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IN: Describe the mineral on your desk, use adjectives.

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Presentation on theme: "IN: Describe the mineral on your desk, use adjectives."— Presentation transcript:

1 IN: Describe the mineral on your desk, use adjectives.
What is a Mineral? 11/16/14 IN: Describe the mineral on your desk, use adjectives.

2 3-1 What are Minerals?

3 What is a mineral? Solid Inorganic Naturally formed Crystal

4 Mineral Facts There are over 2000 minerals on Earth, but only 100 are commonly found. 30 minerals make up the majority of the rocks on Earth. Nevada is #1 mining state in the Union.

5 Elements What makes up minerals?
Pure substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances.

6 What are elements? All minerals contain one or more of the 92 elements present in the Earth’s crust.

7 Element Facts There are 92 naturally occurring elements on earth but only 8 elements make over 98% of the minerals on the Earth's crust.

8 What are elements made of ?
Atoms The smallest part of an element.

9 Most minerals are made of more than one element.
Compounds A substance made of two or more elements that have been chemically joined.

10 Na + Cl  NaCl Example, Halite – NaCl – table salt
Made from a compound of sodium and chlorine. Sodium-a highly reactive metal Chlorine-a poisonous gas Na + Cl  NaCl

11 What is a crystalline structure?
Crystals Solid, geometric forms of minerals produced by a repeating pattern of atoms that is present through the mineral

12 Types of minerals Two types of minerals Silicate Nonsilicate

13 Silicate minerals Contain a combination of silicon and oxygen.
Make up 90% of the Earth’s crust.

14 Example, Granite A rock composed of feldspar, mica, and quartz.

15 Nonsilicate minerals Do not contain silicon and oxygen.
10% of Earth’s minerals are nonsilicates. There are 6 categories of nonsilicate minerals.

16 Native elements Minerals that are composed of only one element.
Examples, Gold Diamond Copper Silver

17 Minerals of Nevada Mining in Nevada
Mining is the largest industry in rural Nevada and a major contributor to the state's revenue: Nevada production accounts for 87% of the total US gold production and is the third largest producer in the world behind South Africa and Australia. Nevada also leads the nation in barite and gypsum production. Other mineral production includes copper, sand, gravel, limestone, diatomaceous earth and specialty clays. In 2004, Nevada mining directly employed 11,690 people at an average wage of $63,388. An additional 51,000 jobs were made possible by vendors of goods and services to the industry. Nevada mining provides approximately 100 million dollars in state tax revenue every year. Thatʼs enough to buy one new high school ($51M), 300,000 text books ($20M),150 new school buses ($12M)and pay for 400 teachers' annual salaries ($17M).

18 OUT: How do we determine if something is a mineral?

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