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Pipeline Crossing Suncallo, Bolivia Mountain TAC Presentation October 4 th, 2010 Engineers in Action.

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Presentation on theme: "Pipeline Crossing Suncallo, Bolivia Mountain TAC Presentation October 4 th, 2010 Engineers in Action."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pipeline Crossing Suncallo, Bolivia Mountain TAC Presentation October 4 th, 2010 Engineers in Action

2 Community Introduction Suncallo, 48 families, Aymara Indian

3 Geography

4 Topography

5 Community Industry

6 Community Organization Elected officials serving a one-year term Positions include: ◦ Mayor ◦ Water Board ◦ School Board ◦ Roads Board Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) was presented to community by Suncallo leadership for concurrence before formal signing

7 Current Water Sources Initial system installed by Catholic Church Spring-fed gravity system with a one-inch polyethylene pipe distribution to most homes (0.47 liters/sec) Second spring further up the mountain added by West German NGO (0.81 liters/sec) No Storage

8 Pipeline Crossing #1 40 foot span between Suncallo & Spring 1

9 Pipeline Crossing #1 - Closeup

10 Spring #1 -

11 Pipeline Crossing #2 60 foot span between Spring1 & Spring 2

12 Pipeline Crossing #2 - Closeup

13 Spring #2 -

14 Proposed Projects Stabilize Existing System ◦ Pipeline Crossings ◦ Improve Spring Intakes Add Storage Capacity Develop Additional Spring Provide Additional Water Taps Develop Sanitation Solution Agriculture Improvements Summer 2011

15 Suspension Crossing - Design Used design guide from Peace Corps Sleeve concept allows transition to 2” galvanized for future expansion Design uses turnbuckle to achieve required design forces Design uses 3/8in rebar which can be easily bent in the field Proposed anchor has simple shape to facilitate construction of concrete forms

16 Suspension Crossing - Design Subject to loads: ◦ Vertical Component = 285 lbs ◦ Horizontal Component = 1226 lbs Anchor Dimension–3.5’H x 3.5W x 3.75L Cable/Stringers - 6x19 ¼”dia – 2.0’ sag

17 Suspension Crossing - Materials All materials are locally available Material availability and pricing were coordinated with Engineers In Action (EIA) EIA will pick up and deliver materials to the worksite

18 Suspension Crossing – Labor Community will provide manual labor Community has some previous concrete experience and can gain additional hands- on training from this project EIA will hire and provide jobsite foreman with necessary concrete skills

19 Sustainability Little maintenance required Provide training on use of turnbuckle Design concept already in use by neighboring community

20 Engineers In Action Supports EWB teams and projects throughout Bolivia Project Lead – Marcos Robison ◦ Senior majoring in Civil Engineering Supervising Engineer – Milton de la Cruz ◦ Degreed Civil Engineer (1996)

21 EIA Projects Supporting EWB An example of supervision work done by Milton de la Cruz. It was completed before EWB MST arrived to finish up the ferrocement tank. He and the community measured, bought materials and placed the base for the ferrocement tank. This project is Erquis Sur - Los Eucaliptos Potable Water Provision with EWB-MST in partnership with Habitat for Hummanity in Tarija, Bolivia.

22 Erquis Sur - Los Eucaliptos Potable Water Provision




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