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WP 240 - TOURISM Dimitri Ioannides and Bosse Boden.

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Presentation on theme: "WP 240 - TOURISM Dimitri Ioannides and Bosse Boden."— Presentation transcript:

1 WP 240 - TOURISM Dimitri Ioannides and Bosse Boden

2 Overarching Objective How will tourism in the Arctic Region evolve according to various climate change scenarios? Research Questions: Will warmer weather conditions in the Arctic lead to the enhancement of tourism activities in the region? How can we ensure that future development of tourism in the Arctic follows the tenets of sustainable development? How is demand for tourism affected by global events? (changing consumer tastes, new regulatory regimes, environmental policies, etc.) 9/21/2015Bergen Presentation

3 Tourism system and climate change Tourism as a holistic system: –What is happening at the origins because of growing awareness of climate change? –Balance between adaptation and mitigation: –(refers to destinations but also major stakeholders who act as gatekeepers of tourist flows) Do you adapt to climate change? Do you try to mitigate climate change? Do you try to do both? 9/21/2015Bergen Presentation

4 Adaptation and/of Mitigation Past experience suggests in the majority of cases destinations and businesses seek to adapt to changing circumstances; Rarer to find instances where these players seek to mitigate the effects of emerging circumstances; In order to adopt a path towards sustainable development it is imperative to adopt mitigation and adaptation strategies. 9/21/2015Bergen Presentation

5 Tourism System and Climate Change M MA A

6 Work Plan State of the Art – Tourism and Climate Change (ETOUR); Status of tourism in the Arctic – Historical trends and current conditions (ETOUR and GEUS – work allocation to be determined); Inventory of existing and potential Arctic Tourist destinations (ETOUR and GEUS - TBD) 9/21/2015Bergen Presentation

7 Work Plan (continued) Develop indicators relating to economic, social, and envionmental conditions; Develop a typology of Arctic Destinations (Typology based on level of maturity of destination and degree of vulnerability); Case studies based on typology (for example): –Early Destinations; –Well-established destinations; –Destinations that have not yet emerged. Interview exogenous players influencing Arctic tourism: e.g., Cruise companies, tour operators. * Exact allocation of tasks not yet determined. 9/21/2015Bergen Presentation

8 Work Plan (continued) Identification of Best Practice; Strategic Management Plan for Sustainable Tourism in the Arctic; Implementation tools/Monitoring instrument * Exact allocation of tasks not yet determined. 9/21/2015Bergen Presentation

9 9/21/2015Bergen Presentation No.DeliverableResponsible (TBD)MilestoneDelivery Form 1 (a)State of the art of tourism and climate change (background literature review); (b)Status of tourism in the Arctic: Historical trends and current conditions; (c)Inventory of existing and potential Arctic tourist destinations. ETOUR ETOUR & GEUS All partners M. 6(a) Report (in paper format and on ETOUR dedicated CLIMARES Web Portal. (b) Report and maps. (c) GIS maps. 2 (a)Compendium of economic, social, and environmental indicators; (b)Typology of existing and potential Arctic destinations. ETOUR M. 12(a) Report. (b) Report and maps. 3 Compilation of findings from Case studiesAll partnersM. 18Report. 4 Development of Policy GuidelinesETOUR/M. 24Interim Report 5 (a)Development of Policy Guidelines/ Strategic Management Plan for Sustainable Tourism in the Arctic; (b)Implementation tools/Monitoring instrument. ETOUR M. 30(a) Final Report. (b) Report 6 Final Document – ‘The Future of Tourism in the Arctic’ All partnersM. 36Report (in paper format and on ETOUR portal)

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