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Welcome to ART Anna Gianakos. NO CELL PHONES EVER!!!! This is your ONE warning, if I see it or hear it…I TAKE it!!! If you have an emergency, talk to.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to ART Anna Gianakos. NO CELL PHONES EVER!!!! This is your ONE warning, if I see it or hear it…I TAKE it!!! If you have an emergency, talk to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to ART Anna Gianakos

2 NO CELL PHONES EVER!!!! This is your ONE warning, if I see it or hear it…I TAKE it!!! If you have an emergency, talk to me and I might allow you to go to the front desk and talk


4 Bathroom Please tell me!!! It is located to the right of the room at the bottom of the steps


6 Daily Participation Points Each day of class is you can earn 5 points Reasons you might lose points: » Missed a day & did NOT make up the time » Did NOT work ALL class period » Cleaned up early » Tardiness » Cell Phone use this includes text messaging » Being off task/ Excessive talking


8 Where do you go to find out information about assignments?


10 Then go to TEACHER PAGES ART Then click on the LEVEL or CLASS that you are in!


12 Digital Portfolio By the end of the semester you will have your own personal BLOG with all your artwork in the site like this one… If you have had me before you will continue to add to your already existing BLOG!



15 MUSIC!! You are allowed to listed to any music that you want in your earphones!! I would love all kinds of music so bring your CD’s and I will play anything without cursing!!!



18 Cursing!! One warning about your language!! The next time I have to say something to you and I will ask you to leave the class and you will NOT receive credit for the day! JUST DON’T DO IT!!!



21 NO NO NO Logos of any kind related to sports, music, etc… Drugs references including mushrooms Alcohol Cigarettes No copying any other artwork of any kind, you can get ideas and alter them only…NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGMENT!! Things you can NEVER do in Art Class

22 What is your favorite type of music?

23 What Projects to Expect: Journals Drawing Portraits Jewelry Design Weaving Batiking Drawing/Cartoons Value Drawings Watercolor painting Nature Printing Painting Sculpture Mixed Media Digital Portfolios

24 What would you like to learn the most this semester? What kinds of ART or mediums do you want to work with?

25 Who are some artists that you admire or influence and inspire you ?

26 What is your favorite type of ART? What do you love to do/make?

27 What are you passionate about?

28 What would motivate or inspire you to come to school everyday?

29 Tell me anything that you want me to know about you that will help me be a better teacher to you!

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