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Social Group Utility Maximization Game with Applications in Mobile Social Networks Xiaowen Gong, Xu Chen, Junshan Zhang Arizona State University Allerton.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Group Utility Maximization Game with Applications in Mobile Social Networks Xiaowen Gong, Xu Chen, Junshan Zhang Arizona State University Allerton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Group Utility Maximization Game with Applications in Mobile Social Networks Xiaowen Gong, Xu Chen, Junshan Zhang Arizona State University Allerton Conference 2013 Oct. 4th, 2013

2 Outline Introduction Social Group Utility Maximization Framework Random Access Control Game under SGUM Power Control Game under SGUM Conclusion 2

3 Non-cooperative Game v.s. Network Utility Maximization 3 Network utility maximization (NUM) o Users are altruistic, with the same objective of maximizing the total utility of all users o Extensively studied for network resource allocation Non-cooperative game (NCG) o Each user is selfish, aiming to maximize its individual utility o Widely applied in networking field to model strategic interaction among autonomous network entities NCG v.s. NUM are two extreme cases: socially oblivious v.s. fully social-ware Question: What is between these two extremes?

4 Mobile Social Network Mobile social network o Hand-held mobile devices are operated by human beings o People have diverse social relationships and care about their social neighbors at different levels (e.g., family, friends, acquaintances) o New framework between NCG and NUM is needed Social network overlaying mobile network o Physical domain: physical coupling based on physical relationships o Social domain: social coupling due to social ties among users

5 Social Group Utility Maximization Framework 5

6 6

7 Related Work 7 SGUM is different from cooperative game (CG) o Each user in a CG only cares individual utility, although it is achieved through cooperation with other users o A user in a CG can only participate in one coalition, while it can be in multiple social groups under SGUM Little attention paid to the continuum space between NCG and NUM o Routing game among altruistic users [Chen et al, 2008] [Hoefer et al, 2009], random access game between two symmetrically altruistic users [Kesidis et al, 2010] Explore social aspects in networking o Exploit social contact pattern for efficient data forwarding [Costa et al, 2008] [Gao et al, 2009], leverage social trust and reciprocity to improve D2D communication [Chen et al, 2013] coalitions in a CG: {1,2,3}, {4,5} social groups under SGUM: {1,2,3},{3,4,5}

8 Random Access Control Model 8

9 Random Access Control Game under SGUM 9 Remark: each user’s SNE strategy is a dominant strategy

10 Random Access Control Game under SGUM


12 Power Control Model 12

13 Power Control Game under SGUM 13 THEOREM 2: The power control game under SGUM is a supermodular game, and hence it has at least one SNE.

14 Power Control Game under SGUM 14 We focus on two-user power control game under SGUM o Provide useful insight into the impact of social ties o The game with more users is difficult for analysis Remark: each user’s SNE strategy is a dominant strategy

15 Power Control Game under SGUM Remark o Similar to the random access control game under SGUM, the network utility improves when the other user’s individual utility weighs more in a user’s social group utility o SGUM spans the continuum space between NCG and NUM

16 Conclusion Contribution o Developed social group utility maximization (SGUM) framework that bridges the gap between non-cooperative game and network utility maximization, two traditionally disjoint paradigms o Showed that there exists a unique social-aware Nash equilirium (SNE) in the random access control game under SGUM, and investigated the impact of social ties on the SNE strategy and network utility o Showed that the power control game under SGUM is a supermodular game and hence has at least one SNE, and investigated the impact of social ties for the two-user case Future work o SGUM provides rich modeling flexibility by spanning the continuum space between NCG and NUM o Study SGUM game for more applications (e.g., spectrum access) and investigate the impact of social ties on different performance metrics (e.g., fairness)


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