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QoD – Notes Allowed In your science notebook: 1) Freshwater coming in from rivers and precipitation causes slightly ________ salinity in seawater (choose.

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Presentation on theme: "QoD – Notes Allowed In your science notebook: 1) Freshwater coming in from rivers and precipitation causes slightly ________ salinity in seawater (choose."— Presentation transcript:

1 QoD – Notes Allowed In your science notebook: 1) Freshwater coming in from rivers and precipitation causes slightly ________ salinity in seawater (choose “higher” or “lower”) 2) In the open ocean, _______ is more important in determining density—Near shore the _______is a more important factor in density determination 3) What is a thermocline?

2 Finishing “Comparing Salinity Lab” Turn to the page in your notebook from the “Comparing Salinity Lab” (May 2, 2011) Make sure you have written the “Purpose” of the lab: ‘What is the salinity of Puget Sound at two locations?’ Make sure you have written a hypothesis: “I think that the salinity will be higher in Sample ______ (A or B)” See Google Earth and consider what factors can affect salinity

3 Finishing “Comparing Salinity Lab” Measure the mass of your salts and calculate salinity Write a several sentence conclusion: Re-state the purpose of the lab Re-state your hypothesis Summarize the method you used to calculate salinity Say whether or not your hypothesis was correct Say why you think your hypothesis was correct or not

4 Draw salt crystals at 4x, 10x, and 40x using the light microscopes Finishing “Comparing Salinity Lab”

5 Cleanup: Please help me clean up after the lab: Completely rinse your Petri dishes and lay them upside-down to dry near the “Estuaries” poster sink Wipe down countertops etc. Carefully put away microscopes (two hands!) Finishing “Comparing Salinity Lab”


7 Layers of the Ocean III. Three Major Zones: Shallow Mixed (Surface), Transition Zone, Deep Zone

8 A. Shallow Mixed: Surface H2O has a uniform temp and usually extends to 300m. B. Transition Zone: Temperature falls abruptly creating a thermocline, accounts for 18% of all the sea C. Deep Zone: Temperature is a few degrees above freezing and initiates deep ocean currents.

9 Marine Organisms--15.2 IV. Types of Organisms: A. Plankton: These organisms are drifters* and include phytoplankton and zooplankton. 1. Phytoplankton: Consist mostly of unicellular algae that are photosynthetic. a. But also includes Diatoms (main primary producers) and Dinoflagellates (can cause red tide) *Some are capable of independent movement but not very much!

10 Diatoms

11 Marine Organisms--15.2 2. Zooplankton: Consist of herbivores grazing on phytoplankton or carnivores eating other zooplankton (e.g. krill, copepods and jellyfish)

12 B. Nekton: Includes all animals that are capable of moving against the current. 1. Includes all fish, marine mammals & reptiles, squid and shrimp are only invertebrate nekton. C. Benthos: Organisms that inhabit the bottom of the ocean. 1. Includes all organisms that live on the bottom both in shallow and deep water.

13 Life Zone Areas V. Three Factors that Affect Distribution of Life: Light Penetration, Distance from Shore and Depth A. Light Penetration: Photic Zone - is affected by sediment (turbidity), plankton, and decaying organic particles. 1. Euphotic: Where photosynthesis occurs up to a max depth of 300ft 2. Aphotic: There is not enough light for photosynthesis, but marine animals use this area to avoid predators.

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