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GEO Architecture and Data Committee 8 th Meeting Ivan B. DeLoatch, ADC Co-Chair, Sherpa Report on Tasks DA-06-05 and DI-06-02 Boulder, Colorado September.

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Presentation on theme: "GEO Architecture and Data Committee 8 th Meeting Ivan B. DeLoatch, ADC Co-Chair, Sherpa Report on Tasks DA-06-05 and DI-06-02 Boulder, Colorado September."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEO Architecture and Data Committee 8 th Meeting Ivan B. DeLoatch, ADC Co-Chair, Sherpa Report on Tasks DA-06-05 and DI-06-02 Boulder, Colorado September 23, 2008

2 Task DA-06-05, Guidelines for Basic Geographic Data Task Lead Yoshikazu Fukushima Objective Develop a guideline document for basic geographic data (including format, precision, accuracy etc.), taking into account relevant national, regional and global initiatives.

3 Task DA-06-05, Guidelines for Basic Geographic Data Status of Progress 31 July 08: Comments were received. Recommendation to propose new task on Global Map, large scale map (1:1 mil). 20 August 08: Informal meeting of ISCGM was held in Kuala Lumpur. Current DA- 06-05 task and proposed task for GEO Work Plan were reported. 27 August 08: Final draft guideline of version 3_beta was prepared and is up on the following website. 29 August 08: Final draft guideline was delivered for final review of contributors.

4 Task DA-06-05, Guidelines for Basic Geographic Data Issues New task proposal on 9 May 2008 for GEO Work Plan 2009-2011 is replaced by the task of Global Map for GEO Societal Benefit Area on 31 July 2008. 31 July 08: Comments were received. One of the facts found in this task is that most of tasks of GEO societal benefit area use small scale maps, therefore, new task on Global Map is more suitable than follow up task of DA-06-05. Completion Date September 2008: Final guidance document will be prepared and will be up on the ISCGM (International Steering Committee for Global Mapping) web.

5 Task DI-06-02, Seismographic Networks Improvement and Coordination Task Lead Rhett Butler, Global Seismic Network Objective Facilitate improvement of capabilities for global seismographic networks such as GSN, FDSN (including regional and global components) and GNSS networks and new ocean bottom networks such as VENUS and NEPTUNE. Facilitate the sharing of data and event products among GEO members. Expand and coordinate efforts to provide access, using GEOSS interoperability methods, to real-time and archived seismological data and products and develop a portal that will link distributed seismological data centers to provide seamless access to other GEOSS components.

6 Task DI-06-02, Seismographic Networks Improvement and Coordination Status of Progress September 08: The Global Seismographic Network reported the establishment of a real-time link to its station MSVF Fiji. Two quarterly reports were distributed by the US Geological Survey. Software developments continue on improving the functionality of PAGER (Prompt Assessment of Global Earthquakes for Response; The system can rapidly estimate societal impact for major earthquakes worldwide, based on estimates of people and property exposed to potentially damaging levels of ground motion. The Executive Council of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission reported that significant improvements have been made to the seismic monitoring and warning communication systems in all major tsunami prone regions (Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Caribbean and N. Atlantic/Mediterranean), as well as in the coordination and exchange of seismic waveform and event parameter data. A new Lead Organization and contacts was added to the Task: ISC, International Seismological Centre, Dmitry A. Storchak,

7 Task DI-06-02, Seismographic Networks Improvement and Coordination Issues None reported Completion Date Ongoing

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