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4 th Grade Social Studies Vocabulary Chapter 3 Mrs. Thornburgs version.

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Presentation on theme: "4 th Grade Social Studies Vocabulary Chapter 3 Mrs. Thornburgs version."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 th Grade Social Studies Vocabulary Chapter 3 Mrs. Thornburgs version

2 Vocabulary in 4 th Grade Social Studies: Ch. 3 CircumnavigateTechnology RevoltCaravan HaciendaConquistador SettlementEpidemic AstrolabeNavigation MerchantExpedition KingdomEmpire SlaveryConvert ProfitMission Colony

3 What do we call someone who buys and sells goods to earn money?

4 Merchant

5 What do we call a place ruled by a king or queen?

6 Kingdom

7 What do we call a group of people and animals who travel together?

8 Caravan

9 What do we call the use of scientific knowledge and tools to do things better and more rapidly?

10 Technology

11 What do we call the science of planning and controlling the direction of a ship?

12 Navigation

13 What do we call a tool that measures the height of the sun or a star above the horizon?

14 Astrolabe

15 What do we call the money a business has left over after all expenses have been paid?

16 Profit

17 What do we call a cruel system in which people are bought and sold and made to work without pay?

18 Slavery

19 What do we call a small community of people living in a new place?

20 Settlement

21 What do we call an outbreak of disease that spreads quickly and affects many people?

22 Epidemic

23 What do we call sailing completely around something?

24 Circumnavigate

25 What do we call a journey to achieve a goal?

26 Expedition

27 What is the Spanish word for conqueror?

28 Conquistador

29 What do we call many nations or territories ruled by a single group or leader?

30 Empire

31 What do we call an area of land ruled by another country?

32 Colony

33 What do we call a religious community where priests taught Christianity?

34 Mission

35 What do we call convincing someone to change his or her religion or beliefs?

36 Convert

37 What do we call a large farm or ranch, often with its own village and church?

38 Hacienda

39 What do we call a violent uprising against a ruler?

40 Revolt

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