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Identifying Minerals Chapter 3 Lesson 1.

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1 Identifying Minerals Chapter 3 Lesson 1

2 Big Ideas The properties of rocks and minerals reflect the processes that formed them. How to identify common rock-forming minerals (including quartz, calcite, feldspar, mica, and hornblende) and ore minerals using a table of diagnostic properties. Be sure that you have taught what a mineral is and how they are identified especially through the use of the mohs' hardness scale.

3 Here’s the story... What do we need to investigate?
Glen and Lindy are both learning about minerals at school. Lindy tells Glen that only scientists can identify the type of mineral a sample is. Glen tells Lindy that she is wrong. He tells her that he can identify minerals by their hardness. What do we need to investigate?

4 Key Vocabulary Minerals - natural, nonliving substances that make up rocks. Mohs' hardness scale - shows the hardness of a few common minerals. Have students record in notebooks. Hardness - a property that refers to a mineral’s ability to scratch or be scratched by another mineral.

5 Focus Question: How can hardness be used to identify minerals?
Guide the class into creating their own focus question before you show our sample. Have students record in notebook.

6 Prediction: I think that we (will or will not) be able to identify the different minerals because...... Have students work with partner to complete prediction stem. Have students record in science notebook.

7 Kit Inventory: Finger nail Mineral samples Penny Iron nail
Have students record in science notebook. Iron nail

8 Plan: Step 1:Take sample one and scratch it with your fingernail, a penny, and an iron nail. Record your observations. Step 2: Use Mohs' hardness table on page 144 and the identification table on page 145 in science book to name the mineral. Step 3: Repeat steps one and two with the other samples. Have students discuss and create plan with groups. Record plan in student noteBook.

9 Gathering Information and Data:
Sample scratched with fingernail Scratched with penny Scratched with an iron nail Mohs' Hardness Scale Mineral Name 1 2 3 Have students discuss and create information chart with groups. Record plan in student noteBook. you may want to have individual groups test one factor such as scratched with a fingernail and gather the data into a smaller chart. After all the groups are done, compile the data into the large chart on slide 9.

10 Claims and Evidence Claims Evidence I claim that.... because...
1. Sample one is ________________ 1 2. Sample two is ________________ 2. 3. Sample three is _______________ 3. Have students discuss and create claims with groups. Record claims in student noteBook.

11 Claims and Evidence Statements:
I claim that sample one is ____________ because ________________________. (You must have three claim statements.) Record claims as complete sentences in student noteBook.

12 Conclusion: OR OR In conclusion.... Today I learned....
Have students work with partners to develope a conclusion.Record conclusions in complete sentences in notebook. OR The evidence showed that

13 Reflection What really surprised me about the investigation was.... OR I wonder if.... Have students work as pairs to discuss their reflections.Record reflections in student notebooks in complete sentences. Extension activity: Do this experiment using other ways minerals are identified (luster, cleavage, and streak). OR I used to think....but now I think... OR Questions I have now are....

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