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From 1960 to the 1970s Chapters 28 - 29. Election of 1960 Kennedy vs. Nixon The Debates Catholicism Chicago.

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Presentation on theme: "From 1960 to the 1970s Chapters 28 - 29. Election of 1960 Kennedy vs. Nixon The Debates Catholicism Chicago."— Presentation transcript:

1 From 1960 to the 1970s Chapters 28 - 29

2 Election of 1960 Kennedy vs. Nixon The Debates Catholicism Chicago

3 Copyright + 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company All rights reserved

4 Election of 1960 Inauguration k59n8 k59n8 –(Beginning and 11:30)

5 John F. Kennedy (left) and his brother, Robert, in 1957. Copyright + 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company All rights reserved

6 John F. Kennedy in Oval Office with son playing beneath the desk. Copyright + 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company All rights reserved

7 Domestic Politics Successes and Failures Space Race

8 Domestic Politics Civil Rights –Freedom Riders –James Meredith

9 James Meredith, the first African American to enroll at the University of Mississippi (1962). Copyright + 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company All rights reserved

10 Domestic Politics Civil Rights –MLK & Birmingham –March on Washington I have a dream (12:00)

11 Civil rights leaders (ML King on left) meet with Attorney General Robert Kennedy and Vice President Lyndon Johnson in June 1963. Copyright + 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company All rights reserved

12 The crowd at the civil rights march on Washington in 1963. Copyright + 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company All rights reserved

13 Civil rights march from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial was led by A. Philip Randolph and Roy Wilkins. Copyright + 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company All rights reserved

14 Cold War Flexible Response Bay of Pigs Operation Mongoose

15 Cold War Peace Corps Alliance for Progress Berlin Wall

16 Cold War Cuban Missile Crisis –How was it resolved?

17 Aerial photograph of Soviet missile installation in Cuba. Copyright + 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company All rights reserved

18 U-2 photograph of Soviet missile installation in Cuba, 1962. Copyright + 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company All rights reserved

19 Cold War Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

20 The Kennedys waving to people of Dallas, Texas moments before the President was shot. Copyright + 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company All rights reserved

21 Assassination November 22, 1963 – Dallas –Lee Harvey Oswald –Warren Commission Similarities to Lincoln Camelot

22 Snapshot of Lee Harvey Oswald Copyright + 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company All rights reserved

23 Lyndon Baines Johnson Background Continuing Kennedys programs –Tax cut –Civil Rights

24 Lyndon B. Johnson Copyright + 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company All rights reserved Signing the Civil Rights Bill of 1964

25 Johnsons Great Society Civil Rights Act of 1964 – a Landmark! –The Filibuster –What did it do? Forbade discrimination in hotels, motels, restaurants, theaters, sporting arenas Discrimination based on race, religion, gender, or national origin in the workplace is illegal Created the EEOC to enforce it –Result? Most businesses in the Souths cities and larger towns desegregated quickly

26 Election of 1964 Johnson vs. Barry Goldwater –TV advertising –Goldwater – father of modern conservatism? ercials/1964 ercials/1964

27 LBJs 1964 Campaign Against Barry Goldwater Copyright + 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company All rights reserved

28 Election of 1964

29 Johnsons Great Society Economic Opportunity Act – War on Poverty –Job Corps – for job training –VISTA –Project Head Start

30 Johnsons Great Society War on Poverty –Medicare – 1965 – for the elderly –Medicaid – for the poor Department of HUD created – 1966 Immigration Act of 1965

31 Johnsons Great Society National Endowment for the Arts –PBS Space program 24 th Amendment – abolished the poll tax

32 Johnsons Great Society Voting Rights Act of 1965 –Enforces 15 th Amendment –Outlawed literacy tests –Federal government could send registrars to the South Affirmative action –Reverse discrimination? –Bakke v. California – 1978 Appointment of Thurgood Marshall to Supreme Court

33 Racial Conflict Black Separatism –Where have we heard this before? Malcolm X –Black Power

34 Racial Conflict Stokely Carmichael –Black Panthers Long, hot summers –Watts –Detroit Kerner Commission MLK Assassination 4/4/68

35 Counterculture New Left –Tom Hayden –SDS – Students for a Democratic Society Counterculture –Hippies –Music Woodstock

36 Counterculture

37 The Warren Court Earl Warren - Chief Justice Compared with John Marshall – why? Brown v. Board – school desegregation-1954 Baker v. Carr – one man, one vote - 1962 Mapp v. Ohio – exclusionary rule - 1961 Gideon v. Wainwright – right to counsel even if poor - 1963 Miranda v. Arizona – protection against self- incrimination - 1966 Engel v. Vitale – prohibits school-led prayer in public schools - 1962

38 Women Sexual Revolution – Why?Sexual Revolution – Why? Eleanor Roosevelts Commission Betty Friedan –The Feminine Mystique – 1973 –NOW –Called for Equal Rights Amendment Passed by Congress, but not ratified by the states Opposition (Phyllis Schafly)

39 Women Roe v. Wade – 1973 Title IX Firsts for Women

40 Other Minorities Mexican – Americans –Cesar Chavez Native Americans

41 LBJs Legacy Successes –No president since Lincoln did more for civil rights –Poverty rate declined measurably – Why? Later, programs were criticized by conservatives – why? Effect of Vietnam

42 Vietnam War Dien Bien Phu – 1954 Country divided – 17 th parallel Domino Theory

43 Vietnam War North vs South –Ho Chi Minh – N Army was the Vietcong –Ngo Dinh Diem – S Kennedy and Vietnam –Fall of Diem –What would JFK have done had he lived?

44 Vietnam War Johnson and Vietnam Key Advisors –Dean Rusk – Sec of State –Robert McNamara – Sec of Defense Gulf of Tonkin Resolution - 1964

45 Vietnam War Escalation –Increase of troops Operation Rolling Thunder

46 Vietnam War Air War –Why? –Agent Orange –Napalm Ground War –Guerrilla style Search and Destroy missions

47 A B-52 bomber takes off from the Marianas Islands for the 4,800 mile roundtrip to bomb Vietnam in 1967. Copyright + 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company All rights reserved

48 A Chinook helicopter removes a howitzer from a forward firebase. Copyright + 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company All rights reserved


50 The helicopter was used to deploy American troops quickly in the Vietnam War. Copyright + 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company All rights reserved

51 American soldiers on a search and destroy mission in 1967. Copyright + 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company All rights reserved

52 American soldiers on patrol in Vietnam. Copyright + 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company All rights reserved

53 Vietnam War Tet Offensive, 1968 –Vietcong attack 100 cities, bases, and embassy –Not Militarily successful, but Psychologically very successful –Why? Walter Cronkites response

54 Vietnam War Antiwar Movement –Who? –Why? The draft Role of the media

55 Anti-war protesters jeering US Army troops outside the Pentagon during the 1967 peace march. Copyright + 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company All rights reserved

56 Military police guard the mall entrance to the Pentagon during the 1967 anti-war protest. Copyright + 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company All rights reserved

57 US Marshalls use nightsticks to keep anti-war protesters away from the Pentagon in 1967. Copyright + 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company All rights reserved

58 Anti-war protester being physically removed from the Pentagon area. Copyright + 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company All rights reserved

59 Vietnam War Hawks vs Doves Public support Johnsons announcement – 3/31/68

60 Vietnam War Election of 1968 –Democratic candidates Eugene McCarthy Robert Kennedy Hubert Humphrey –Democratic Convention in Chicago –Nixons Southern Strategy –George Wallace (American Independent Party)


62 Vietnam War 1968 – the year of shocks –Tet, deaths of MLK, RFK, Democratic Convention violence Nixon and Vietnam –Vietnamization –Appeal to the great silent majority –Negotiations Cambodia (escalation) – Why? –Effects

63 Vietnam War Cambodia More protests – Why? –Kent State, Ohio – 5/3/70 –Jackson State, Miss. – one week later Pentagon Papers, 1971 –Daniel Ellsberg –New York Times v. U.S.

64 Vietnam War Ending the war Peace Accords (1973) –Fall of South Vietnam – 1975 Costs of the war Nixon abolishes the draft – 1973 26 th Amendment – 1971 –Voting age lowered from 21 to 18 – Why?

65 Vietnam Pictures

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