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HWTS and WSP policy landscape for Mongolia

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1 HWTS and WSP policy landscape for Mongolia
Dr Sh. Urantsetseg, MOH Dr Ts. Unurjargal, Umnugobi HD Dr E.Erdenechimeg, MNUMS Dr V.Delgermaa, WHO CO

2 Introduction Total population: 2.8 Million, urban vs rural: 67.2% and 32.8% (2012) Drinking water source: 82% underground water; 18% surface water (spring water; snow, ice; river seasonally) Access to improved drinking water supply 85% and sanitation facilities 53% (JMP, UNICEF/WHO 2012) But in rural areas: access to improved drinking water supply 56% and sanitation facilities 29% (JMP, UNICEF/WHO 2012) For health care facilities, centralized water supply 14.1%, non-centralized water supply 85.9% (MoH, NCPH, 2012) WSP has been implementing since 2012 (WHO/AUSAID)

3 Water supply system Centralized and non centralized system
Underground well Water reservoir Pipe Pipe 582,633 residents

4 Rural area: Nomadic people
Dig well Underground well Surface water

5 Water transporting and storage containers
To get water from water kiosks 2-4 time a week The average quantity is L Volume of water container is L 63% Plastic container 35.9% container made by iron and aluminum

6 Implementation Non-centralized water supply consumers:
People living in Ger districts Nomadic people/herding households Vulnerable group: Young children, particularly non-breastfed children Elderly Pregnant women

7 Problem AT GLANCE… 21.4% of all infectious diseases at the national level ; 53.3% of intestinal infectious diseases in Ulaanbaatar 6 different INTESTINAL infections: Dysentery; Salmonella; Diarrhea; viral hepatitis A and food poisoning

8 Improved Water Quality For Mongolia
Mongolian data on E.coli and/or total coliform present in drinking-water According to microbiological monitoring data conducted in 830 water resource of 300 soums, 227 or 25.6% of them were determined higher contamination of total bacteria. E.Coli was determined in 66 (7.4%) wells.

9 Rapid test of microbial contamination
Indicators Үр дүн, % UB Khovd DO DU AR SB Total At catchment E.Coli (-) 57.1 73.5 75 55.6 - 100 76.1 E. Coli (+) 42.8 26.5 25 44.4 23.9 Water transporting containers 7.5 61.8 50 4 25.6 92.5 38.2 96 74.4 Water storage containers 1.9 58.8 37.1 19.2 15.4 16.3 98.1 41.2 62.9 80.8 84.6 83.7

10 Current policy/national support for HWTS and WSP
Law on Water Law on utilization of urban settlement’s water supply and sewage National Water program ( ) City Civil Council Resolution: Work Plan and Investment of Water Safety Program of UB city Joint order of the Minister of Health and Minister of Construction and Urban Development: Guidance for WSP development and Implementation in provinces and soums with centralized water supply Proposed Law on Hygiene: 2 statements for Water Safety issues Revision of Drinking Water Quality standard: Drinking Water Quality Management Review of water related policy documents

11 National targets No specific target for HWTS
Safe drinking water supply: In urban and rural area: more 70% and 60%, respectively Water Safety: In UB more 30,000 household should be connected to centralized water supply MDGs Goal 7; Target 16: Reduce, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation

12 Key stakeholders Government of Mongolia MOH NCPH MOE
Activities: Revise DW quality standard Health Impact Assessment MOE National Water Committee Activities: Policy and institutional framework strengthening GASI Municipal/Provincial Inspection Agency Activities: Water Quality Monitoring Municipal Government Water Supply and Sewage Authority Activities: Capacity building

13 WSP (2 urban; 6 rural) Health Care Facility: Model Songino khairhan (ger district) Unmugobi (one of gobi area with water scarcity)

14 Household water treatment
Sedimentation Boiling (92.6%) Using filters (bio-sand; ceramic)

15 Monitoring and evaluation
Quality of drinking water General agency for specialized agency Water Supply Institutions: Internal Auditing Unit Water borne diseases/Surveillance City and Province Health Department National Center for Public Health

16 Partnerships and responsibility
WSP: Leading agency: MOH; USUG Supporting: WHO/AusAid HWTS The Asian foundation; ACF Mongolia NGO; Cross Red

17 Resource mobilisation
Local and international donors WHO UNICEF World Vision ACF The Asian Foundation World bank Asian Development Bank ??? Commercial Filter Distribution companies

18 Summary Hygienic requirements for water transporting and storage container Promoting community participation Expand public and private partnerships Public awareness raising and behavior change campaign (safe storage; water container cleaning) To provide health education in relation to household water treatment in emergency cases

19 Thank you Bayarlalaa Khor khobchai

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