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Aquila and Priscilla Acts 18:1-11.

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Presentation on theme: "Aquila and Priscilla Acts 18:1-11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aquila and Priscilla Acts 18:1-11

2 Introduction Good people Mentioned several times
Type that any church needs Value cannot be measured Mentioned several times Accomplished much through unity Mentioned together

3 Rome to Corinth (52-54 AD) Exact time is unknown
Church in Corinth began AD Claudius’ reign was AD “Recently” came to Corinth Aquila was a Jewish tent maker (Acts 18:1-4) Paul stayed with them

4 Left Corinth (Late 55 or early 56 AD)
Paul’s helpers (Romans 16:3) Intended to return after visiting Syria (Acts 18:21) May be there (Ephesus) for preliminary work.

5 Left Corinth (Late 55 or early 56 AD)
Detected a shortcoming in the preaching Understood the difference between baptisms Not fooled by eloquence (Hebrews 5:14) Listened with discernment to one “mighty in the Scripture.” Loved his soul

6 Sent Greetings To Corinth (57 AD)
Knew the Christians there Concern for former loved ones in Christ (1 Corinthians 16:9) Not always the case today because of strife

7 Sent Greetings To Corinth (57 AD)
Once again a church in their home As it was to Paul in Corinth (Acts 18:3) Didn’t mind the inconvenience Need to open up our homes Seldom show hospitality (Romans 12:13; Hebrews 13:2; 1 Peter 4:9) Qualification of elder (1 Timothy 3:2)

8 Ephesus to Rome (58 AD) Claudius poisoned by his wife
Succeeded by Nero in 54 AD Claudius banned Christians from Rome (Acts 18:2) Nero ruled from AD

9 Ephesus to Rome (58 AD) Did not forsake the truth
Risked their lives to help Paul (Romans 16:3-5) Gentile Christians thankful for them Church meeting in their home again Went right to work

10 Back to Ephesus (66-67 AD) May have been Paul’s final letter
Not hopeful that he would be released this time Expects to die soon (2 Timothy 4:6-8)

11 Back to Ephesus (66-67 AD) Doesn’t forget his dear friends
Remembered those who labored with him (2 Timothy 4:19) Should be this way for us today

12 Practical Observations
They were industrious Worked at a trade, but were not too busy for the Lord On the job means we are working for God (Colossians 3:23, 24)

13 Practical Observations
Extended friendship to Paul Not ashamed of the uproar he created Would we stand by such a preacher? (Acts 17:6, 7)

14 Practical Observations
Were Christians everywhere they went Either a Christian everywhere or nowhere Let our light shine (Matthew 5:14-16)

15 Practical Observations
Knew the Truth, taught the Truth, and contended for the Truth Many know it, but won’t obey it (John 12:42, 43) Others will obey it, but won’t defend it (Titus 1:9)

16 Conclusion Such are a blessing to any church
Are you an Aquila or Priscilla?

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