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All you wanted to know about laboratory tests, but were afraid to ask By Dietmar Stöckl STT Consulting - 10 - The informed patient meeting the laboratory.

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Presentation on theme: "All you wanted to know about laboratory tests, but were afraid to ask By Dietmar Stöckl STT Consulting - 10 - The informed patient meeting the laboratory."— Presentation transcript:

1 All you wanted to know about laboratory tests, but were afraid to ask By Dietmar Stöckl STT Consulting - 10 - The informed patient meeting the laboratory director Assessment of Analytical Performance

2 All you wanted to know about laboratory tests -10- 2 The analytical quality triangle For "valid" measurements… Method evaluation/ comparison Improvement Assurance Control Quality creation Quality specification Planning Quality management Instrument Chemistry State-of-art Expert Biology Clinical … the analytical quality triangle!

3 All you wanted to know about laboratory tests -10- 3 Performance characteristics Precision (-profile) – Random error (RE) –Imprecision Limit of detection (LOD) Working range Trueness/traceability – Systematic error (SE) –Calibration Linearity (also may define Working range) Recovery –Interferences –Specificity –Stability (shift & drift) –Carryover Accuracy/result-traceability – Total error (TE) –Combination of precision and trueness Ruggedness (robustness) Correlation/comparison with other methods

4 All you wanted to know about laboratory tests -10- 4 Assessment of performance Requirements Standards (specifications, claims) for acceptable performance Experimental protocols to estimate performance reliably ("Error assessment") Criteria for comparing estimated performance with performance standards Note: Apply a clinical perspective to the whole task! $Carey RN, Garber CC, Koch DD. Concepts and practices in the evaluation of laboratory methods. Workshop, AACC 48th Annual Meeting, Chicago (IL), July 28, 1996.

5 All you wanted to know about laboratory tests -10- 5 Standards Analytical performance goals The best “state-of-the-art”

6 All you wanted to know about laboratory tests -10- 6 Experimental protocols CLSI protocols, for example –EP 5 Imprecision –EP 6 Linearity –EP 7 Interference –EP 9 Method comparison –EP 10 Preliminary evaluation –EP 12 Qualitative tests –EP 14 Matrix effects –EP 15 User demonstration precison & accuracy –EP 17 Limit of detection –EP 21 Total error

7 All you wanted to know about laboratory tests -10- 7 Selected experiments

8 All you wanted to know about laboratory tests -10- 8 Decision making Modern interpretation of analytical data Confidence intervals/statistical significance testing. Statistical –Statistical tests versus Nul-hypothesis (F-test, t-test, 95% confidence-intervals, …): Bias = 0; Slope = 1; Intercept = 0; etc. Analytical –Statistical tests versus estimates of stable performance (F-test, t-test, 95% confidence-intervals, etc.): Bias  calibration tolerance; etc. Clinical –Statistical tests versus clinical limits (F-test, t-test, 95% confidence-intervals, etc.): REexp  REmax; SEexp  SEmax; TEexp  TEmax In all three situations, we apply the same type of statistical tests: important is the test value

9 All you wanted to know about laboratory tests -10- 9 Decision making – Old vs modern

10 All you wanted to know about laboratory tests -10- 10 Resources Westgard products EP protocols Educational material Laboratory statistics

11 All you wanted to know about laboratory tests -10- 11 I type... Assessment of analytical quality … Do it the modern way.

12 All you wanted to know about laboratory tests -10- 12 Closure of the series Thanks for your patience! You really earned your credits

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