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BACKGROUND Paul sails from Corinth with Priscilla and Aquilla to Syria (Antioch) Stop off at Ephesus, P and A stay, Paul sails on to Caesarea (presumably Mother Church/ James etc)
After reporting all that had gone on Paul goes on to Antioch.
While in Antioch he visits the Church in Galatia and Phrygia
APOLLOS 18:24-28 Jew from Alexandria
Very knowledgeable in scripture/ highly educated Good speaker Only knew “the Baptism of John” After instruction from Priscilla and Aquila, went to Achaia (Greece/ Athens and Corinth…see 1 Cor1:12; 3:4-11)
ACTS 19:1-7 The Disciples of John the Baptist at Ephesus
Paul finds a group of disciples of John the Baptist in the church at Ephesus.
They do have Johns’ baptism for repentance, but do not know anything about the Holy Spirit
Paul baptises them in the name of Jesus, and lays his hands on the disciples. They receive the Holy Spirit and begin to talk in tongues and prophecy. These are two marks of the Spirit, 1 Cor 14. Also see 8:14-17, 10:44, where the Spirit is given through Peter
ACTS 19:8-10 The Foundation of the Church of Ephesus
Paul spends 3 months preaching in synagogue, but opposition he taught in the “Hall of Tyrannus”.
Paul distances himself from the synagogue.
Paul stays on for a further two years. (See 20:31, may be even longer)
ACTS 19:11-20 The Jewish Exorcists
This story may be Luke adding later legend about Paul (Haenchen “Acts”) -we know from elsewhere that there were people using the name of Jesus to cast out demons without being believers (Mark 9:38-40). This is reminiscent of the miracle in 5:15, where the shadow of the apostles brings a cure. v.20 is a typical way of ending this episode. 50,000 drachmas (1 drachma = 1 days labour) a lot of money!!!
ACTS 19: Paul’s Plans A hint at where Paul’s interests really lie, Rome. Timothy is not given much of a leading role in Acts, but in Paul’s writing he plays a much greater role (Rom 16:21; 1Cor 4:17; 16:10-11; 2Cor 1:1; Philippians 1:1; 2:19-23), Erastus is listed in Romans 16:23.
ACTS 19:23-41 Ephesus : The Silversmiths riot
Demetrius gives a speech; Paul is persuading people to turn away from their traditional gods in favour of The Way. In this speech Luke shows what the Silversmiths real reason to be, profit!! False gods indeed! They made small shrines to the god Artemis (Diana) they might have been copies of the shrine which was one of the Seven Wonders of the World.. “Great is Artemis..”
The crowd drag two of Paul’s companions (Gaius from Derbe, 20:4; Aristarchus from Thessalonica, 20:4; 27:2; Colossians 4:10; Pilemon 24) to the Theatre, this could hold about people.
It is left to the town clerk to calm the riot. He offers a defence
Vast number of people involved and that anti-Semitism is running high. The Jews feel threatened and push forward Alexander to offer a defence. He is shouted down. It is left to the town clerk to calm the riot. He offers a defence the Christians are no threat, and the rioters are finally calmed when they are told that they can go to law if they are not satisfied.
Paul takes no part in this and is in fact warned by friends not to try to defend his preaching.
We get a clear picture of the opposition to the Way, Luke the skilful storyteller, keeps Paul at the centre of the action without him even taking part.
The implication of the whole episode is that the church is no threat to anyone, not to economics or to governments. No legal charge is brought by Demetrius and his followers It is a local politician who is not a Christian, who defends the apostles
ACTS 20:1-6 Paul leaves Ephesus
In spite of v.3 “three months” it is difficult to work out an actual time scale. The travellers have to abandon their original plan as they are plotted against by Jews.
There might also be other reasons, such as the money collected for relief of the brothers in Jerusalem (24:17, Romans 15:25-27, 1Cor 16:1-4, 2Cor 8:23). The list of the companions and their home district might suggest this. “We” enters the narrative again v.5. This gives the eyewitness credibility to the following account ...
ACTS 20:7-1 At Troas Paul Raises a Dead Man
This happens on a Sunday. The young man, Eutychus grew sleepy (probably not just because it was late but also because of the fumes from the lamps) and fell out of the window and died.
The boy is revived and they celebrate the eucharist.
This is a similar incident to Peter’s raising of Tabitha (9:36-43), but Paul’s miracle comes at the end of a very successful mission and almost seems to give divine consent to the mission of Paul.
ACTS 20:13-16 From Troas to Miletus
“We” again...(see later) and Paul arranges for an overland route.
It is suggested that he wanted some solitude, and with the “anxious to be in Jerusalem for Pentecost” of v.16, the reader sees Paul as the pious Jew. The journey is not just to take the collection it is also for religious reasons.
ACTS 20:17-38 Farewell to the Elders of Ephesus at Miletus
This is the only speech in which Paul addresses “elders” of the church
This is the only speech in which Paul addresses “elders” of the church.. The speech can be divided in to four parts; Reflects on the past (v.18-21) addresses the present (v.22-24) anticipates the future (v ) concludes with blessings and instruction. (v.32-35)
Part I 20:18-21 Paul emphasises his way of life, that he has always preached a true and authentic kerygma. Repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Nothing was or is hidden, like some religious cults.
Part II 20:22-24 The nature of the Paul’s journeys have always been led by the Spirit. He must follow what the Spirit directs even though he is unsure of what will happen but Paul is prepared to face the future. His duty is to follow Jesus, even to give his life for the gospel.
Part III 20:25-31 Paul has held nothing back in his preaching but clearly there is already heresy in the church. He reminds the elders of their responsibility to the church that he cannot be there to oversee that true doctrine is taught, the elders must ensure that the truth is maintained, they must be on their guard!
Part IV 20:32-35 All the congregations are commended to God’s care, and they must remember how he ministered to them – it was not for money. Paul and the others supported themselves ( 1Cor 4:12; 2Cor 11:19; 1 Thess 2:9; 2 Thess3:8 ). Paul quotes Jesus, (but these words are not found in the gospels.)
The final scene is touching and sad
The final scene is touching and sad. Farewells and kisses and the prediction that he will never see them again.
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