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Vocabulary Development Fulton County Schools Mathematics Professional Development August 12, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Development Fulton County Schools Mathematics Professional Development August 12, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Development Fulton County Schools Mathematics Professional Development August 12, 2010

2 Vocabulary is Central to Mathematical Literacy Language of the Standards (LOTS)

3 Vocabulary Knowledge Increases When: students (not teachers) make connections between vocabulary terms. students create their own images and actions to represent word meanings. students use new vocabulary terms in multiple ways-writing, talking, organizing, using graphics, etc. (Blachowicz and Fisher, 2000)

4 What doesnt work? 1. Look them up. 2. Use them in a sentence. 3. Use context. 4. Memorize definitions.

5 What Does Work? 1. Integration - connecting new vocabulary to prior knowledge. 2. Repetition - encountering/using the word/concept many times 3. Meaningful use - multiple opportunities to use new words in reading, writing, and discussion.

6 Teaching Math Vocabulary 4 General Guidelines 1. Employ a variety of methods of teaching vocabulary 2. Actively involve students in vocabulary instruction 3. Provide instruction that enables students to see how target vocabulary words relate to other words 4. Provide frequent opportunities to practice reading and using vocabulary words in many contexts to gain a deeper and automatic comprehension of those words Foil & Alber, 2002

7 Tips for Implementing Vocabulary Strategies Successf ully Include vocabulary activities in your lesson plans. Vocabulary activities may be included during the opening, work period, closing of the lesson or for homework. Clearly state the purpose of the activity and expectations of students. Actively monitor the processes of students. Choose activities based on the allocated classroom time. Plan extra time when introducing a new vocabulary activity. Sometimes an activity will flow better with more words, add in past vocabulary words. Provide many opportunities to practice same words throughout the week/unit.

8 Accessing Vocabulary Resources in SAMS


10 Sample Vocabulary Development Activities

11 The strongest action a teacher can take to ensure students have the academic background knowledge to understand the context they will encounter, is to provide them with direct instruction with vocabulary terms. When students understand these terms, it is easier for them to understand the information they will read and hear in class. Marzano, 2004 Final Thoughts

12 Resources Marzano, R.J. (2004). Building academic vocabulary: Teachers Manual. Alexandria: ASCD. Marzano, R. J. (2004). Building Background Knowledge. Alexandria: ASCD. Mink, D. (2010). Strategies for teaching mathematics. Shell Education, Huntington Beach. Video available through REMC or to purchase A Six-Step Process for Teaching Vocabulary

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