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ANNUAL MEMBER SERVICE REPORT September 2006 Prepared For SOMERSET COUNTY By CCAP Insurance Programs Please click your left mouse button to advance to the.

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Presentation on theme: "ANNUAL MEMBER SERVICE REPORT September 2006 Prepared For SOMERSET COUNTY By CCAP Insurance Programs Please click your left mouse button to advance to the."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANNUAL MEMBER SERVICE REPORT September 2006 Prepared For SOMERSET COUNTY By CCAP Insurance Programs Please click your left mouse button to advance to the next slide.

2 2 NAVIGATING THROUGH THIS REPORT To advance to the next slide, click your left mouse button or the right arrow button on your keyboard. The left arrow key will take you back to the previous slide. If you see a name underlined and in dark blue (John Sallade) this means you can click on this name to send that person an email (if your computer is connected to the Internet).John Sallade If you see a word underlined and in dark blue (CCAP) this means you can click on this word and you will be connected to the web site which has more information about that subject (if you are connected to the Internet).CCAP

3 3 A COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW This new report is designed to provide you with a review of your county’s: –Exposures –Insurance Costs –Claims Experience –Loss Control Activities Information is grouped by the insurance programs you participate in.

4 4 PROGRAM MEMBERS Every county in Pennsylvania participates in at least one of CCAP’s nine insurance programs: BEST Flex24 Members COMCARE PRO 5 Members PACAH Bonds26 Members PComp51 Members PCoRP44 Members PELICAN32 Members Tax Collector Bonds46 Members UC Trust43 Members Volunteer Insurance42 Members

5 5 YOUR CCAP INSURANCE PROGRAMS Your County Participates In 5 Of The 9 CCAP Sponsored Insurance Programs: –PCompPComp –PCoRPPCoRP –Tax Collectors BondsTax Collectors Bonds –UC TrustUC Trust –Volunteer InsuranceVolunteer Insurance

6 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Your county is an active participant in several CCAP insurance programs. Some general observations: –You have had strong attendance at our Defensive Driving, Keys, Loss Control, and Prison workshops and County Administration Conferences. –Timely reporting of claims.

7 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The following Loss Control or Risk Management recommendations have been made by CCAP staff and remain to be addressed: –Obtain Motor Vehicle Reports (MVR) on all County drivers.

8 8 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Remember, we have these services available to help with your county operations: –Loss Control Incentive Program Self Help Disk (PCoRP and PComp) –Training –On Site Visits –Claims Reviews –Safety Resources from CCAP (information, advice and lending library)

9 9 YOUR INSURANCE PROGRAMS Here is a brief review of each CCAP Insurance Program your county belongs to. Check out the CCAP web site for more information on each program (some have Members Only Sections too!):

10 10 PComp PComp is the Pennsylvania Counties Worker’s Compensation Trust, a self insurance group fund which provides workers’ compensation insurance for counties and county related entities. PComp is regulated by the PA Department of Labor and Industry. The CCAP staff contact for PComp is Betty Welkie, Property/Casualty Manager, 800-895-9039 or email:

11 11 PComp Our contacts with your county for PComp are: –Loss Control Coordinator: Bradley Zearfoss –Claims Coordinator: Faye Ray Your local insurance producer for this insurance is James Knepper of Knepper Insurance Group. Your exposure is your estimated annual payroll which for 2006 is $9,398,606 You reported 350 employees for coverage. Your top three work comp class codes (by payroll) are: –953 (Clerical) –985 (Police) –951 (Salesmen)

12 12 PComp For 2006 your experience modification is 0.854 (keep in mind 1.00 is average). You received a loss control credit of 4.10% (out of a possible 5%) which reduced your premium by $8,806. Your annual premium for PComp coverage is $205,983. You had 18 claims in the past year (2005) totaling $12,522 (incurred).

13 13 PComp For more detailed PComp claims information, consult your loss runs, or you can view your claims in real time on STARS Web. Contact Kay Brinkley at CCAP for more information on STARS Web: 800-895-9039, or email:

14 14 PCoRP PCoRP is the Pennsylvania Counties Risk Pool, an insurance pool providing auto, property, general liability, law enforcement liability, public officials liability, crime, and equipment breakdown coverage to counties and county related entities. The CCAP staff contact for PCoRP is Betty Welkie, Property/Casualty Manager, 800-895-9039 or email:

15 15 PCoRP Our contacts with your county for PCoRP are: –Loss Control Coordinator: Bradley Zearfoss –Claims Coordinator: Sonya Augustine Your local insurance producer for this insurance is James Knepper of Knepper Insurance Group.

16 16 PCoRP Your exposures for PCoRP are: –Building/Property Values: $78,789,056 –Vehicles: 206 –Payroll: $10,769,695 –Sheriff and Corrections Officers: 70

17 17 PCoRP Here are your costs for PCoRP coverage for 06/07: Insurance Costs$163,008 Loss Fund Contribution$185,595 Reserve Fund Charge$64,413 Law Enforcement Surcharge $0 Less Loss Control Credits$3,341 Total Costs$409,675

18 18 PCoRP Your PCoRP claims experience for the last complete policy year (05/06) was: –Number of claims: 33 –Total incurred cost: $98,131

19 19 PCoRP For more detailed PCoRP claims information, consult your loss runs, or you can view your claims in real time on STARS Web. Contact Kay Brinkley at CCAP for more information on STARS Web: 800-895-9039, or email:

20 20 TAX COLLECTOR BONDS The Tax Collector Bond program provides surety bond coverage for tax collectors as required by state law. Counties can obtain a group rate for all the tax collectors in the county, and CCAP will provide individual billing information for each municipality and school district. The CCAP staff contact for Tax Collector Bonds is Betty Welkie, Property/Casualty Manager, 800-895-9039 or email:

21 21 TAX COLLECTOR BONDS Your local insurance producer for this insurance is James Knepper of Knepper Insurance Group. They are our contact for this program. Your exposure is your total number of tax collectors which is 50, and the total value of their bonds which is $52,966,668.

22 22 TAX COLLECTOR BONDS Your premium for Tax Collector Bond coverage is $26,584 (this is for 4 years). You had 0 claims in the last complete policy year (2005).

23 23 UC TRUST The CCAP UC Trust is a self insurance program providing unemployment compensation insurance for counties and county- related entities. Members also receive an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The CCAP staff contact for the UC Trust is John Sallade, Managing Director of Insurance Programs, 800-895-9039, or email:

24 24 UC TRUST Our contact with your county for the UC Trust is Faye Ray. This coverage is provided directly to your county so there is no local insurance producer. Your exposure is your taxable payroll, which for 2006 is estimated to be $3,223,826 and provides coverage for 399 employees (elected officials are not covered). Your contribution rate is based on your claims history, and for 2006 is 1.68% (the maximum rate is 3.50%).

25 25 UC TRUST In 2005 the UC Trust estimates it will pay up to $69,807 in claims for your county. You had 17 claims filed by former employees. For more claims detail see your quarterly claims report from TALX.

26 26 VOLUNTEERS INSURANCE The Special Risk Accident Insurance for Volunteers Program provides insurance coverage for accidental death, dismemberment and medical expenses for county volunteers. This includes general community volunteers (meals on wheels, social services, nursing home, and conservation district), and court alternative sentencing and work release individuals. The CCAP staff contact for Volunteers Insurance is Betty Welkie, Property/Casualty Manager, 800-895-9039 or email:

27 27 VOLUNTEERS INSURANCE Our contact with your county for the Volunteer Insurance Program is Carolyn Zambanini. Your local insurance producer for this insurance is James Knepper of Knepper Insurance Group. Your exposure is your total number of covered individuals is 387.

28 28 VOLUNTEERS INSURANCE For 2006 your premium for Volunteers Insurance is $1,278. For the most recent policy year (2005) your county reported 0 claims.

29 29 OTHER CCAP INSURANCE PROGRAMS Your County does not participate in these programs: –BEST FlexBEST Flex –COMCARE PROCOMCARE PRO –PACAH BondsPACAH Bonds –PELICANPELICAN More information on these programs is available on the next slides or on the CCAP web site: or by clicking on the name of the program in the list above.

30 30 BEST Flex BEST Flex is a menu of employee benefit insurances, including: –Health Insurance –Dental Insurance –Vision Insurance –Life Insurance and AD&D –Long Term Care Insurance –Cafeteria Benefits Program Set Up and Administration –Voluntary Benefits (options for your employees) Program Contact: Julia Jackson, Employee Benefits Manager, 800-895-9039,

31 31 COMCARE PRO COMCARE PRO is a CCAP created insurance company which provides stop loss insurance for inpatient Mental Health and Drug & Alcohol services provided under HealthChoices. This coverage is required for many counties in HealthChoices, and recommended for all who participate. The CCAP staff contact for COMCARE PRO is Steve McDermott, Captive Programs Director, 800-895-9039 or email:

32 32 PACAH BONDS The PACAH Bond program provides nursing homes with coverage for patient trust funds as required by federal law. It is sponsored by the Pennsylvania Association of County Affiliated Homes (PACAH). The CCAP staff contact for PACAH Bonds is Steve McDermott, Captive Programs Director, 800-895-9039 or email:

33 33 PELICAN PELICAN is an insurance company established by CCAP and PACAH to provide general liability and professional liability insurance (medical malpractice) to county owned, county affiliated, and non- profit nursing homes. The CCAP staff contact for PELICAN is Steve McDermott, Captive Programs Director, 800-895-9039 or email:

34 34 THANK YOU! We appreciate your participation in CCAP’s insurance programs. We trust you appreciate the “value added services” we provide (it’s not just insurance!) We hope this new Annual Member Service Report has been helpful and we welcome your feedback. Click here to send us your comments: AMSR Comments AMSR Comments

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