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Published byAugusta Pope Modified over 9 years ago
FGDC Business Update FGDC Secretariat Report CG Agenda Items Ken Shaffer FGDC Deputy Executive Director 703-648-5740 September 1, 2009 Coordination Group Meeting
2 Background This presentation contains information that supplements a set of read-aheads on the topics covered in the CG meeting and will be used as a walk-though of all the topics at the CG meeting. Use this presentation before reviewing the read-aheads in order to gain context. Materials will not be presented in full at the meeting, it is the responsibility of the attendees to review the material prior to the meeting, as per CG standard operating procedures.
3 Content Summary FGDC Business Update Information on current FGDC initiatives/activities FGDC Secretariat Report Information on Secretariat staff activities (outside of support for business operations) CG Agenda Items Other items on the Coordination Group (CG) agenda with references to any read-aheads
4 FGDC Business Update Monthly Decisions Summary Geospatial SmartBUY Update AIC, Governance Subcommittee – EA Segments IFTN Record of Decision FGDC 2009 Annual Report Update CG Operational Guidelines - update CG Charter - Update National Geospatial Forum Place-Based Policy and Programs WG/SC Structure Changes Coordination Group Meeting Scheduling Monthly Geospatial LoB Report
5 Monthly Decisions Summary Coordination Group CG Charter is ready for SC review and endorsement, 8/4/09 Executive Committee IFTN ROD Finalized, 8/20/09 Note: A number of decisions related to ExCom/CG communications are pending final ExCom vote Contact: Pat Phillips, Read ahead: CG Decisions Record 08042009.pdf
6 Geo-SmartBuy Update Pending Official Announcement of Award Technical Evaluation Board final vendor selection complete Soon – Expected announcement of award Rollout Kit web page with SmartBUY materials and information is ready for release Press Releases are ready for release Final contractor negotiations are occurring Contact: Lew Sanford, Read ahead: none – pending award
7 AIC, Governance Subcommittee – EA Segments The Architecture and Infrastructure Committee (AIC) Governance Subcommittee, of the Federal CIO Council is sponsoring Enterprise Architecture Segments seeking ‘harmonization’ and improved alignment opportunities. Evolve or develop common standard definitions Document the expected segment’s relationship to FEA Reference Models Propose revisions to the models OMB invited cross agency participation in this exercise This directly affects alignment of agency geospatial investments Geospatial LoB Activity The Technology & Architecture WG has planned a small work session for architects on September 23. We hope to have agencies with examples of Geo-Segment Architectures come and share their products and to borrow the best concepts for development of the Geospatial LoB Segment Architecture. Contact: Lew Sanford, Read ahead: OMB Segment Architecture Worksessions Brief 8.21.09.ppt
8 IFTN Record of Decision (ROD) IFTN ROD unanimously approved by ExCom 8/20/09 Documents ExCom agreement on the major elements of the IFTN Phase 1 Plan Establishes the approach on key IFTN management and policy issues Sent to all SteerCom and CG as an information item IFTN Phase 1 Plan will be updated to reflect the ROD IFTN Phase 1 Plan will go to the SteerCom for review and concurrence This is a major IFTN milestone accomplishment NGAC passed a resolution supporting the IFTN ROD Contact: Vicki Lukas, Read ahead: IFTN ROD ExCom Endorsed Final 08202009.pdf
9 FGDC 2009 Annual Report Theme: ‘The Mortgage Crisis and Land Parcel Data’ Target Date of Completion – Nov. 1, 2009 Data calls to Federal agencies 6/29/09 and 7/22/9 Content at preliminary editing stage Follows 2008 Report Outline Will include Accomplishments, Goals, and Challenges Challenges have not been submitted – need input Submit all input to Milo Robinson and work with Milo on reviewing your submitted content as needed 2008 Report: Contact: Milo Robinson, Read ahead: none
10 CG Operational Guidelines - Update Document defines operational guidelines for the CG as decided upon by members Complimentary to, but does not supersede, the CG or other FGDC charter or guidance Posted to shared space Updates can occur whenever CG approves changes Will be updated to reflect pending ExCom/CG communications items ExCom/CG liaisons ExCom/CG joint meetings Adoption vote by CG – not required Contact: Ken Shaffer, Read ahead: CoordGroup Operational Guidelines 062209 DRAFT v01.doc
11 CG Charter - update CG voted to send to SC for review, edit, and approval July 24, 2009 Draft, (v9) Vote distributed to SC with response deadline of 9/11/09 Contact: Lew Sanford, Read ahead: Draft FGDC CG Charter 07-24-09 v9 DRAFT.doc
12 National Geospatial Forum Proposal in development / initial planning stage Timeframe – November 2009 Goal: Engage the broad geospatial community of practice in meaningful conversation focusing on place-based policy and programs (on next slide) Federal and non-federal participants Purpose/Objective: Utilize social networking and technology tools to: Engage in discussion about the future of geospatial policy and next steps for both the community of practice and the community of interest Obtain broad-based input into place-based approaches and federal policy Contact: Roxanne Lamb, Read ahead: none
13 Place-Based Policy and Programs Executive Office of the President Memorandum M-09-28: “Developing Effective Place-Based Policies for the FY 2011 Budget, August 11, 2009” OMB Budget Data Request No. 09-42: “Place-Based Policies and Programs” “… to advance the Administration’s domestic and fiscal priorities and to increase the impact of government dollars by leveraging place- conscious planning and place-based programming.” “Place-based policies leverage investments by focusing resources in targeted places and drawing on the compounding effect of well- coordinated action. Effective place-based policies can influence how rural and metropolitan areas develop, how well they function as places to live, work, operate a business, preserve heritage, and more. Such policies can also streamline otherwise redundant and disconnected programs.” FGDC support and participation in Place-based policies under discussion 28.pdf Contact: Ivan DeLoatch, Read ahead: See link in bullets above
14 Working Groups/Subcommittee Structure Changes – follow-up Changes were recommended at the CG off- site meeting and the 7/7/09 meeting 2 nd set of changes have been incorporated into the structure graphic Objective: CG to confirm structure changes SC does not have to approve since they already approved combining the LoB activities under FGDC Next Steps: SC/WG charters need recommendation of CG SteerCom will have to vote on the SC/WG charters Contact: Milo Robinson, Read ahead: Revised CG Diagram 20090804 v2.ppt
15 CG Meeting Schedule CG proposed extending meetings: 9-3 For 2009 meetings, schedule is set (confirming 8/13) Current conflict with the NCPC facility Commission meetings held the 1 st week of the month - restricts room availability CG meetings set for 1 st Tuesday of each month, per charter NCPC recommends the 2 nd or 3 rd weeks of the month – greater availability Option: move CG to 2 nd week of the month and alter the charter for flexibility in 2010 Secretariat is scheduling 2010 meetings with NCPC Contact: Ken Shaffer, Read ahead: none
16 Monthly Geospatial LoB Report GeoLob “At-a-Glance” GeoLob Monthly Status Report - August Contact: Lew Sanford, Read ahead: Geo LoB At a glance 8.24.09.pdf, Geo LoB monthly Status Report August 2009.pdf
17 FGDC Secretariat Report 2010 NSDI CAP Program Executive Committee Meeting – August 25, 2009 Update Update
18 2010 NSDI Cooperative Agreements Program Finalizing CAP categories (6 or 7) Category leads are drafting final descriptions and requirements Final draft of the announcement pending final review and release to USGS Office of Acquisitions and Grants Proposal submission period: mid-October to early January February 2010: announcement of awards Funding consistent with FY 2009, ~ $1.32 million
19 US/Canadian Cross Border Project has been postponed at the request of the Canadian partners Government Computer News article, 8/10/09: “GIS goes vertical, with integration across state, local, federal lines local-federal.aspx?p=1 local-federal.aspx?p=1 Includes NSDI CAP and FGDC coordination activities Significant list of 2009 NSDI CAP achievements – please review Thanks to all contributors for their efforts in developing, reviewing, monitoring, and assisting awardees with their grants Another successful year 2010 NSDI Cooperative Agreements Program Contact: Gita Urban-Mathieux, Read ahead: - FY2009 Achievements
20 ExCom Meeting Update August 25, 2009 Update pending outcome of meeting Contact: John Mahoney, Read ahead: none
21 Supporting the development of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) website – Ensuring transparency and accountability Team Initially organized to support OMB/GSA Transitioned to support the Recovery Act Transparency Board (RATB) that now leads this effort Team members from FGDC member agencies and contractor support Contact: Ken Shaffer, Read ahead: none
22 Team FGDC member agencies DOI, EPA, DHS, GSA, DOE, USDA, USDA/FS, NPS, NGA, HUD Providing geo-enabling guidance to developers (use cases) Provide support through the FGDC representative on the development team Respond to requests for subject matter expertise in use-case development, application testing, services identification August 20 th meeting with the new geospatial contractor Smartronix
23 Team GeoRecovery Team provided history of efforts to date Smartronix reviewed and demoed v2 capabilities Committed to reaching out to the federal community to leverage expertise and identify requirements through the Team Holding joint monthly meetings Interim meetings on specific actions called on an as needed basis Currently, inbound data is coming from federal systems, not recipients ( for example) August 27 th “sprint” deadline to have v1 capabilities migrated into v2 platform October deadline to have new site infrastructure in place, 1 st geospatial enhancements ready, and begin preparation for handling recipient data
24 Team Contract reflects a major commitment of to geospatial capabilities Development and testing being done in a cloud computing environment Production will be on dedicated servers Team to: Provide information on available federal data services Identify federal experts to participate in Beta testing Help identify technical/use issues that need to be addressed Identify capabilities/data that will increase the site’s usability to the public, federal agencies, constituents is being geo-enabled
25 Purpose: “… to increase public access to high value, machine readable datasets generated by the Executive Branch of the Federal Government.” Three components “Raw” Data Catalog Tool Catalog Geodata Catalog As of late August 2009: Passed the 400 mark on raw datasets available Passed the 200 mark on tools available Continually improving the quality of the existing catalog records to correct minor discrepancies Geospatial items: An interface was deployed to expose metadata that have been flagged by agencies for inclusion (based on meeting quality management principles) allowing approximately 100,000 geospatial data sets to be exposed through – LEVERAGING EXISTING EFFORTS Contact: Ken Shaffer, Read ahead: none
26 Featured Tool: The MY NASA DATA Live Access Server (LAS), over 149 parameters in atmospheric and earth science from five NASA scientific projects.
27 CG Agenda Items NGAC August 26, 27 Meeting Summary GeoLoB Lifecycle Management WG Update FGDC Working Group Charters Harmonization GeoLoB 2011 Concurrence Status WG and SC Common Dashboard Reporting WG and SC Updates Scheduling CG’s Executive Committee Liaison Process
28 NGAC August 26, 27 Meeting Summary Met at NCTC in Sheperdstown, WV Update pending outcome of meeting Contact: John Mahoney, Read ahead: none
29 GeoLoB Lifecycle Management WG - update Data Theme Discussion comments from 8/4/09 CG meeting Need CG Consensus path forward Contact: Wendy Blake-Coleman, Contact: Lew Sanford, Read ahead: Lifecycle A-16 Portfolio slides 8 26 09 v7.ppt
30 FGDC Working Groups/Subcommittee Charters Harmonization - discussion A number of WGs/SCs have worked on new/revised charters Charters should have common format/content Secretariat staff have been reviewing content to make a recommendation on format (bumped from 8/4/09) Draft standard for WG/SC charters ready for review Also – User/Historical Data Working Group charter 1 st draft is ready for review Contact: Lew Sanford, Read ahead: Standard WG Charter dft.doc, FGDC- UserHistoricalDataWG2009.doc
31 GeoLoB 2011 Concurrence Status - update Update pending further discussion Contact: Ivan DeLoatch, Read ahead: none
32 WG/SC Common Dashboard Reporting Dashboard for GeoLoB reporting, to be used by working groups and subcommittees as starting point Reporting template with greater detail ready for review WGs/SCs will report quarterly using the template Objective: Consensus on dashboard so usage can begin Contact: Lew Sanford, Read ahead: FGDC Subctte.WG Quarterly Template dft.ppt
33 WG/SC Updates Scheduling CG discussed: reviews at the monthly meetings of 2 to 3 WGs/SCs Utilize common dashboard reporting Objective: Establish and maintain a schedule for WG/SC reviews Number per meeting? Order and process to use? Recommend for October 2009 meeting: Cultural and Demographic Statistics SC Homeland Security WG Contact: Ken Shaffer, Read ahead: none
34 CG’s Executive Committee Liaison Process NOTE: ExCom recommendations pending final review ExCom and CG will each have a liaison who attends the 1 st part of each other’s meetings Provides for meeting time without the liaisons present Liaisons will present their group’s issues, concerns, decisions, and/or requests in a presentation and discussion Liaisons will recommend topics for joint meetings Liaisons will not be included in the other groups communications CG liaison to ExCOM will be a primary CG member CG’s liaison to serve one-year term OR rotate amongst CG primary members (CG to decide) – could be the new co-chair (upon adoption) ExCom’s liaison to CG will rotate to represent ExCom agencies Direction may be adapted if governing structure changes OBJECTIVE: CG needs to identify their liaison to the ExCom Contact: Ken Shaffer, Read ahead: none – pending ExCom decision
35 Ken Shaffer FGDC Deputy Executive Director 703-648-5740
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