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Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism. MAIN Causes of WWI Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism.

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Presentation on theme: "Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism. MAIN Causes of WWI Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism

2 MAIN Causes of WWI Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism

3 Use military as a diplomatic tool Military build-up to intimidate other countries

4 Militarism Use military as a diplomatic tool Military build-up to intimidate other countries

5 Agreements between nations to help each other in event of war

6 Alliances Agreements between nations to help each other in event of war

7 Gain colonies Drove by theory of Mercantilism Need colonies to be considered wealthy Need for new markets

8 Imperialism Gain colonies Drove by theory of Mercantilism Need colonies to be considered wealthy Need for new markets

9 Pride in one’s own country or nationality

10 Nationalism Pride in one’s own country or nationality

11 Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand Heir to Austria-Hungary throne Serbian Nationalists killed him

12 Spark that started WWI Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand Heir to Austria-Hungary throne Serbian Nationalists killed him

13 Germany Austria-Hungary

14 Central Powers Germany Austria-Hungary

15 Britain France Russia

16 Triple Entente Britain France Russia

17 Leader of Germany during WWI Militaristic Mobilized for War after Archduke Ferdinand killed

18 Kaiser Wilhelm II Leader of Germany during WWI Militaristic Mobilized for War after Archduke Ferdinand killed

19 Isolationism Neutrality

20 US position at the beginning of WWI Isolationism Neutrality

21 “He Kept Us Out Of War”: Wilson’s slogan for Election WWI was main issue of Election Wilson won

22 Election of 1916 “He Kept Us Out Of War”: Wilson’s slogan for Election WWI was main issue of Election Wilson won

23 First woman elected to Congress

24 Jeanette Rankin First woman elected to Congress

25 Sunk by a German U-Boat Killed 128 US Citizens US almost entered war in 1915 Germany signed Sussex Pledge Promised to stop unrestricted Submarine Warfare

26 Lusitania Sunk by a German U-Boat Killed 128 US Citizens US almost entered war in 1915 Germany signed Sussex Pledge Promised to stop unrestricted Submarine Warfare

27 Zimmerman Telegram German violation of Sussex Pledge Unrestricted Submarine Warfare Russian Revolution Czar Nicholas overthrown by Communists Lenin signed Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and took Russia out of WWI

28 Causes of US entry into WWI Zimmerman Telegram German violation of Sussex Pledge Unrestricted Submarine Warfare Russian Revolution Czar Nicholas overthrown by Communists Lenin signed Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and took Russia out of WWI

29 Wilson’s cause for war “The World Must Be Made Safe For Democracy”

30 Idealism Wilson’s cause for war “The World Must Be Made Safe For Democracy”

31 Telegram to Mexico Germany tried to get Mexico to attack the US in return for the land lost during the Mexican-American War

32 Zimmerman Note (Telegram) Telegram to Mexico Germany tried to get Mexico to attack the US in return for the land lost during the Mexican-American War

33 369 th Infantry Regiment African American Fought for France

34 Harlem Hell Fighters 369 th Infantry Regiment African American Fought for France

35 Armed ironclad vehicles

36 Tank Armed ironclad vehicles

37 Mechanical gun Rapid fire

38 Machine Gun Mechanical gun Rapid fire

39 Poisonous gas First used by Germans

40 Mustard Gas Poisonous gas First used by Germans

41 Long ditches Soldiers fought from “No Man’s Land” in between Covered with barbed wire & land mines

42 Trench Warfare Long ditches Soldiers fought from “No Man’s Land” in between Covered with barbed wire & land mines

43 Commander of US Forces WWI

44 General John J. Pershing Commander of US Forces WWI

45 WWI draft

46 Selective Service Act WWI draft

47 “Doughboys” U.S. fighting forces name

48 American Expeditiary Forces “Doughboys” U.S. fighting forces name

49 Cease-fire

50 Armistice Cease-fire

51 Britain France Italy US Paris Peace Conference

52 Big Four Britain France Italy US Paris Peace Conference

53 Wilson’s Plan Due away with the MAIN causes of war Create a Peace Keeping Organization

54 14 Points Wilson’s Plan Due away with the MAIN causes of war Create a Peace Keeping Organization

55 Wilson Speech No one wins war

56 “Peace Without Victory” Wilson Speech No one wins war

57 Created by Wilson’s 14 th Point Weak Could not enforce dictates No military

58 League of Nations Created by Wilson’s 14 th Point Weak Could not enforce dictates No military

59 Paris Peace Conference Harsh peace treaty German signed war guilt clause Germany forced to pay reparations to Britain and France

60 Treaty of Versailles Paris Peace Conference Harsh peace treaty German signed war guilt clause Germany forced to pay reparations to Britain and France

61 Opposed the Treaty of Versailles Believed it was an alliance Blocked Ratification

62 Henry Cabot Lodge Opposed the Treaty of Versailles Believed it was an alliance Blocked Ratification

63 Never ratified by the US As a result, the US never joined the League of Nations

64 Treaty of Versailles Never ratified by the US As a result, the US never joined the League of Nations

65 Resentment of this and the Great Depression caused Hitler to rise to power

66 Treaty of Versailles Resentment of this and the Great Depression caused Hitler to rise to power

67 Bernard Baruch Controlled nations economy Regulated supplies to theater of war Regulated resources for production of war materials

68 War Industries Board Bernard Baruch Controlled nations economy Regulated supplies to theater of war Regulated resources for production of war materials

69 George Creel Produce propaganda Four minute men I Want You Campaign

70 Committee on Public Information George Creel Produce propaganda Four minute men I Want You Campaign

71 Herbert Hoover Encourage conservation Launched Victory Garden Campaign

72 Food Administration Herbert Hoover Encourage conservation Launched Victory Garden Campaign

73 Created to conserve fuel Turn clocks ahead

74 Daylight Savings Time Created to conserve fuel Turn clocks ahead

75 Limited civil liberties Illegal to interfere with draft Stop sale of Liberty Bonds Make disloyal or critical statements of government

76 Espionage and Sedition Acts Limited civil liberties Illegal to interfere with draft Stop sale of Liberty Bonds Make disloyal or critical statements of government

77 Labor Union Leader Socialist Leader Convicted of Sedition and sentenced to ten years

78 Eugene Debs Labor Union Leader Socialist Leader Convicted of Sedition and sentenced to ten years

79 Fear of Communists Cause Labor Union Strikes in 1919 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia Active Communist Party in U.S.

80 Red Scare Fear of Communists Cause Labor Union Strikes in 1919 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia Active Communist Party in U.S.

81 Raid on suspected communists and anarchists in America Mitchell Palmer led

82 Palmer Raids Raid on suspected communists and anarchists in America Mitchell Palmer led

83 Immigrants Charged of robbing and killing a paymaster Found guilty Show trial More about fear of anarchists, immigrants & communists

84 Sacco & Vanzetti Immigrants Charged of robbing and killing a paymaster Found guilty Show trial More about fear of anarchists, immigrants & communists

85 Terrorist Organization Anti: Jew African-American Catholic Immigrant

86 Ku Klux Klan Terrorist Organization Anti: Jew African-American Catholic Immigrant

87 Scheck arrested for urging draftees to not report to duty Violated Sedition Law Arrested Supreme Court Case ruled Constitutional for government to silence free speech if there is a “clear and present danger”

88 Schenck v. U.S. Schenck arrested for urging draftees to not report to duty Violated Sedition Law Arrested Supreme Court Case ruled Constitutional for government to silence free speech if there is a “clear and present danger”

89 German could not pay reparations France threatened to invade and occupy US loaned money to Germany

90 Dawes Plan German could not pay reparations France threatened to invade and occupy US loaned money to Germany

91 Agreement Three countries Limit production of war ships

92 Washington Naval Conference Agreement Three countries Limit production of war ships

93 Outlawed war

94 Kellogg-Briand Pact Outlawed war

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