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Aristeidis K. Georgoulias Konstantinos A. Kourtidis AMFIC Web Data Base II AMFIC Progress Meeting - Barcelona 24 June 2009 DRAGON II Symposium, Barcelona.

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Presentation on theme: "Aristeidis K. Georgoulias Konstantinos A. Kourtidis AMFIC Web Data Base II AMFIC Progress Meeting - Barcelona 24 June 2009 DRAGON II Symposium, Barcelona."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aristeidis K. Georgoulias Konstantinos A. Kourtidis AMFIC Web Data Base II AMFIC Progress Meeting - Barcelona 24 June 2009 DRAGON II Symposium, Barcelona 22-26 June 2009 Democritus University of Thrace Laboratory of Atmospheric Pollution and Pollution Control Engineering

2 Current status: AMFIC web data base is fully operational!AMFIC web data base is fully operational!

3 Current status: AMFIC web data base is fully operational!AMFIC web data base is fully operational! The permanent URL of the data base isThe permanent URL of the data base is

4 Current status: AMFIC web data base is fully operational!AMFIC web data base is fully operational! For the time being the data base hosts three satellite products (Parameters)For the time being the data base hosts three satellite products (Parameters) 1. SCIAMACHY WFM-DOAS v1.0 XCH 4 dry air columnar data (in ppb) for 2 separate years (2003 & 2004) Level 2b quality filtered swath data available in three different geographical modes, GLOBAL 10 o x10 o, GLOBAL 5 o x5 o & CHINA 1 o x1 o ) The permanent URL of the data base isThe permanent URL of the data base is

5 2. SCIAMACHY WFM-DOAS v0.6 CO total column data (in molec./cm 2 ) for 2 separate years (2003 & 2004) Level 2b quality filtered swath data available in three different geographical modes, GLOBAL 10 o x10 o, GLOBAL 5 o x5 o & CHINA 1 o x1 o ) 3. SCIAMACHY DOAS v1.0.3 SO 2 total column data (in DU) for 3 full (twelve-month) years (2005, 2006 & 2007) Level 3 gridded data for the greater area of China (CHINA 0.25 o x0.25 o )


7 A case study on the use of Methane data Focusing on the seasonal variation of Methane in different height levels using satellite and ground data CodeLocationLatitudeLongitudeElevationWLG Mt. Waliguan, China 36.28 o N 100.90 o E 3810m UUM Ulaan Uul, Mongolia 44.45 o N 111.10 o E 914m KZD Sary Taukum, Kazakhstan 44.45 o N 75.57 o E 412m KZM Plateau Assy, Kazakhstan 43.25 o N 77.88 o E 2519m * The stations are part of NOAA’s flask network

8 A case study on the use of Methane data 1. Monthly Datasets SCIAMACHY XCH 4 (ppb) AIRS CH 4 vmr (ppb) 206.25mb AIRS CH 4 vmr (ppb) 306.75mb AIRS CH 4 vmr (ppb) 407.25mb Surface flask conc. CH 4 (ppb) Columns Levels Ground * Figures and data from AMFIC web data base *** Version5 level3 gridded data from NASA’s GES DAAC ( * Surface flask measurements from NOAA’s stations taken from WMO’s World Data Center for GHGs (

9 A case study on the use of Methane data 2.Getting AMFIC data (step by step)

10 A case study on the use of Methane data 2.Getting AMFIC data (step by step)

11 A case study on the use of Methane data 2.Getting AMFIC data (step by step) FRONT BACK

12 A case study on the use of Methane data 2.Getting AMFIC data (step by step) BACK

13 A case study on the use of Methane data 2.Getting AMFIC data (step by step)

14 A case study on the use of Methane data 2.Getting AMFIC data (step by step)

15 A case study on the use of Methane data 2.Getting AMFIC data (step by step)

16 A case study on the use of Methane data 2.Getting AMFIC data (step by step)

17 A case study on the use of Methane data 2.Getting AMFIC data (step by step)

18 A case study on the use of Methane data 2.Getting AMFIC data (step by step)

19 A case study on the use of Methane data 2.Getting AMFIC data (step by step)

20 A case study on the use of Methane data 2.Getting AMFIC data (step by step)

21 A case study on the use of Methane data 2.Getting AMFIC data (step by step)

22 A case study on the use of Methane data 2.Getting AMFIC data (step by step)

23 A case study on the use of Methane data 2.Getting AMFIC data (step by step)

24 A case study on the use of Methane data 2.Getting AMFIC data (step by step)



27 A case study on the use of Methane data 3. Analysis * The XCH 4 SCIAMACHY data appearing on the 4 figures have been scaled by 1.02 as discussed in Schneising et al., 2009

28 A case study on the use of Methane data 3. Analysis 1.The good agreement between the satellite and ground observations is probably due to the high altitude of the station. 2. According to Xiong et al., 2009 the (August-September) AIRS peak is connected to methane transport to the upper troposphere from the monsoon-Tibetan anticyclone system. 3. According to Xiong et al., 2009 the decrease of AIRS vmr thereafter is connected to the withdrawal of the monsoon and the dissipation of the Tibetan anticyclone. 4.The good agreement between SCIAMACHY and AIRS observations could be indicative of the transport of methane to the upper troposphere.

29 A case study on the use of Methane data 3. Analysis The good agreement between SCIAMACHY and AIRS observations could be indicative of the transport of methane to the upper troposphere in the region around the Tibetan Plateau.

30 Discussion: We are willing to make an interface so as the users can select the time period and the product in order to download many files in one go.We are willing to make an interface so as the users can select the time period and the product in order to download many files in one go. However, we should know about the conditions of use and the availability of full datasets to the users.However, we should know about the conditions of use and the availability of full datasets to the users. We would be grateful if the TEMIS SO 2, HCHO and NO 2 data were available to us (Duth staff) via an ftp site in order to make sure we can replace the dataset immediately in case of hard disk crashes.We would be grateful if the TEMIS SO 2, HCHO and NO 2 data were available to us (Duth staff) via an ftp site in order to make sure we can replace the dataset immediately in case of hard disk crashes. SCIAMACHY Tropospheric HCHO data are analyzed.SCIAMACHY Tropospheric HCHO data are analyzed. SCIAMACHY Tropospheric NO 2 data are going to be analyzed during this summer.SCIAMACHY Tropospheric NO 2 data are going to be analyzed during this summer. Please, inform us for any changes we should make to the fields appearing on the database (data description, copyright, terms of use, links, etc…)Please, inform us for any changes we should make to the fields appearing on the database (data description, copyright, terms of use, links, etc…)

31 AMFIC Web Data Base II Democritus University of Thrace Laboratory of Atmospheric Pollution and Pollution Control Engineering Aristeidis K. Georgoulias: Konstantinos A. Kourtidis: “Please, test the AMFIC web data base and contact us for any omission, problem, etc.” AMFIC Progress Meeting - Barcelona 24 June 2009 DRAGON II Symposium, Barcelona 22-26 June 2009

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