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Presentation to Portfolio Committees on Basic Education and Sport and Recreation on Testing In Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to Portfolio Committees on Basic Education and Sport and Recreation on Testing In Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to Portfolio Committees on Basic Education and Sport and Recreation on Testing In Schools

2 Schools Testing Project Project started with the Schools Testing Protocol in its draft form (drafted by senior counsel in KZN and WC) in 2012 Draft was sent to schools for a ‘commentary period’ 12 schools sent back official comments Comments collated and draft copy was amended then presented at the four (4) regional workshops in: –22 nd Jan – PE, hosted by Grey High School –24 th Jan – Western Cape, hosted by Diocesan (Bishops) –29 th Jan – Gauteng, hosted by St John’s College –12 th Feb – KZN, hosted by Kearsney College At these workshops schools were asked to sign up to the Testing Protocol 65 SAIDS Accredited Schools thus far (all schools have either had or are in the process of having an education workshop on the dangers of doping presented by the SAIDS education team). 18 subsequent schools have sent requests to SAIDS to join the protocol 24th October 2013 - SARU sent out an official release requesting schools to join the protocol.

3 Tests Testing is Authorised in the following way: SAIDS accredited school (those who have signed the protocol) fill out the Authorisation to Test form stating the ‘reasonable suspicion’ for wanting a learner tested. SAIDS notifies a Doping Control Officer (DCO) of the school and learners names. DCO arrives at school and completes the test Sample is analysed at the SA Doping Control Laboratory in Bloemfontein Results returned to SAIDS SAIDS notifies the school of the positive or negative results Schools themselves then take disciplinary action (SAIDS provide recommendations’) in accordance with the Schools Act. First test took place at Kusweg School on the 26/08/13 There have been 4 schools who have requested testing thus far 14 tests have been completed

4 Education Workshops in Schools At the conclusion of the session, participants should: Understand the schools testing protocol How the schools disciplinary code applies to them should they test positive Understand the context within which SAIDS works; Understand the testing process; Know what is banned and permitted substances in sport; Understand the campaign: “I PLAY FAIR. SAY NO TO DOPING ”

5 Education Sessions at Schools Statistics: To date we have presented a total of 27 workshops in schools over the period 1 April 2013 to 30 October 2013; The number of participants ranged from 50 to 500 per school; The provinces reached are: W Cape, E Cape, Kwa-Zulu Natal, Gauteng, Northern Cape, Free State, Limpopo Way Forward: To train and appoint education officers in provinces that do not have any; To establish relationships with the provinces where we currently do not have a strong enough presence or no presence at all; To start a research project in 2014 in schools that will give us clearer statistics regarding the status quo of performance enhancers in schools; To develop a new, innovative methodology using role models for schools

6 South African Schools Act 84 of 1996 Act focuses on recreational drugs at schools Act Does not provide SAIDS with jurisdiction to test all pupils at school for steroids, diuretics and hormone modulators SAIDS Act does not provide SAIDS jurisdiction to test outside sport related activities Schools Act puts headmaster in invidious position i.t.o. identifying test subject via reasonable suspicion, especially with regards to the substances that we interested in i.e. diuretics and steroids

7 Way Forward Consent forms to be signed by parents at schools that have signed up Consent forms will allow random testing at school and at sport events of pupils Tribunals to consist of a SAIDS legal rep as chair plus two people from governing body The disciplinary authority resides with the governing body as per the Schools Act Testing to remain at identified substances, but this can be amended from time to time (amongst other things on what trends are revealed via laboratory tests)

8 Education Budget · YearNumber of Schools Cost Per SessionTotal Costs 2013-201450 R1 000,00R50 000,00 2014-2015100 R1 100,00R110 000,00 2015-2016500 R1 210,00R605 000,00 2016-20171000 R1 331,00R1 331 000,00 2017-20183000 R1 464,00R4 392 000,00 2018-20198000 R1 610,00R12 880 000,00

9 Testing Budget · YearNumber of Schools Number of Tests Cost Per Test Total Costs 2013-20145010 R2 048,00R1 024 000,00 2014-201510010 R2 253,00R2 253 000,00 2015-201650010 R2 478,00R12 390 000,00 2016-2017100010 R2 726,00R27 260 000,00 2017-2018300010 R2 999,00R89 970 000,00 2018-2019800010 R3 399,00R271 920 000,00

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