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New Orleans November 13-15, 2002 Supporting Families: Improving Health Care Eligibility Processes Minnesota Department of Human Services.

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Presentation on theme: "New Orleans November 13-15, 2002 Supporting Families: Improving Health Care Eligibility Processes Minnesota Department of Human Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Orleans November 13-15, 2002 Supporting Families: Improving Health Care Eligibility Processes Minnesota Department of Human Services

2 11/5/02 2 Collaborative Work Groups Coordination of Medicaid and MinnesotaCare Alternative applications Notices and forms Simplifying requirements Passive review Focus groups

3 11/5/02 3 Cycles tested: #1 Aim: Identify needed improvements in Medicaid closure notice Action: Surveyed workers at two counties Interviewed clients at same two county locations Results: General observations that notice is confusing, contains too much information, is badly laid out. Specific suggestions for improvement. Next Step: Complete development of reworked form and test at two locations.

4 11/5/02 4 Cycles tested: #2 Aim: Increase the number of MinnesotaCare applications while decrease the processing time Action: Piloted phone-in applications Results: 16 of 36 callers completed app over the phone 6 of the 16 apps that were mailed out came back 4 of the 6 were denied, 2 were approved Next Step: Tweak the process to increase the percentage of approved applications by doing more screening while completing the application. Pilot changes.

5 11/5/02 5 Cycles tested: #3 Aim: Further define enrollment barriers. Action:Survey of outreach workers. Results:Top five answers are: - Culture and language issues - Problems with worker - Difficulty providing verifications - Embarrassment - Trouble with forms Next Step:Continue to get information from identified focus groups

6 11/5/02 6 Cycles tested: #4 - In progress Aim: To improve coordination between programs. Action: New Procedures for transferring applications back and forth between MinnesotaCare and Ramsey County Expected Results: Fewer lost applications, shorter processing time, better communication between workers Next Step:To be determined

7 11/5/02 7 Continuing DHS pilot - Credit card payments Aim: To decrease the number of MinnesotaCare enrollees closed for non-payment of premium Action:Begin accepting credit card payments, concentrating on households in danger of being closed. Results:Mixed. Lots of enrollees are using this option, but numbers of closures are going up. Next Step:Analysis of what other things are affecting this number. (Continued on next slide)

8 11/5/02 8 Credit card payments - continued Hypotheses: Enrollees who know that they are over the limit for the asset test implemented 7/1/02 may be disenrolling by not paying the premium Children formerly enrolled in MinnesotaCare may have moved to Medical Assistance because they meet the new income limit of 170% FPG which went into effect 7/1/02 Elimination of grace month in July may still be affecting some households

9 11/5/02 9 MinnesotaCare Closures by Reason Code

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