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Bible 101 The son’s of Noah Gen 9:18-19 Table of nations (chapter 10) –Places are referred to by these names, especially in prophecy (Ezekiel 38) –We are.

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Presentation on theme: "Bible 101 The son’s of Noah Gen 9:18-19 Table of nations (chapter 10) –Places are referred to by these names, especially in prophecy (Ezekiel 38) –We are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bible 101 The son’s of Noah Gen 9:18-19 Table of nations (chapter 10) –Places are referred to by these names, especially in prophecy (Ezekiel 38) –We are the ones who keep changing the names of places. Japheth – Gen 10:1-5 (Gentiles vs. 5) –Europe, Turkey, Russia, Greeks, Italy, Cyprus, Spain and England? (probably us) –Blessed – enlarged, dwell (find truth) in his brothers tents (conversion?) –The father of those who would attack Israel (Ezekiel 38) Ham – Gen 10:6-14 –Ethiopia, Egypt, Libya, Carthage –Nimrod Gen 10:8-12 Jerusalem Targum states he was a mighty hunter of men’s souls (implication) First Antichrist – one world ruler (many comparisons to Satan) City Babylon is the source of all false worship, sorcery and Satanism –Ancient Babylon and Nineveh were a merging the cities mentioned – 2 huge metros (100 sq miles each) –Wife is Simmeramus (Deified and worshiped as Ishtar, Astarte, Isis, Venus, Aphrodite) »Called the Queen of Heaven – always pictured as a young mother holding a child »said to have had a virgin birth »Son is Tammuz, gored by a bull and is later resurrected (sound familiar?) –Babylon is being rebuilt today – told that the most complicated communications hub ever is being built there… He may have been part of building the tower of Babel –Canaan - Gen 10:15-20 Father of the Canaanites (inhabitants of the promised land) NOT the father of the Black African nations

2 Bible 101 Shem’s line Shem Gen 10:21-31 –Syria, Iran, Iraq (not the Babylonian areas), Assyria, Arabians – all brothers of the same blood; Jews and Arabs Peoples were the source of the Aramaic language, –our numbers – Aramaic –Hebrew today is not written in its original alphabet »Hebrew words in Aramaic script –Ancient Hebrew was pictorial – hieroglyphic –Some speculate that Hebrew was probably the original language before Babel because all these ancient names are Hebrew –Blessed be the Lord God of Shem –Canaan would be his servant. In Joshua, all the nations they didn’t annihilate were made servants –Abraham, Jesus – would come from this line. –Shem outlives Abraham, both Isaac and Jacob could have known him (no mention of this) –Some say he is Melchizadek – un-proveable but very interesting

3 Bible 101 Sin of Ham Gen 9:20-27 Noah planted a vineyard, got drunk –First mention of Wine – doubt it was unknown to Noah He knew how to plant a vineyard, knew how to squeeze the grapes to get juice. –Did he mean to? Some suggest there was no fermentation before the flood (climate change) –Like all drunks he went to lay down Maybe it was hot… who knows He’s passed out drunk and naked in his tent –How’s that for a pretty pic? What did Ham do? –Saw the nakedness of his father… yuck - 3 possibilities I know of for this: –Ham saw his father’s sin (drunkenness) »Hebrew word “saw” means – gazed, looked intently »In telling (word means Mocking) his brothers he wanted to humiliate Noah »Makes this an act of rebellion –Curse was a punishment – know that your children would suffer… –Ham had sex with his father - (vs.24 says Noah “knew” what his son had done to him.) –Ham had sex with his mother, Canaan was the product (Noah curses Canaan in vs. 25-27) »Interesting - the concept of “seeing” or “uncovering” someone’s nakedness is found 17 times in 2 different books (both by Moses) »If “seeing the nakedness” is an expression, then focusing on one word would be fruitless »For example – “spitting at” or “going steady” Kinda sad – only recorded words of Noah is him cursing Canaan –Remember Cannan was cursed, not Ham – as we will saw, Canaan is NOT the father of Black Africa. –Curse was a prophecy (if it was a curse) Truth is cursed because his descendants would be the enemies of Israel

4 Bible 101 Cool application here Ham Gazed intently into the sin of his father –We shouldn’t be looking for sin – nowhere are we told to do that Legalists do – John 4 – Jews noticed the man carrying his bedroll WE don’t celebrate when people stumble and fall (even Obama) –We should be looking for fruit (evidence of the HS in peoples lives) Something to praise in people –I would rather praise the good and let God deal with the bad… Yes sometimes there is bad fruit that has to be dealt with Notice the actions of Ham’s brothers –Nakedness represents what? –Ham’s brothers knew about the “sin” of their father Chose to cover it rather than expose it. –Entered backwards – confronted it without entering into it. –This doesn’t mean cover in the sense of covering it up – if you know its too late to cover it up. God was the first to cover sin – in the garden –Doing this it allowed for repentance and for restoration –Covered their nakedness and showed them how to return to worship and fellowship Respect –Not necessary to humiliate people who stumble –Ask ourselves “how would I want to be treated?” Grace –Always err on the side of Grace because we have received grace In the Church we need to keep the circle of sin small –First off – who did we sin against? »God First »Individual (group) second –Don’t believe in group confession – unless the situation warrants it - needs to be a REALLY good reason. »I don’t want to know what you have been up to. This is how you deal with the sin of a fellow believer

5 Bible 101 Comparison of Noah and Adam Adam –Forbidden to eat of the tree –Fell into sin (ate) –Ended up naked –Children suffered a curse. (Curse on the planet) Noah –Forbidden to eat blood –Fell into sin (drunk) –Ended up naked –Children suffered a curse. (Canaan cursed)

6 Bible 101 Tower of Babel Two things we see here: –Man’s plan – tower of Babel –God’s plan vs. 10 Abraham’s family line (next week)-idol worshiping Gentile –Job – lived in the land of Uz – probably a contemporary of Abram Knew about (God – his character, He was creator and judge, eternity, sacrifice) Man was w/o excuse One Language –Some scholars say was ancient Hebrew (speculation) Journeyed from the East –not the North, where Mt. Ararat in Turkey would be –Some conjecture that the Ark may be in the mountains of Iran (east of Shinar) Purpose? –not stupid – know they can’t walk into heaven No idea what kind of technology/methods they had. Us – 20yrs of school/40 yrs of productive life/Retirement Imagine if you lived to be 200-400? –Productive time –Learning –More overlap of generations –Probably a Temple 7 levels – 7 naked eye planets (Mars in the early evening, Venus in the early morning from my back yard) –Astrology dates to this time Possible that real astrology goes back to Adam Corruption of the Hebrew Mazzaroth, sadly astronomy today uses the ancient pagan names –Names did NOT come from the picture of the stars (Leo, Orion), names are a mnemonic –Names were actually meant to convey the plan of salvation –Not ordered my the months, ordered by their brightness –Vs. 3 - Built with bricks and bitumen (slime) – Actually a substance like asphalt (same stuff Noah used?) –Vs. 4 - Make us a name lest we be scattered.

7 Bible 101 The Lord’s visit vs. 6 The Lord’s Observations: –One – unified in rebellion (3-4 generations after the flood) –Same Language (work together, communicate) –Nothing they propose will be withheld from them Vs. 7 – The Lord’s solution –Confuse the language (Babel – confusion) –Scattered them (probably grouped up according to Language) I wonder if God divided up households? –Husband and Wife couldn’t understand one another? –Mother and daughter? Tower (city) project was abandoned Pyramids are found all over the world? –Egyptians ones are a little different –Aztecs and Mayan Pyramids are very similar to Babylonian Zugs…

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