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1 Hinduism. 2 –Most ancient religious tradition in Asia (world?) –Vedas – Hindu sacred texts –Polytheistic - May be viewed as monothestic –Castes Brahman,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Hinduism. 2 –Most ancient religious tradition in Asia (world?) –Vedas – Hindu sacred texts –Polytheistic - May be viewed as monothestic –Castes Brahman,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Hinduism

2 2 –Most ancient religious tradition in Asia (world?) –Vedas – Hindu sacred texts –Polytheistic - May be viewed as monothestic –Castes Brahman, priestly Kshatriya, warrior/ruler Vaisya, tradesman and farmer Sudra, servant and laborer –Untouchables (de facto 5 th caste)

3 Central belief is in reincarnation Transmigration of the soul Cycles of creation – birth to death to birth Role of dharma & karma Effect on diet

4 4 Characteristics of Hinduism No clergy or religious requirements – No real splintering or sects –Can be practiced in many ways & at many levels so there was no need to “split off.” No concept of a personal God Each individual is seeking to comprehend the ultimate reality while living out his/her dharma with the goal of union with Brahman once the cycle of reincarnation is ended.

5 5 Monotheism?

6 6

7 Hindu Landscape

8 Ganges River

9 9 Buddhism

10 10 Buddhism Siddhartha Gautama – Kshatriya Caste Buddha – Enlightened One Four Noble Truths –Life involves suffering –Cause of suffering is desire –Elimination of desire ends suffering –Right thinking and behavior eliminate desire Diffused from India

11 11 Buddhism Nirvana –Buddhism is a way of living that achieves release from reincarnation and suffering God is not knowable, so is, therefore, not a major concern in Buddhism Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) rejected the caste system

12 12 Buddhism Scriptures: Vinaya (discipline) – expanded later Branches: –Theravada (south) – monk seeks own deliverance –Mahayana (north) – role of bodhisattvas & ritual –Tibetan Lamaism – example of syncretism

13 13 Branches of Buddhism

14 14 The Eight-Fold Path The Way (the 8- Fold Path) The threefold scheme of morality 1. Right understanding 2. Right thought Faith (initially) Wisdom: III (ultimately) 3. Right speech 4. Right bodily action 5. Right livelihood Morality: I 6. Right moral effort 7. Right mindfulness 8. Right concentration Meditation: II

15 Buddhist Stupas Thailand Cambodia Tibet Buddhist Landscapes

16 Buddhist Stupa, Chiang Mai, Thailand

17 Grand Palace, Bangkok, Thailand Buddhist Temple, Louang pPhrabang, Laos

18 Tibetan Buddhist Prayer WheelsTibetan Landscapes

19 Wat Chedi Luang, Chang Mai Thailand Grand Palace, Bangkok Thailand

20 Borobodour, Indonesia Golden Temple, Kyoto Japan

21 Buddhist Temple, Kharkorin, Mongolia Angor Wat, Cambodia

22 22 Other Religions Eastern Religions –Confucianism – China –Taoism – China –Shinto – Japan –Zoroastrianism – Iran –Baha'i – Iran Animism and Shamanism

23 23 Taoism The natural is the essence of all that must be known, and the place where all must return

24 24 Confucianism

25 25 Shintoism

26 26 Animism and Shamanism Animism Belief in influence of spirits or spiritual forces in all creation Characteristic of many African & Native American religions Shamanism the religion of certain peoples, esp. some indigenous to N Asia, based on a belief in good and evil spirits who can be influenced only by the shamans

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