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All concepts, words, photography & graphics (unless otherwise Roy Sharples 2014 Please do not re-use without permission from the author. Leading.

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Presentation on theme: "All concepts, words, photography & graphics (unless otherwise Roy Sharples 2014 Please do not re-use without permission from the author. Leading."— Presentation transcript:

1 All concepts, words, photography & graphics (unless otherwise stated) @ Roy Sharples 2014 Please do not re-use without permission from the author. Leading without Frontiers Roy Sharples 27 th May2014 Art Center College of Design Summit | Pasadena | Los Angeles

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The outsiders & mavericks who make innovation happen The revolutionaries Societal change Economics Technology Creating solutions to complex problems What difference does it take? Action

3 The outsiders and mavericks who make happen INNOVATION

4 The poles of radical incremental INNOVATION v/s

5 T Revolutionaries HE

6 Creating your own TRIBE

7 The serial revolutionist BRAND

8 The that changed the MACHINE WORLD

9 The repeatable hit making MACHINE

10 The of the CULT AMATEUR

11 is the ability to look at exactly the same thing as everyone else but see something different CREATIVITY

12 CHANGE Societal

13 Architecture ArtTechnology books corrupted the young, n' encouraged rebellion, dulled the mind COMIC ROLL T ROCK ELEVISION 1950 S Cinema FashionMusic

14 Cinema Architecture ArtTechnology Bell-bottoms, long hair, love, psychedelia, experimentation, anarchy, and FREE 1960 S REVOLUTI ON MusicFashion

15 Cinema Architecture Music ArtTechnology Rapid of societal change, egalitarian society. diversity, broad- ranging styles and tastes. Fashion PACE CULTURAL 1970 S

16 CinemaArchitecture Music ArtTechnology Self-centered, materialistic, androgyny making, and the rise of consumer goods. Fashion MONEY 1980 S

17 CinemaArchitecture Music Technology Multiculturalism and alternative media., the rave scene and, cable television and the internet. Fashion GRUNGE HIPHOP 1990 S Art

18 Cinema Architecture Music Technology of the internet, excessive access to information, making it possible for people to interact, mass globalization, using goods and services, sell and buy, research and learn. GROWTH ONLINE 2000 S Fashion Art



21 The economics of …it’s not always LIFE RATIONAL






27 THE ?

28 COMPLEX SOLUTIONS Creating To Problems

29 What happens when you ignore PEOPLE? “Streets in the Sky” Park Hill, Sheffield, England

30 What happens when you put people at the CENTER? Fallingwater by Frank Lloyd Wright Pennsylvania, USA




34 DIFFERENCE What does it take?

35 WHAT it takes CORE COMPETENCIES 50% Consulting 25% Business 25% Technology ATTITUDE IMGINATION EXECUTION A

36 at exactly the same thing as everybody else, but see something different. paper, pen & whiteboards. Because a paper, pen and whiteboard is a blank canvas, and that is the most powerful tool. with their own mind, which comes from their heart, and craft with their own hands. Seek not compliance. Strive for to remove, never to complicate. standards, but thrive by breaking the rules to help realize the best solution to the problem. for people not machines. make mistakes, improve, seek excellence not conformity and mediocrity. how technology can enable, but know there are times and places where technology is not the right answer. It is a state of CREATIVE LOOK THINK SIMPLICITY DESIGN KNOW LOVE FREEDOM RESPECT INVENT MIND! LEADERS


38 Connect here Leading without Frontiers Turning Chaos into Cash Delivering Design-led Innovation

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