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Donette Mullinix ED 505 UWA Clipart:

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1 Donette Mullinix ED 505 UWA Clipart:

2 According to “the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use” Areas to address  Netiquette on Social Media Sites  Copyright and Fair Use  Plagiarism  Safety on the internet  Safety on your computer

3 On Social Networks… Do  Tell the truth  Share lots  Stay positive  Google before you share  Respect others privacy Don’t  Hate  Curse or swear  Disrespect  Take it personally  Invite everyone ( For emailing/messaging…  Identify yourself  Include subject line  No sarcasm  Respect privacy by not forwarding emails and addresses  Acknowledge and return messages promptly  No spam!  Use appropriate language  Use appropriate intensifiers to indicate meanings (Robyler & Doering, 2010)

4 GREAT teaching site with animated quiz:  Copyright: “law of the U.S. that protects authors, composers, and others from being used without permission” (  Fair Use: “protects the rights of the public to limited use of copyrighted materials” ( (Photo: If in doubt, send an email to get special permission for use.

5  Ask questions related to:  Does it have an educational purpose?  What type of material do I want to use?  How much will be used?  Will using it stop the owner from making money? General guidelines Motion media-10% or 3 minutes Text-10% or 1000 words Music-up to 10% but no more than 30 seconds of an individual work. Photographs-best practice is asking permission (

6  What is it?  Stealing  Using another’s work and passing it as yours  Not giving proper credit  Plagiarism Checkers:   www.plagiarismchecker. com www.plagiarismchecker. com   Helpful tools for teaching on plagiarism:  citing-quiz.swf citing-quiz.swf  http://www.lycoming.e du/library/instruction/t utorials/plagiarism.aspx http://www.lycoming.e du/library/instruction/t utorials/plagiarism.aspx  Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day: The Best Online Sources to Teach about Plagiarism (9-21-09)

7  Identity Theft  Be cautious with personal information by not sending in emails, messages, texts, etc.  “https” and a padlock indicate secure sites  Green address bar-secure  Use home computer for personal/financial  Avoid clicking message links or pop-ups  Keep current information on your accounts and credit reports (Protecting Yourself from Identity Theft Online Brochure.pdf)

8  Passwords Use long phrases or sentences Mix uppercase and lowercase letters; use numbers and symbols Avoid using same passwords for multiple accounts Do not share with anyone Keep a list in secure location (Protecting Yourself from Identity Theft Online Brochure.pdf) PERFECT PASSWORD CHECKLIST:  Reputation Management: working to repair on online reputation, presenting a person online in positive way, helping hide private information (

9 CYBERBULLYING: using the internet, cell phones, or other devices t send or post information intended to hurt or embarrass another person; affects half of American teens WAYS TO RESPOND: Block communication Delete messages without reading Report to internet provider/moderator Refuse to pass on message Talk to an adult Help raise awareness CYBERSTALKING: threatening behavior, unwanted contact, “attacks” over the internet National Crime Prevention Council @  Profile precautions Use privacy settings Use safe and appropriate screen names Review child’s friends list Know what your kids are doing and who they are online with Teach children to never meet someone without talking to parents first and to never send pictures or personal information For more guidelines: (

10  Protect your computer from: Viruses Trojan horses Worms Phishing  What they do: Delete your files Steal data/identity Let hackers have access Take over computer  WAYS TO COMBAT Keep all software current Install antivirus and antispyware software Never turn off firewall Use password on router Be cautious with flash drives Don’t open unknown emails/attachments

11 Robyler, M.D. & Doering, A.H. (2010) Integrating educational technology into teaching. New York, NY: Pearson Education Inc. (photo:

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