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Morals Issues. History of Abortion in U.S. Under Common Law, abortion was legal until “Quickening” (fetal movement, usually (18-24 months) 1821– Connecticut.

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Presentation on theme: "Morals Issues. History of Abortion in U.S. Under Common Law, abortion was legal until “Quickening” (fetal movement, usually (18-24 months) 1821– Connecticut."— Presentation transcript:

1 Morals Issues

2 History of Abortion in U.S. Under Common Law, abortion was legal until “Quickening” (fetal movement, usually (18-24 months) 1821– Connecticut passes 1st abortion law American Medical Association campaigns to get abortion outlawed in every state

3 History of Abortion in U.S. 1959 – American Law Institute Model Penal Code allows abortion w/ physician choice 1962 – Thalidomide found to cause birth defects. Sherri Finkbine goes to Sweden for abortion, 52% of public approves, 32% disapprove. 1965 – Rubella epidemic. Gallup Poll finds 77% approve of abortion for birth defects, only 18% approve for economic reasons

4 History of Abortion in U.S. 1967 – Colorado passes first liberal abortion law, followed by North Carolina and California 1968 – Reform laws passed in Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Kansas, Maryland, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oregon

5 History of Abortion in U.S. 1968 – President Johnson’s Committee on the Status of Women calls for repeal of all abortion laws. 1969 – Sen. Robert Packwood (R-OR) introduces bill to legalize abortion in D.C. 1970 – Hawaii, New York, Washington, Alaska and Florida repeal abortion laws; So. Carolina and Virginia adopt Model Penal Code

6 Pre-Roe Legal Reform/Repeal


8 Frequency of Abortion In 2003, 19.4% of pregnancies ended in abortion (CDC Survey) Approx. 40% of American women will have an abortion at some point in their lives Abortion is less common in U.S. than many developing countries (~50% lower than Mexico, for example)

9 Abortions per 1,000 women aged 15-44, by year

10 Abortion Characteristics, 2008 Women Obtaining abortions All Women Aged 15-44 Married 14.843.6 Not married, cohabiting 29.28.4 Not married, not cohabiting 5647.9

11 Abortion Characteristics, 2008 Women Obtaining abortions All Women Aged 15-44 Below Poverty Level ($11k for 1) 42.4%15.9% >Poverty Level < 200% Poverty 26.5%18.6% > 200% Poverty 31.1%65.4%

12 Women’s Age, Rate (per woman), Ratio (relative to live birth)

13 % of Abortions Before 8 Weeks

14 Abortion Mortality pre & post Roe

15 Same Sex Marriage - Hawaii 1993: Hawaii Supreme Court finds state's refusal to grant same-sex couples marriage licenses discriminatory 1996: Hawaii state district judge finds insufficient justification to deny SSM, but stays enforcement pending appeal 1997: HI creates limited domestic partnerships 1998: Hawaii’s residents ratify constitutional amendment allowing legislature to restrict marriage to opposite-sex couples Feb. 2011: HI enacts same-sex civil unions equivalent to SSM

16 Support for SSM 1994-1996

17 Same Sex Marriage Timeline 1996: Defense of Marriage Act 2000: Vermont recognizes civil unions of gay couples as “entitled to the same benefits, privileges, and responsibilities as spouses.” 2003: Goodridge v. Massachusetts 2004: Voters in 13 states add anti-SSM amendments to state constitutions 2008: CT; 2009: IA, ME (repealed), VT 2010: DC, NH

18 Defense of Marriage Act (1996) First time definition of marriage at federal level: “In determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, or of any ruling, regulation, or interpretation of the various administrative bureaus and agencies of the United States, the word `marriage' means only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife, and the word `spouse' refers only to a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or a wife.”

19 Defense of Marriage Act (1996) Restricts “spread” of state recognition through Full Faith and Credit Clause: "No State, territory, or possession of the United States, or Indian tribe, shall be required to give effect to any public act, record, or judicial proceeding of any other State, territory, possession, or tribe respecting a relationship between persons of the same sex that is treated as a marriage under the laws of such other State, territory, possession, or tribe, or a right or claim arising from such relationship."

20 Support for SSM 2003

21 Same Sex Marriage Bans

22 Perry v. Schwarzenegger (2010) May 15, 2008: California Supreme Court rules in favor of SSM SF, LA, Alameda, and Sonoma County officials issue marriage licenses, 18,000 couples marry before court stops it Nov. 4, 2008: Voters pass Prop 8 52%-48% May 26, 2009: CA Sup Ct upholds Prop 8, but let’s current marriages stand May 27, 2009: Perry et al file in federal court

23 Gill v. Office of Personnel Management (July, 2010) Nixon appointee District Judge Tauro (DC) rules DOMA unconstitutional, finding that “DOMA fails to pass constitutional muster even under the highly deferential rational basis test … this court is convinced that ‘there exists no fairly conceivable set of facts that could ground a rational relationship’ between DOMA and a legitimate government objective.”

24 MA v. U.S. Dep't of Health and Human Services (July, 2010) Judge Tauro (DC) found: “That DOMA plainly intrudes on a core area of state sovereignty—the ability to define the marital status of its citizens—also convinces this court that the statute violates the Tenth Amendment.” Case did not involve question of state recognition of other states’ actions

25 Support for SSM over time – multiple polls


27 Should Homosexual Relations (consenting adults) be Legal, 1978-2011

28 Do You Believe that Homosexual Relations are Morally Acceptable, 1978-2011

29 Changed Support for Same Sex Marriage 20102011Change All47%53%+6 Men4253+11 Women5253+1 White, College Educated5565+10 White, No College4146+5 No religion6881+13 White Catholics5563+8 White Evangelical Protestants2125+4 Democrats6064+4 Republicans2731+4

30 Support for SSM by Age Wash. Post/ABC Poll Age 20112005Change 18-296857+11 30-396542+23 40-495235+17 50-644537+6 65+3318+15

31 Estimated Support for SSM by State

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