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researchers focused on the role of language in content-area classrooms.

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10 researchers focused on the role of language in content-area classrooms.


12 starting where the kids are ! - Carol Ann Tomlinson


14 Pacing: ____ Extended Time ____ Longer “wait time” for answering questions ____ Other: ________________ Environment: ____ Assign peer buddy ____ Provide one on one support ____ Flexible seating ____ Work alone ____ Other: ________________ Reinforcement & Follow Through: ____ Student-teacher goal setting ____ Build confidence with positive comments ____ Have student restate directions ____ Check often for understanding/review ____ Re-teach / extend skills ____ Use games (for review and mastery) ____ Arrange for peer tutoring ____ Plan cooperative learning experiences ____ Make/use vocabulary files/ personal dictionaries ____ Teach organizational & study skills ____ Provide outline for content materials ____ Use study guides to organize materials ____ Other: ________________ Presentation of Subject Material: ____ Use individual/small group instruction ____ Simplify language ____ Tape lectures for playback ____ Show and discuss video clips ____ Demonstrate concepts ____ Provide explicit vocabulary instruction ____ Use manipulatives ____ Post graphics, charts & visual aids ____ Emphasize critical information ____ Use graphic organizers ____ Pre-teach vocabulary ____ Other: ________________ Materials: ____ Provide recorded texts / readings (check with Hudson) ____ Use supplementary materials ____ Highlighted textbooks / study guides ____ Use adapted textbooks / easier readings ____ Allow use of computer ____ Varied computer programs ____ Daily assignment student notebook ____Other: ________________

15  Consistent use of pretesting  Decrease in the frequency of large group activities  Increase in  Small group teaching activities  Flexible small group learning activities  Increase in individual alternatives:  Centers  Homework  Contracts The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented, 2002

16  Explicitly teach vocabulary up front  Ask questions throughout reading  Model thought processes (think aloud)  Use graphic organizers  Model the activity  Break a complex task into “doable” steps


18  Call Center  Interpreter/Translator  Professional Development  Materials (adapted texts, dictionaries)  Parent Literacy Program  OGT, College & Career Readiness Program  ESL Department Webpage  LEP Data

19 Mark Paskert – ESL Office: 365-3108

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