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Go Bellevue Bulldogs!. Research at BC shows that those who actually complete FYE are more successful than those who don’t. FYE is an opportunity to obtain.

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Presentation on theme: "Go Bellevue Bulldogs!. Research at BC shows that those who actually complete FYE are more successful than those who don’t. FYE is an opportunity to obtain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Go Bellevue Bulldogs!

2 Research at BC shows that those who actually complete FYE are more successful than those who don’t. FYE is an opportunity to obtain one college-level credit in an environment where you can learn more about Bellevue College and yourself. Your syllabus lists course outcomes and expectations

3 Instructor Name: Subject Taught/Area @ the College: Educational Background: Fun Fact: Why I Enjoy Teaching FYE:

4 Setting a goal is very useful, even if the results are not what you had intended. Goals help you decide what you want and how you are going to get there. Goals are specific, attainable, and something that you want. They can be short term, long term, whatever. Think about what you’d like to get out of 1)Your FYE experience and 2)Your Bellevue College experience. Brainstorm some goals for both on page 4 of your manual.

5 Transition Definition: 1. Movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc., to another ( “4 Ss” Related to Our Ability to Transition – Situation – Self – Support – Strategies 2. Any event or non-event that results in changed relationships, routines, assumptions, and roles (Nancy K. Schlossberg)

6 High School StudentEmployeeCollege Student AttendanceMandatory to graduateMandatory to stay employedMay or may not be monitored Time6 hours in class, 1-2 hours outside of class 8 hours at work each day3 hours in class, 6 hours outside of class ChoicesNoneLittleFlexible, student designs schedule AssignmentsModerate to none outside of class Moderate to no overtimeSubstantial work outside of class HomeworkFrequent & checked, feedback given on progress Feedback if you are not meeting standards Not always checked; feedback on progress depends on instructor. Tests (feedback on performance) FrequentSometimes frequent depending on boss; Annually Few, sporadic or minimal graded assignments Effort, Preparation, Quality of work Not always a high expectation or requirement, get 2 nd chances to make-up or redo work High expectation for each of these areas to be successful Need to put the time and effort in to be successful; student determines their approach to work specifically how and when it is done

7 Video Clip: Famous Failures Resiliency Definition 1. the power or ability to return to the original form, position, etc., after being bent, compressed, or stretched; elasticity. 2. ability to recover readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like; buoyancy. Video Clip: The Power of Belief

8 Discussion Questions: What is one thing from the “Power of Belief” that you would you want to share with others? What do you think is the “take-away” message of this video? What is the difference in thought patterns between someone with “Fixed Mindset” and “Growth Mindset?” How might the concepts of resiliency and mindset be related? How might these concepts assist you in life transitions (beyond your first quarter in college)?

9 Complete assessment on page 7  Visual  Auditory  Kinesthetic


11 Discussion Questions– see page 27: How can an academic advisor help you towards achieving your goals? When should you see an advisor to talk about these goals? How often? How can you help each other towards these goals? What are some ways you can keep yourself motivated/accountable towards these goals? Resources: Advising Website Online Class Schedule Online Services Degree Audit

12 Meet current Bellevue College students! Guiding Question: “What is one tip that you would give to a new student to increase their academic success @ Bellevue College?”

13 How did it go? What went well for you? What are your takeaways after Day One? Reminders for Day Two Read Pages 33-40 in your FYE manual Bring your Fall Quarter class schedule and a sample weekly work schedule Don’t forget to bring food

14 Welcome Back!

15 Why do you think Bellevue College has these two policies? What does it mean for you knowing that your grade point average has to stay above a 2.0 (C) in order to remain a student at Bellevue College? Do either of these policies connect with the goals that you wrote at the beginning of class? If so, how? What follow-up questions do you have after reading the Grading Policy? What follow-up questions do you have after reading the Academic Standing Policy?

16 Time management is not about managing time – it is about managing ourselves and how we choose to use our time. It is all about our choices. How will you choose to use your time? Video Clip: Ellen's Procrastination Video Clip: The Science of Productivity

17 Using your class schedule for the quarter and your own knowledge of your work and home schedule, fill in the chart on the next page to reflect the guidelines listed above. Remember, for every one hour in class, plan on two hours of studying/homework. Make sure to indicate:  Prescheduled Events: Classes, work, and other weekly activities  Time it takes to get places (driving or on the bus)  Meal time  Time it takes to get ready in the morning

18 Career ValuesInterestsPersonality Skills and strengths When Choosing a career Consider all these aspects. There may be even more you want to consider. Look at the resources And support you have too. Video Clip: George Picks a Career

19 Personal: What do I want to accomplish? Meaning. Cultural What are my family and cultural values? Work Values Do I want recognition, flexibility, power, authority?

20 Family Extended family vs. Nuclear family Orientation Individualism vs collectivism

21 Achievement Independence Recognition Relationships Support Working Conditions

22 ConventionalRealistic Investigative ArtisticSocial Enterprising

23 Personality Consider taking the MBTI. This test will tell you: How do you get your energy? How do you gather information and focus your attention? How do you make decisions and come to conclusions? How do you organize your life? Strengths and Skills What are your strengths? What do you excel at? What are your skills? What skills are you likely to acquire? What are you good at and you enjoy doing too?

24 Research: Career Pathways at the Center for Career Connections. HD 173: Career Exploration Class Labor Market Research. Check out WOIS and O’NET.WOISO’NET. Road Trip Nation (PBS show for college students) Elective Classes. Informational Interviews. Volunteer or Internships. One-on-one appointments with career counselors and advisors. Remember… You do NOT need to know now what you will do for the rest of your life!

25 Video Clip: Sometimes You're a Caterpillar Related Definitions Discrimination: Action based on prejudice toward social others. When we act on our prejudgments, we are discriminating. Harassment: The act of systematic and/or continued unwanted and annoying actions of one party or a group, including threats and demands. Prejudice: Learned prejudgment about members of social groups to which we don’t belong. Prejudice is based on limited knowledge or experience with the group. Simplistic judgments and assumptions are made and projected onto everyone from that group. Privilege: The rights, advantages, and protections enjoyed by some at the the expense of and beyond the rights, advantages, and protections available to others. Privilege is socially constructed to benefit members of the dominant group.


27 Bellevue College is committed to maintaining an environment in which every member of the campus community feels welcome to participate in the life of the college, free from harassment and discrimination. We value our different backgrounds at Bellevue College, and students, faculty, staff members, and administrators are to treat one another with dignity and respect.

28 Classes: HD, Sociology, CES Campus Events: International Night, MLK Celebration, Cinco de Mayo, American Indian Film Festival, Day of Silence, Disability Awareness Day On-Campus Workshops Student Clubs and Organizations

29 YOU be the student services staff member (or a mentor for other new students) Recommend: Support Service(s)– see pages 31-32 Study Strategies Other helpful tools or resources – See page 29 for Online/Hybrid Class Tips


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