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Chapter 4 Antibodies Ab’s are Ag-binding proteins secreted by plasma cells; found on surfaces of B cells and free in the blood/IF/lymph Ab’s triggered.

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2 Chapter 4 Antibodies Ab’s are Ag-binding proteins secreted by plasma cells; found on surfaces of B cells and free in the blood/IF/lymph Ab’s triggered by an Ag are heterogeneous - produced for dif’t epitopes on the Ag (polyclonal Ab’s) -from several clones of B cells – each producing monoclonal Ab’s

3 Antibody isolation Centrifuged blood contains: Cells Liquid (plasma) If left to clot – serum Serum is Ab rich Electrophoretic peaks shown by Tiselius and Kabat (1939) Injection of ovalbumin

4 Antibody structure 4 peptide chains: –2 identical Light chains –2 identical Heavy chains Ea. light chain is bound to a heavy chain by di-S bond + noncovalent attractions Similar di-S bonds link 2 H-L chain combo’s (H-L) 2

5 Antibody structure 1 st 110 aa’s @ NH 3 end exhibit variation in both H + L chains - (V)ariable regions w/i V regions are CDR’s – specific binding sites for Ag w/i the same Ab class, there is relatively constant aa seq thru rest of molecule – (C)onstant regions Glycolsylation of Fc fragments – Ab’s are glycoproteins

6 Discovery of aa sequences in H and L chains Each Ag carries multiple epitopes (even haptens!) so that initial efforts hindered Discovery of multiple myeloma (and Bence Jones proteins) allowed isolation of large quant. of homogenous Ab Can stimulate MOPC’s in mice from intra- peritoneal mineral oil injections  stim production of malignant plasma cells

7 Light Chain sequencing: V regions (amino terminal half) vary in aa sequence C regions (carboxyl terminal half) show 2 basic aa sequence patterns –Led to typing of L chains – kappa (κ) and lambda (λ) –minor differences in λ chains results in further sub-typing ( λ1, λ2, and λ3)

8 Heavy Chain sequencing: Like L chains, amino terminal end reveals variation in 1 st 100-110 aa’s Remaining portion revealed 5 seq. patterns corresponding to 5 dif’t C regions: labelled γ, α, μ, δ, and ε Each of these 5 C chains creates an Isotype Heavy chains of Ab’s determine the class of the Ab – IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD, IgE Minor differences in α and γ chains (α1,2 and γ1,2,3,4) called “subisotypes”

9 Critical interactions of Ab domains dictates 4° structure

10 Diversity of Variable Regions is concentrated in CDR’s Max variation is seen in those aa sequences in loops joining β sheets of the proteins of the V L and V H regions  Ag binding sites As Ag-binding occurs between complementary aa’s = “complementarity-determining regions” (CDR’s) there are 3 such loops on both chains Variation in length and sequence of the 6 CDR’s creates wide range of Ab specificities!!

11 Constant region domains They perform a variety of functions: C H and C L domains support and orient (V)ariable regions  contrib to > diversity “Hinge” region between C H 1 and C H 2 rich in proline; di-S bonds between cysteines IgG, D, A have 3 C domains (C H 1-3) IgM, E have 4 C domains (C H 1-4) C H 2’s of G,D,A and C H 3’s of M, E are separated by polysaccharides (solubility) and Complement binding sites CH3’s and CH4’s exhibit carboxyl-terminal ends Secretory Ig has hydrophilic aa’s @ COOH end Membrane Ig contains 3 parts:

12 Roles of Antibody: Both ends of Ab are functional (NH3-end: Fab; COOH-end: membrane + protein binding) Opsonization Complement activation Transcytosis to mucosal surfaces

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