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Becoming an Independent Learner Louise Livesey Academic Skills Adviser This workshop will... −Explore what is required to become an independent learner.

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Presentation on theme: "Becoming an Independent Learner Louise Livesey Academic Skills Adviser This workshop will... −Explore what is required to become an independent learner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Becoming an Independent Learner Louise Livesey Academic Skills Adviser This workshop will... −Explore what is required to become an independent learner −Look at the basic principles of how to achieve success −Help students develop assignment and exam checklists

2 Today’s Plan 1.How does it feel to be here? 2.What is an independent learner? 3.What do I have to do to be an independent learner? 4.How to achieve 5.Assignment and exam checklists

3 1.How does it feel to be here? Take a breath and think about this for a moment Write on the Post-it note whether positive or negative Place it on the wall/board Activity 1: How do you feel about being a Uni student?

4 1.How does it feel to be here? Most students will feel scared and overwhelmed at some point – it is to be expected and normal! It’s common to feel doubtful and worried

5 1.How does it feel to be here? Learning at Uni is just another skill; it gets easier with practice Experience is usually more important than intelligence!

6 2.What is an independent learner? Manages own study Choses and interprets books to read Decides what to put in and structure of assignments Manages their time Self-motivated, disciplined and focused Is organised Chooses extra-curricular activities appropriately

7 2.What is an independent learner? Benefits: −Control over study and spare time −Control over when, where and how to study −More responsibility for own success Solutions to challenges: −Develop a timetable and routine −Choose activities to develop skills −Work out best place, time and way/s to study for you −Create targets and action plans −Read everything and act on it

8 3.What do I have to do to be an independent learner?  Motivate yourself  Stick to your timetable  Take notes in lectures and from sources  Think critically by questioning everything  Use the library and relevant IT programmes  Concentrate  Remember and understand  Research  Write

9 3.What do I have to do to be an independent learner? You are not alone!

10 Surface or Deep Learning? What is the difference between students who get top grades and rest? Answer: They read more! What is the best way to remember stuff? Answer: Write it out – make notes! (Marton and Säljö, 1976) 4.How to achieve

11 “People see the extraordinary feats of others but not the unwavering commitment and countless hours of perseverant effort that produced them” (Bandura,1997: 119) People who do more work, achieve more!

12 5.Assignment and exam checklists In pairs or small groups, create a checklist for you to follow for writing your first assignment. What might you do? Where might you go? Activity: Your first assignment checklist

13 Action Check handbook; read brief/criteria; look at Blackboard (read feedback from last assignment) Go to library; search for texts (books and journal articles) from reading list; find other texts Read basic texts first followed by harder ones; search for recent articles online. Make rough notes; sort rough notes into categories; decide on relevant categories; decide on key points in each category; sort key points into a list. Make an assignment plan/structure: list of categories/areas and key points + the evidence (references) Write first draft linking your key points and using evidence; proofread your draft; amend; repeat until happy Check handbook for hand-in requirements; hand in. Get feedback; read feedback; reflect; file feedback; plan what you will do differently to improve Create an assignment checklist to stay organised! 5.Assignment and exam checklists

14 ‘Exams (are) opportunities to show what you know rather than… tests to show what you do not know.’ 5.Assignment and exam checklists (Moran, 2000: 139)

15 Summary It’s common to feel doubtful and worried Experience and hard work is usually more important than ‘intelligence’! Know where you can go for information and assistance Create assignment and exam checklist to stay organised and motivated!

16 References Bandura, A. (1997). Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control. New York: Freeman. Cottrell, S. (2013) The Study Skills Handbook. 4th ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. Marton F. and Säljö R. (1976) On qualitative differences in learning – Outcome and Process. British Journal of Educational Psychology. 46, pp. 4-11. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10.6.2014] Moran, A. (2000) Managing Your Own Learning at University. Dublin: University College Dublin Press. All visuals: worry/smile/old/runner/finish line/question Clip Art

17 Academic Skills Advice Service Where are we? Chesham Building B0.23 What do we do? Support undergraduate students with their study skills by running clinics and workshops, having bookable appointment slots, and enabling students to drop-in for Instant Advice. Who are we? Michael and Helen specialise in Maths Support; Lucy and Russell advise students on study skills; and I (Louise) deliver the workshops When can you come for help? Everyday both face to face and on-line How do I get in touch? Email: academic- or website skillsacademic-

18 Any questions?

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