAKISAMA, API, FNN, VNFU, NLRF, NAMAC) FACT on Attracting Youth in Agriculture (PAKISAMA,,API, FNN, VNFU, NLRF, KKM, AINOKAI,TWADA, TDFA) FACT WS and ToT ( Phils, Indonesia, Mekong ) National FACT Implementation (NLRF, KKM, API, PAKISAMA) Use of GEC in assessing land laws ( AFFM, NLRF) GAFSP Missions ( Cambodia, Nepal, Bangladesh, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyztan)

4 Regional Events Farmers’ Research Agenda (Sept 2012, Bangkok) Regional Learning Session on Sustainable and Inclusive Marketing Arrangements towards increasing Farmers’ Market Power (May 2013, Manila) Defending and Promoting Small Scale Agriculture in Asia: Strategies to Build Happy, Healthy, and Empowered Family Farming Communities (October 2013, Phnom Penh)

5 Participation in Intl Meetings Organized by Inter-governmental bodies (ASEAN, FAO, IFAD, WB, CFS) Organized by CSOs (AGRICORD, Oxfam, GRET, CSM Organized by Private Sector (WEF) Food security, nutrition, food losses, AR4D, RAI, agro-ecology, tech transfer, post MDG agenda, GEC, PPPs)

6 Knowledge Management Issue Papers ( Land Grabs, food price volatility, climate financing, IYFF, Sustainable and Inclusive Marketing Arrangements – translated In members’ languages) Video (marketing arrangements with sub-titles in Bahasa, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Bangladesh ) IYFF poster calendars (PAKISAMA, API, NAMAC, WUA,FNN, VNFU, NLRF) Research Papers ( Sustainable and Inclusive Marketing Arrangements)

7 Enterprise Development Case Studies/ Research Papers ( Sustainable and Inclusive Marketing Arrangements) On-going Tool devt on assessing sustainability and inclusivity on an FO agri enterprise and Technical assistance based on the intervention plan On-going case study on WEF’s PPP in Vietnam

8 Current positions in intl bodies IFAD- FAFO steering committee member WEF adviser on Global Agenda Council on Food Security GFAR- steering committee member APAARI- steering committee member/reciprocal member More and Better – member RCC for FAO Concerns – focal point for farmers’ constituency ILC – member FAO- observer status WRF – board member/ WCC for IYFF Review representation in these bodies

9 Resource Mobilization Agriterra ($440,693 ) 2011-2013 Agriterra Eval and FACT ( $50,681) - 2013 CSA ($124,800) – 2013 and 2014 AsiaDHRRA ---- through members ILC ($30,000) GAFSP-CU ( $150,000) 2012-2013 MTCP2 ($3M) 2014-2017

10 Where are we now in the implementation of AFA’s strategic plan 2011-2015?

11 In terms of our indicators We have new members in Timor Leste, Laos, Myanmar, China, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, Mongolia, and Bhutan - Kyrgyztan Our members are key FOs in their countries, and are sought after by their respective national governments and CSOs (Pakisama, API, FNN, VNFU, NAMAC) All our members and Secretariat office have functional organizational structures and systems ( SKP? ) ; our staff have capacities for advocacy, negotiating with governments, program and project management, financial management, networking, communication, knowledge management, and sustainable agriculture

12 In terms of our indicators Our members have concrete people-based programs (e.g., seeds selection, certification of the seeds, provision of support in land dispute of peasants, commodity cluster formation for production, value addition, and marketing activities) Seeds Selection: API, PAKISAMA, FNN, AINOUKAI, KKM Seed Certification: API, AINOUKAI Land Disputes: API, PAKISAMA, NLRF Commodity Cluster Formation: API, PAKISAMA, VNFU, FNN, SKP, TWADA, TDFA, AINOUKAI, NAMAC, CTCF

13 In terms of our objectives We are able to finance our regional secretariat’s core operations, and support regional programs through various constant sources; similarly, our members are able to finance their national operations. Our secretariat has at least $150,000 annual receipts—eighty percent (80%) from grants, fifteen percent (15%) from membership and service fees, and five percent (5%) from other sources. –we are dependent on donor funding. We have not even reached 15% internal generation of funds.

14 In terms of our objectives The finance management systems and practices of our secretariat and members conform to internationally-accepted auditing and accounting principles; and our Finance Reports are accepted by donors. We have established our women and youth wing, with activities implemented at regional and national levels. We have developed a concept paper and conducted a feasibility study of our own enterprise complementing and synergizing the enterprises our members. We are regularly invited, consulted, and given seats and speaking slots in conferences and mechanisms for consultation and decision–making by target institutions and agencies at national, regional and international levels. -

15 National governments and inter-governmental bodies have the following: – Very restrictive policies against GMOs – Very supportive policies on sustainable, environment-friendly agriculture and agro-based enterprises by small-scale farmers – Institutionalized mechanisms for participation of FOs in agriculture-related decision-making processes ( Pakisama)

16 National governments and inter-governmental bodies have the following: – Eighty percent (80%) of governments’ agricultural budget is dedicated to small scale women and men farmers – United Nations has declared an International Year for Family Farming. – Secured land rights for small scale women and men farmers Climate financing that supports adaptation and mitigation measures for agriculture using sustainable, agro-ecological approaches.

17 Our main target by 2015 By 2015, we will be: The largest, most credible, most transparent, most trustworthy, and most active organization of small scale women and men farmers in Asia working happily and harmoniously together towards the realization of our vision, mission, and peace agenda; working in partnership with other FOs and CSOs in pushing for and implementing sustainable, environment-friendly, pro-small scale women and men farmer policies and programs at the national, regional and international levels; at the same time maintaining feelings of warmth and solidarity between and among our members and partners. – Agriterra letter that says we lack identity as an FO. CSA comments why are we not focusing on ASEAN alone?

18 For discussion Comments on the report Recommendations for next two years

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